Moodle 1.9 for Design and Technology

Moodle 1.9 for Design and Technology

by Paul Taylor

Release date: 1 հունիսի 2010
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Added to this database by Helen Foster - 1 հնս 2010
Last updated - 26 նոյ 2013

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Support and Enhance Food Technology, Product Design, Resistant Materials, Construction, and the Built Environment using Moodle.

  • Customize your courses
  • Create a course for each of the key areas of Design and Technology and add material to them
  • Support and assess the progress of the students who are enrolled in the course
  • Use Moodle's detailed and sophisticated gradebook to assess your students' learning progress in activities from assignments to offline activities
  • Create Moodle resources for kinesthetic learners by using media-rich content such as videos and audio sequences