Job offered: Occasional Moodle Work and Server Maintenance

Type: Contract
Location: Anywhere

I am looking for a single Moodle developer that can provide occasional ongoing assistance with developing themes, SSO solutions, third party integrations, plugins, and blocks. They should also be familiar with Ubuntu server maintenance including scripting automated backups /various other processes and system updates.

The ideal candidate should have experience with the following technologies:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Git
  • MySQL 5.7
  • PHP 7
  • Bootstrap 4 / jQuery 2/3
  • Moodle 3.2 & 3.3
  • PSD to HTML to Moodle Themes
  • Slack

The developer should also be familiar with standard Moodle API's, use custom renderers, mustache templates, and develop AMD JS modules. Experience with Big Blue Button is a plus.

Must be fluent in English.

Please provide links to previous work.


Entry added by Scott Metcalf - 19 gel 2017
Last updated - 19 gel 2017