Job offered: Moodle 2.x Development RFP

Type: Contract
Location: N/A


Online Learning Site – Moodle 2.x Development

Request for Proposals

Statement of Purpose

To design a Moodle 2.x theme that will mirror the branding and design elements of an existing website:

To structure the user interface and course layout of a Moodle installation,, the purpose of which is to inform educators about core topics related to the prevention of sexual and domestic violence.

Background of Organization

The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) is the statewide coalition of rape crisis centers and rape prevention education programs in California. The work described in this proposal relates to PreventConnect (, a national project of CALCASA funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention.  The goal of PreventConnect is to develop an online community of practice among people engaged in efforts to prevent sexual and domestic violence throughout the United States.

Objectives of Work

The PreventConnect program of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault seeks an eLearning consultant/developer to add a branded design element to its Moodle 2.x site and courses:  This includes incorporating a downloadable certificate of completion option for each course.


The proposed budget is negotiable per the outlined work below.  Bidders will provide a detailed budget for the costs of bid.  The bid should be all inclusive of costs, including taxes, labor, and materials.  

Terms and Conditions

All work done for CALCASA on the project will be considered “work for hire” – CALCASA will retain full copyright and control over all products and derivatives.  

Scope of Work

Initial consulting 

  • Assess project objectives and develop recommendation for the best way to achieve the project objectives. 

Design work

  • Incorporate a branded design element into the site and courses.  This will include a downloadable certificate of completion option for each course. CALCASA staff will provide all core information related to and will be responsible for developing any additional content at the recommendation of the consultant. 

 Bid Instructions 

  • RFP release date: August 8, 2012
  • Proposals due: Wednesday, August 22, 2012
  • Finalist follow-up interviews (via phone/web conference): August 24-28, 2012
  • Proposal award date: Friday, August 29, 2012
    • CALCASA will propose a contract for services on this date.
  • Initial meetings (via phone/web conference): Week of September 2, 2012
  • Design drafts: September 19, 2012
  • Proposed design launch: September 18, 2012

Submission instructions

Proposals should be delivered by email to:

Ashley Maier

Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator

California Coalition Against Sexual Assault


Proposals must include a statement of authorization to bid signed by a principle of the responding company. Bidder must disclose any relevant conflicts of interest and/or pending lawsuits. Proposals must include examples of previous work, along with references, that the bidder has developed in the past. 


Contact Ashley Maier using the information above. Prospective bidders may not contact CALCASA regarding pricing or budget issues during the bid process. Prospective bidders may contact CALCASA regarding project objectives, technical specifications, or other issues not related to pricing or budget. 

Entry added by Ashley Maier - 18 8月 2012
Last updated - 18 8月 2012