Moodle 4 Security: Enhance security, regulation, and compliance within your Moodle infrastructure

by Ian Wild

Release date: 8 Mashi 2024
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Added to this database by Ian Wild - 19 Mas 2024
Last updated - 19 Mas 2024

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Online learning platforms have revolutionized the teaching landscape, but with this comes the imperative of securing your students' private data in the digital realm. Have you taken every measure to ensure their data's security? Are you aligned with your organization’s cybersecurity standards? What about your insurer and your country’s data protection regulations? This book offers practical insights through real-world examples to ensure compliance. Equipping you with tools, techniques, and approaches, Moodle 4 Security continues where the Moodle documentation leaves off, guiding you in mitigating potential threats to your Moodle platform. Dedicated chapters on understanding vulnerabilities familiarize you with the threat landscape so that you can manage your server effectively, keeping bad actors at bay and configuring Moodle for optimal user and data protection. By the end of the book, you’ll have gained a comprehensive understanding of Moodle’s security issues and how to address them. You’ll also be able to demonstrate the safety of your Moodle platform, assuring stakeholders that their data is measurably safer.