Job offered: Looking for trainers in Moodle, Zimbra and Plone

Type: Contract
Location: traveling in Latin America (possibly based in Virginia)

Hi, I’m looking for moodle, plone and zimbra trainers as I need to train a group on these subjects. The person has be fluent in Spanish and be willing to travel to Latin America.  The training will be done completely in Spanish. Can anyone help me?

Hola, estoy buscando formadores muy brillante en Moodle, Plone y Zimbra. Necesito de capacitar a un grupo sobre estos temas. La persona(s) tiene hablar español y estar dispuestos a viajar a Latina América. La formación se hará en español. ¿Puede alguien ayudarme?

Entry added by Marylin Coicou - 12 მაი 2009
Last updated - 12 მაი 2009