(re)using java-applets within Moodle

(re)using java-applets within Moodle

per PeterJaap de Bruin -
Nombre de respostes: 2

Using the default possibilities of Moodle 1.2 last year gave us great results.
To enhance the possibilities of this Moodle-learning environment, we would like to incorporate (existing) java-applets.
Like the excellent educational work of Walter Fendt in Berlin (many translations available).

A number of students would just open a new browserscreen and navigate between the two, but not in this situation. We need to keep things SIMPLE, structured and surveyable.
So HOW to run existing applets within a Moodle (activity) screen ?

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En resposta a PeterJaap de Bruin

Re: (re)using java-applets within Moodle

per Marcus Green -
Imatge Core developers Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Plugin developers Imatge Testers
I have created an html file that points to my applet and uploaded to moodle. I then uploaded the .class file. The relevent HTML looks something like

<applet CODE=" FlowAp.class"
WIDTH  =" 400" HEIGHT =" 200"> </applet>

En resposta a Marcus Green

Re: (re)using java-applets within Moodle

per W Page -
Hi Marcus,

I do not know if this is relevant or not to your posts.  On one of the themes on a v1.3.x test  site,  I have a JAVA applet at the bottom of the page.  I have changed the site theme to the theme I am referring to to demonstrate what I mean.  I will leave it like that for a while so you have time to see it.  It is a JAVA applet about  "Missing Children".  So, a JAVA applet can run in Moodle.  This one is actually romotely run.  From my limited JAVA knowledge, you appear to be  running yours on a local machine.  Is that correct?

The link to the site is,