Job offered: Totara/Moodle developer part-time

Type: Part-time
Location: Anywhere

We're looking for a Totara / Moodle programmer that can sign a maintenance contract with us.

Right now we have at least 1 customer that needs Totara customization constantly, so we're looking for someone who can dedicate some hours/week for a fixed fee to modify and change their platform as per their requirements.

Required Knowledge

Complete capability to modify Totara's or Moodle core functions.

Availability to work some hours every week in changing and keeping things working.

The platform is linked with a Drupal Platform, so the skill to develop or modify apis is well appreciated.

For more information and/or proposals, please write to

Entry added by Victor Vergara - 2017 okt. 27
Last updated - 2017 okt. 27