Moodle 2.0 First Look

by Mary Cooch

Release date: 24 September 2010
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Added to this database by Helen Foster - 11 May 2010
Last updated - 26 Nov 2013

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  • Get an insight into the new features of Moodle 2.0
  • Discover the benefits of brand new additions such as Comments and Conditional Activities
  • Master the changes in administration with Moodle 2.0
  • The first and only book that covers all of the fantastic new features of Moodle 2.0


  • Marc GroberMarc Grober - Wed, 29 Sept 2010, 1:48 AM
    A review of this book can be found here:
    Bottom line -> Buy this book
  • Pieter van der HijdenPieter van der Hijden - Thu, 28 Oct 2010, 11:42 PM
    This is the right book for the right people at the right time. It describes for Moodle course developers, teachers and administrators, the main differences between the current Moodle 1.9 version and the heavily changed upcoming Moodle 2.0 version. At the same day, Moodle published its release candidate no. 1, Packt Publishing released the book (based on preview mode - beta). Of course, you can download this free and open source "course management system" yourself, convert your laptop into a server and find it all out yourself. However, if trial-and-error is not your preferent learning style, this book is a big time saver. At the same time it is of limited value. As soon as the production version of Moodle 2.0 has been released, a stream of user experiences will fill the forums on, newer and more focussed books will be published and as new teachers enter the Moodle scene every day, they start with Moodle 2.0 and are no longer interested in what was before.

    The book has its rough parts. Some chapters seem to have been written in a hurry. The treatment of the great variety of topics is not always balanced. Forgivable. Better to have it today "as is" than a polished version tomorrow, which simply is too late.

    Most valuable for me were the texts on the new interface, the new way of managing learning resources and as absolute top the extended explanation of "managing the learning path". Clear and convincing explanation, even while the author is questioning whether this is the way to go. I think she is right if she envisages a machine driven learning experience like the old branched stories. IMHO, however, the managed learning path paves the way to implement more complex forms of collaborative work, group exercises and gaming. Although, I still have some wishes... You may consider it as the first bottom-up steps of what IMS LD tried to achieve in a top-down way.

    Enough for a comment, enjoy the book!