Moodle 3 for Managers, Authors and Teachers

by Robson Santos da Silva

Release date: 2017. gada 20. jūnijs
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Added to this database by Helen Foster - 21 jūn. 2017
Last updated - 21 jūn. 2017

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This book aims at enhancing technical and pedagogical knowledge of professionals who use Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), as the virtual leaning environment, either in face-to-face or distance courses. The purpose is getting readers to know the ways it can be used and the pedagogical potentialities of its main resources, activities, and blocks, by means of possibilities provided by web 2.0.

The book is based on practices and experiences in varied teaching environments that, effectively, make use of digital information and communication technologies, for creating, managing, and tutoring courses. In such context, the intention is to go beyond the concept of a manual, by enabling the reader to know interesting and creative ways of producing virtual classrooms and environments, in the light of interactive web.

To meet its objectives, the book is divided into chapters, which blend theory and practice. Thus, some main concepts concerning the use of digital technology in education are presented in the introduction. Chapter 1 talks about fundamental aspects in Moodle pedagogical and technological management. Chapter 2 identifies the main innovations in the software latest version and the importance of such innovations for the teaching-learning process. Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 provide the reader with suggestions for the configuration of courses and use of the software main blocks, resources, and activities. In chapter 7, the purpose is sharing interesting information about external tools that, added to Moodle, enable effective experiences for increasing learning.