
Publish Date Direct link to publication Type Author
13 Mart 2015 Digital Learning Success Is About More Than the Technology Magazine (html) Matt Renwick Summary
10 Mart 2015 List Of Open Source E-Learning Solutions Web article (html) anismaj Summary
21 Şubat 2015 Reflections & Takeaways: Using Moodle as a hub during a school closing Blog entry (html) Eric Spreng Summary
2 Şubat 2015 Open Source at the Front of the Class Web article (html) Jack M. Germain Summary
29 Ocak 2015 Q and A With Martin Dougiamas, Founder and CEO of Moodle Web article (html) EdTech Times Summary
22 Ocak 2015 Moodle Partnership Extends Elearning Services In The Middle East Web article (html) Moodle Summary
21 Ocak 2015 Office 365 Come to Classrooms – Integrates with Moodle Web article (html) TWNC Tech News Summary
21 Ocak 2015 Running a Book Club using Moodle & Goodreads Blog entry (html) Dorian Love Summary
19 Ocak 2015 Moodle將永遠是開放原始碼軟體 Web article (html) Samantha Gartner Summary
19 Ocak 2015 New Microsoft Office 365 open source integration with Moodle transforms education technology Web article (html) Microsoft News Center Summary