Job offered: Moodle/Mahara Developers

Type: Full-time
Location: Lancaster, UK

LUNS Ltd host and provide technical support and development of Moodle for schools in the regions of Cumbria and Lancashire in the UK as part of our work with Cumbria and Lancashire Education Online (CLEO), providing Moodle for free to all schools in the region. We currently support over 200,000 Moodle users in some 800+ installations of Moodle and are looking for talented developers to join us in helping develop Moodle and future Mahara services to support the needs of schools.

LUNS support, encourage and take pride in working closely with the Moodle and Mahara Development communities wherever possible and hope to find canidates equally enthused by working with these communities.

For further details, please see our advert:, or contact me informally on jabber at

Entry added by Dan Poltawski - 28 Sul 2009
Last updated - 28 Sul 2009