Moodle 1.9 Extension Development

Book cover

by Jonathan Moore and Mike Churchward

Release date: 29 अप्रैल 2010
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Added to this database by Jonathan Moore - 5 मई 2010
Last updated - 26 नव॰ 2013

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Overview of Moodle 1.9 Extension Development

  • Develop your own blocks, activities, filters, and organize your content with secure code
  • Thoroughly covers key libraries of Moodle and best practices to use them
  • Explore the Moodle architectural concepts, how it is structured, and how it works
  • Detailed examples and screenshots for easy learning

Moodle gives you the power to create and customize feature-rich plug-ins. If you can write Moodle plug-ins, you can make it do just about anything. From making the site easier to administer, to new features, to completely changing the way it looks; plug-ins are the method Moodle offers to customize and extend its functionality.

This book will show you how to build all sorts of Moodle plug-ins: admin plug-ins, Blocks, Activities, Grading components, Reports, Fliters that change the way your site works and looks. You will develop standard Moodle plug-ins such as Activities, Filters, and Blocks by creating functioning code that you can execute in your own Moodle installation. Writing modular plug-ins for Moodle will be a large focus of this book.