Courses in categories (the other way round)

Courses in categories (the other way round)

ved Thomas Dlouhy -
Antal besvarelser: 1


There was already a discussion that courses are displayed in categories and the different admins didn't want that. So, I would need it the other way round, I would always like to display the categories on the first page (not the assigned courses). Is there a similar solution like the config.php: $CFG->block_course_list_adminview = 'own'; ?

Thx for help

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I svar til Thomas Dlouhy

Re: Courses in categories (the other way round)

ved Thomas Dlouhy -

my, let's call it, 'cruel solution' ... but it works as I wanted it to

set whole block starting with if (isset($USER->id) and !(isadmin() and $adminseesall)) {    // Just print My Courses"
in /*   */