moodle 1.9+ wiki bugs?

moodle 1.9+ wiki bugs?

от Ken Russell -
Количество ответов: 0

Several of my students are having trouble creating wiki pages. For example, they create a new page and enter the info. When they test the link from the index page to the page they created, no content shows. However, in edit mode they can see the content. Sometimes the link on the index page does not turn blue, even though a new page has been created.

The thing these pages seem to have in common is an ampersand in the title. I searched for info on this and found a bug report...

It says the bug was fixed in version 1.8, but I am using 1.9+ and still seem to be having trouble related to this. (If indeed that is the source of the problem, and it does seem to be the common factor with the pages we are having problems with).

Do I need to apply that 1.8 bug fix to my 1.9+ install? If so, how? I have manged to install moodle on our server, but my skills beyond that are sketchy.

Any help or direction would be appreciated. My students are very frustrated by the fact that their pages are not working. Is there any way to fix this?

Thanks for your help!

Ken Russell
Bellingham Schools