Job offered: E-Learning Facilitator

Type: Full-time
Location: Delft

Online education offers people from all over the world the possibility to learn at anytime and anyplace. IHE Delft offers several online, blended and open courses for water sector professionals, engineers, scientists, consultants and decision-makers working in the water and environment sectors. At the moment, IHE Delft is strengthening its capacity to offer more flexible modalities by increasingly incorporating online, blended and lifelong learning in collaboration with partner universities.

As eLearning (online, blended and open education) develops worldwide at a rapid pace, there is a growing demand for professionals to work in this field. That requires a profile which combines educational, technological and media knowledge, skills that all together can only be fostered with real-world assignments.

E-Learning Facilitator

The E-Learning Facilitator is part of the Education Bureau and is one of the members of the IHE’s eLearning Support Team (E-Team) that consists of EB and IT staff members. Day-to-day supervision is provided by the E-Learning Coordinator and all activities will be performed in straight collaboration with academic staff and other experienced members of the E-Team. The main tasks are to: (1) support and guide (teams of) teachers in the design and production of eLearning products (online, blended and open courses) and (2) collaboratively develop high-quality eLearning products also together with partners organizations for a worldwide audience.

The E-Learning Facilitator has experience in the use of VLE tools and functionalities and develops templates and tutorials, helping individual staff members who either face problems in using the VLE or need inspiration in the selection of tools to achieve their teaching goals. 


The E-Learning Facilitator will support academic staff in building online, blended and open courses on IHE Delft’s virtual learning environments: (Moodle) eCampus and OCW, following best practices and guidelines provided by the E-Learning Coordinator and other E-Team members. The main tasks include:

·       Creating and adapting educational content to be built and published on Moodle;

·       Structuring and building online, blended and open courses following the design plan;

·       Adding content to eCampus and OCW (e.g.: text, image, video, question bank);

·       Improving existing materials and courses for suitable delivery on eCampus and OCW;

·       Developing templates and tutorials for appropriate online delivery;

·       Creating alternative formats according to accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.0);

·       Exploring the availability tools to further enhance eLearning at IHE Delft;

·       Helping the E-Team to ensure that the eLearning products are timely delivered;

·       All other common activities within the PMU (Project Management Unit). 


·       Professional or Vocational Degree (HBO/MBO+) working and thinking level in the field of Education, Communication or Multimedia;

·       Preferably at least 1 year of proven working experience in the development of online and/or blended educational courses/platforms (experience in higher education is an asset);

·       Experience with using VLE digital tools in (online and blended) education to enhance teaching-learning processes (experience with Moodle is an asset);

·       Aware of the latest digital developments and associated tools in eLearning;

·       Problem-solving and creative thinker, who quickly assesses needs and has the ability to work independently and as part of a team;

·       Team player with an adaptable working attitude, able to motivate teachers to deliver the expected outputs;

·       Excellent communication skills and proficiency of English.

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, the world’s largest international graduate water education facility, works to strengthen water sector capacity to contribute to a world free of poverty and injustice, in which people manage their water and environmental resources sustainably and equitably.

More than 120 of IHE Delft’s 200 staff members are academics from all over the world. About 250 guest lecturers from global academia and industry contribute to the Institute’s educational programmes. Each year, 750 international professionals, including about 200 MSc students, attend courses at IHE Delft. Our working language is English, and we promote a healthy work-life balance through measures that include support to staff who want to work part of their time from home.

IHE Delft is a unique knowledge institute in the Dutch research and educational landscape that combines excellence in education and research with work to advance global sustainable development. Partnerships are integral to achieving this mission: The Institute works closely with universities, government agencies, NGOs, and private sector institutions in the Netherlands and around the world. Through research, education and institutional strengthening, Institute staff make a tangible contribution towards all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in which water is key. 

The Education Bureau (EB) develops and facilitates the implementation of education-related policies, stimulates and supports innovation in education, and develops and maintains quality-assurance processes and systems. Administrative tasks include the admission of students, matching students with fellowships, registration of students, and handling of fellowships. The Education Bureau also administers all educational offerings and is responsible for scheduling, logistic planning, marks administration, issuing diplomas and organizing academic ceremonies. EB organizes English and academic skills training for students, as well as UTQ and (advanced) didactical training for teaching staff. EB functionally develops two virtual learning environments (VLE) and supports their use for in-house and online education (eCampus) and for OpenCourseWare (OCW). All activities are geared to establishing a better quality and more innovative education program, managed in a consistent and transparent manner.

Terms of employment

The employment contract is for 38 hours per week (preferably).

This is a project-based vacancy under Scale 7 or 8 depending on relevance of the candidate’s background and experience, based on the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (VSNU).

The contract will be signed through an employment agency and with initial validity until 31/12/2023 and possibility of extension up to 4 years (project based) or more.

IHE Delft offers an attractive, multiple choice employee benefits scheme, year-end bonus and generous pension scheme. The appointment implies entry into the Netherlands' Civil Service Pension Fund (ABP). We also offer 31 days’ leave based on a 38 hours working week.

Information and application

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from Erwin Ploeger, Head of Education department (E: / T: +31-15-2151758). Applications in English can be sent till 15 August 2022 (closing date) including curriculum vitae and motivation letter, to IHE Delft, attn. Human Resource Management (E: ), PO Box3015, 2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands, stating vacancy-number 22-EB-03.

By submitting your application for this vacancy, you agree with the privacy statement below:

The personal data you share through your application file and other means will only be used by IHE Delft for the purpose of the recruitment and selection process in order to evaluate your suitability for the vacancy for which you have applied, as well as for communication purposes related to the vacancy. IHE Delft will process your personal details in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation of 25 May 2018. For more information we refer you to the privacy statement of IHE Delft:

Without your prior consent or other legal basis, no information will be shared with third parties. For further questions please contact our Data Protection Officer at .

Reactions from staffing agencies and other 3rd parties are not appreciated.


Entry added by Anke Meels - 22 يوليو 2022
Last updated - 22 يوليو 2022