New Wiki Pages don't add Referring Links or allow editing

New Wiki Pages don't add Referring Links or allow editing

Carl Abramson -
Erantzun kopurua: 0

I'm very new to Moodle, using Moodle 1.9.1+ (Build: 20080528) via IE7.

I'm trying to add new pages to a Wiki by enclosing the new page name in brackets [new page], then using the ? to navigate to the new page, then adding content and saving.

The content is saved.  But, when I go to the new page from the wiki start page, I can view it; but, when I try to edit it, it starts with a blank page. 

Also, instead of seeing the message indicating the referring links back to the main page, I see nothing.

Are the Referring Links supposed to be added during the Save operation; or, is there some other action I need to take to create it?

It appears to be a problem does not occur consistently.  In continuing to work with it, I was able to create another new page, copy the content from the old page, then resave it and get the proper Referring Link added.

Still any advice would be welcome. 



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