Job offered: Moodle developer needed

Type: Contract
Location: Offsite

When someone signs up in Infusionsoft and creates an account in Infusionsoft the info should pass thru automatically to create an account in Moodle and have Infusionsoft manage the access rights to specific classes. The user will create a username and password in infusionsoft and will be be identified with access rights/levels through TAG id numbers. Basically identical to a membership site process.

Infusionsoft will pass the user data to Moodle through an HTTP post. You will need to have Moodle accept this info to create the users account. Each time the user logs back in through Moodle, Moodle needs to do a call to Infusionsoft through the API to validate username, password, and TAG ID's for access level rights.

You should also understand how to use WEBEX API or be able to learn how to setup sessions inside WEBEX and insert those sessions into Moodle classes automatically.

Entry added by steven diebold - 25 ഏപ്രി 2012
Last updated - 25 ഏപ്രി 2012