Job offered: Trainer and/or consultant

Type: Part-time
Location: Central Valley California

Looking to find a part-time or consulting job with Moodle in the Central Valley of California. Am now retired and have lots of time available for the work. I have 6 years of experience in working with Moodle in a middle school environment. Educational environment is my strength.  After having our techs install Moodle is when I take  over to build all the school sites, teacher courses, upload users, build lessons, tests, links, forums and election sites.  It lots of fun and if I work with someone on your staff, they will be able to take  over very shortly.  Moodle is easily learned and maintained.

Make certain to have Moodle in the subject line of your email to not get deleted as spam.

bill click

Entry added by Bill Click - 19 Nov 2009
Last updated - 13 Apr 2010