Job offered: freelance Moodle designer

Type: Contract
Location: Burnley, UK

I would like some help on a specific moodle project, my skills are lacking in this area but I would like to learn (My background is more subject matter expert). My thought is I would like to hire a freelance Moodle designer for a couple of days who is fairly local to me (Burnley, LNCS.UK) to carry out the work and also to explain as they go.

Not looking for a web guy but more someone who knows the workings of moodle and I may have some SCORM related projects coming up in the future which I need to discuss.

Also knows integration of Joomal and Moodle.



Entry added by shahzad khan - 14 फेब्रु 2013
Last updated - 14 फेब्रु 2013