Cannot add resource to a course or hide a particular week

Cannot add resource to a course or hide a particular week

par Sasikala P A,
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I am a beginner in moodle and have only less than 3 months experience. Till now we were using the topic format for the course and everything is going fine.

Last month we decided to use the Weekly format for the course and I can't add any resource to the coming week(starting November 30). I was able to add/edit the summary to the week. But I can't add any resource or forum to this week. In addition I can't hide the week from the students using the *eye* icon on the course page.

The forums and resources which I create are listed if I click on the*Forums* link on the left hand side. However , they are greyed out and it's not enabled even if I add some discussion topic to it.

Have anyone faced such an issue? if so how did you resolved it? It's a very annoying problem for our course.

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