Job offered: Moodle e-learning expert

Type: Contract
Location: remote/Italy

We are looking for a Moodle Expert that could set up all the necessary features and settings of our own Moodle e-learning platform where another EdTech tool has been integrated using LTI.

We will run e-learning courses beginning of 2019 and would like someone who can support us in case that technical problems may arise with Moodle use and for all duties concerned the tech part of Moodle such as for example the registration of users/learners into the system and in class.

In general we need someone able to manage the platform, solve some tech issues that may arise, set the environment according with our need and monitor the delivery of the online course under a technological perspective. The duration of the contract might be between 1 and 3 months but there might be the need to have a longer term contract if the replication of the course will take place. 

We are based in the North of Italy near Varese and will be accepting people based nearby or also working from remote location.

We are an Edtech startup company with plans for growing and expanding not only nationally but also internationally.

Please get in touch and send out your CV so that we can discuss about payment and timeline.



Entry added by Lucilla Crosta - 9 Rangi 2018
Last updated - 9 Rangi 2018