Job offered: Moodle Competency Based Education Integration specialist

Type: Contract
Location: anywhere

We are a well known elearning company based in Australia, actively servicing multiple clients for their elearning needs. 

At the moment we need someone to upgrade our existing middleware for moodle integration purposes.

Currently we have a middleware:
- php based
- talks to moodle 2.9 API and student management system
- back end: mysql
- features (one way integration to create data in moodle): users, courses, course enrolments

work required:
- add competency based features in the existing middleware
- i.e: learning plan, competency
- talks to moodle 3.1+ native API
- new features required are to create data in moodle -> learning plan, competency, clustered competencies, sending results back to student management system

I'm keen to engage someone that has experiences with moodle integration with external system via middleware, preferably someone with competency based learning experiences.

If you are interested, can we setup a time to talk about it? i can send you a meeting link upon request.

Thank you.

Entry added by Eric Kuncoro - 2016年 12月 14日
Last updated - 2016年 12月 14日