Job offered: National film & TV UK/US non-profit seeks creative coder and Moodle-mad education developer.

Type: Full-time
Location: UK / US /Tele

We are a project that believes, thinks and imagines a little differently from the rest of the learning crowd. 

We are about to experience significant growth in our reach and audience and we're looking for a Moodle developer with a genuine passion for education (more than even Moodle) that is happy, yet self-organised in splashing around in PHP, Javascript, Jquery, CSS, MySQL and (ideally Drupal too) in a very organised, structured and we;; documentation way.

If you're strictly a paid-by-the-hour developer, then this is not the project for you. We're looking for a long term partner that may well wish to come on board, to become part of a small technical team with huge input on where we go next-  and help us completely reinvent what learning online feels and looks like to young people.

This is what we do.

And this is who we're looking for to help do it.

If you'd like a change to something incredibly creative, deeply impactful on 259,000 young peoples lives and want to have a big say in how a project can best serve its learners, and show other projects 'how it should be done'  then get in touch - we'd love to talk.

Entry added by Dom London - 5 సెప్టెం 2014
Last updated - 5 సెప్టెం 2014