Job offered: Moodle Administrator in Japan

Type: Part-time
Location: Tokyo, Yokohama, Japan, telecommute

Once you have installed Moodle on your server, I take over.

Some of my recent projects included:

  1. English language-course development with given content for an aviation related training company in Brasil;
  2. Developing XML authoring courses for commercial airlines;
  3. Ongoing administration of a corporate Moodle-school in Japan, including:
- Instructional design and course-ware development;
- Course management and facilitation;
- Site management and admin support.

I am interested in project or part-time work in Japan or remotely anywhere else. Being conveniently located in Tokyo, I would be delighted to support your site in Japan or Asia.

Entry added by Bernd Kestler - 19 mars 2010
Last updated - 29 mars 2010