Exiting a SCORM lesson with a one step process

Exiting a SCORM lesson with a one step process

Bradley Bailey-mit -
Antal besvarelser: 1

I currently open my SCORM lessons in a new window and I skip the content structure page. When a student wants to exit the lesson they must close the browser window (Step 1). They then see the content structure page and must click on "exit activity" (Step 2). Therefore, opening the lesson is a one step process and closing the lesson is a two step process. This is OK but is not intuitive for the student.

The easiest solution would be to figure out how I can have the SCORM load without the browser ever opening the content structure page. When the student closes the SCORM window, they would see the course without having to click on "exit activity". Is the content structure page essential to making a SCORM work?

Another solution would be to figure out how I can create a file or link in my lesson that performs the two step process as one step. For example, have a link in my lesson that will close the browser window and return them to the course page.  But, this gets complicated because the SCORM lesson and Course are in two seperate browser windows.

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Re: Exiting a SCORM lesson with a one step process

Dan Marsden-mit -
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Hi Brad,

I like the concept - having the extra screen that doesn't appear to do anything should be improved..

personally I'd like to see some configuration options that allow the normal Scorm player to appear the same as the new window option.

Then if a teacher asks to open it in a new window - it loads using the exact same process, but using target="_blank" to open it in a new window..

feel free to create a new tracker item for it!