Moodle as a Curriculum and Information Management System

Moodle as a Curriculum and Information Management System

by Jason Hollowell

Release date: 6 Январ 2011
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Added to this database by Helen Foster - 8 Янв 2011
Last updated - 26 Ноя 2013

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  • Transform your Moodle site into a system that will allow you to manage information such as monitoring attendance records, managing the number of students enrolled for a particular course, and inter-department communication
  • Create courses for all subjects in no time with the Bulk Course Creation tool
  • Create accounts for hundreds of users swiftly and enroll them in courses at the same time using a CSV file.
  • Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series: Readers are walked through each task as they read through the book with the end result being a sample CIMS Moodle site