Job offered: Custom Reports Module

Type: Contract
Location: Anywhere

Good Afternoon 

I am looking for someone to undertake some work for us, to write some custom reports to tie into a staff development moodle site we have up and running. is a moodle 2.9 install which will be used for Staff Development courses and for booking face to face sessions. We need to have some reporting functionality in the site which enables the Learning and Development staff report on the CPD of our staff, in line with set criteria.

Click here for a more detailed specification

Our deadline for this work is the 31st July 2015 but ideally would like a working framework by the end of May 2015 to show progress. With regular updates on progress for us to feedback.

If you are willing to take on the project, please contact me by email

Many Thanks

John Rickard

Entry added by John Rickard - 24 ئاپرېل 2015
Last updated - 24 ئاپرېل 2015