Job offered: Moodle developer/ architect/ lead/ facilitator/ teacher

Type: Full-time
Location: UK

Presently I am an IT consultant providing solutions to related firms. As a tech evangelist am passionate about using technology to revolutionize learning experience for both students and teachers by mashing up latest technologies with learning objectives to bring in a new methodology which provides a healthy environment for continuous learning, on pursuing my goal became closely related with moodle, have contributed to the moodle community by means of architecture, source code, new feature requests, testing(black box as well as white box), translation, documentation content, and of course helping out folks online as well as offline with their challenges.

To give you an insight on some of my accomplishments,

1. “Curriculum module” which was designed for moodle versions 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 1.9.5 and currently in use by a global client with a volume of 3000 concurrent users and to perform under a stress of 20,000 users overall along with server constraints( This module has made its way into the contrib section of moodle).

2. Was invited to speak in the “9th International Tamil Internet Conference” which was held on June 23rd to June 27th, regarding a dissertation on “Moodle: For Enhanced Learning”

3. Created, Contributed and presently maintaining a complete demo course illustrating features of moodle in “Tamil” language which can be found in under Tamil language section

Apart from moodle

4. Mastermind behind a "Central Government of INDIA" funded project which mainly focuses on "Eliminating language barrier for rural people to enter IT field" during my college days.

In my recent past was working as a "Product Engineer" in a e-learning firm managing a team as a process owner for a global level project, I’ve been with this concern for past 1 year, During this investment of time one quality I developed more strongly and which many consider the foremost for any position which i may apply, is the ability to rise and meet situations and stage process in place not only as a stop cab measure but in parallel finding and fixing the source both technical and non technical irrespective of domains, platforms and departments for regular functioning, and since I have showcased this in many situations people consider me as

• Very quick learner from challenges
• Technically highly adaptable
• Capable of organizing self and Team (Human resource) together.
• Not only hard but a smart worker to get things done in given time frame
• Person with daringness to experiment creative, robust ways to solve a problem and bring learning out of it for betterment of company, team members and self.

And casually but constantly use to measure, monitor processes and innovate methods to ease the work, reduce turnaround time and bring in an accelerated learning to self and colleagues.

Though am enjoying my present job of developing applications, delivering technical and business solutions to firms full time and work towards my goal now and then, I would rejoice coordinating with a dedicated team which is working towards deriving solutions for varying learning objectives focusing students and teachers all the time.

And for a fact i know that, putting the knowledge and qualities I have developed over time would surely be a value add for the team.

People/ Firms from UK who want their current MOODLE team, product or learning portal to step into a new level in a way which helps users attain their goal more effectively and efficiently can contact me.

Entry added by Ravishankar Somasundaram - 21 ກ.ລ. 2010
Last updated - 21 ກ.ລ. 2010