Job offered: Moodle Full Expert, and e-learning Integrated Systems

Type: Contract
Location: REMOTE WORK or other kinds of Project

I am a Computer Engineer at Brasil.
Very experienced and Expert in e-learning ( about 13 years) and 6 exclusively in MOODLE. Administrate and develpper of many Full E-learning Projects with Moodle.

I Can perform development, trainning, import / export data and contents, customize the layout, and Integrate MOODLE with many Systems to use the Full potencial of the MOODLE Solution, with Multimedia tools and security and Control over Solution, including Reports based static and dynamic by WEB, with Database and OPEN SOURCE tools.

I´ll be glad to receive proposals to work remotly part-time, by Project or if needed to work FULL time.

If you or your company or instituion needs a really experienced Moodle Expert, very experienced and FULL SOFTWARE, SYSTEMS and Hardware Skilled to turn Safe, Quick, Controlled and Well Rounded E-learning Solution Moodle Based, contact me.

Contact information:

Computer Engineer: Marcos H.L. Carvalho
Gtalk: / MSN:
Place: Curitiba - PR - BRAZIL

( after a mail or chat, we can talk lively )
Thank You Very Much.

Entry added by Marcos H.L. Carvalho - 17 dic 2009
Last updated - 17 dic 2009