Moodle Administration

Book cover

by Alex Büchner

Release date: 2008. szeptember 30.
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Added to this database by Martin Dougiamas - 2008 nov. 21
Last updated - 2013 nov. 26

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Note: This book has been updated for Moodle 2 - see Moodle 2 Administration.

  • A complete guide for planning, installing, optimizing, customizing, and configuring Moodle
  • Secure, back up, and restore your VLE
  • Extending and networking Moodle
  • Detailed walkthroughs and expert advice on best practices
  • Checklist of over 100 common problems with solutions


  • TimTim Hunt - 2008. nov.. 25., 18:51
    A very good, thorough introduction to everything you need to know to administer Moodle. If you are new to the task, this book will cover everything you need to know, and if you are already a relatively experienced Moodle admin, you might still like to read this book to make sure that you are not overlooking anything.

    My one slight disappointment with the book is that in a few places where I wanted to know more (for example performance tuning) the book rapidly referred you to Moodle Docs, rather than covering it directly. However, it is the nature of a book like this that it can only cover so much ground, and there is already plenty here.
  • Dr. CM. Commini - 2009. jan.. 31., 22:26
    Although I'm using the book as a reference in my Master's thesis, I found it very, very, very disappointing. In my opinion, most, if not all, of the information contained within this book can be found right here on this website - without paying for it! I purchased the book in the hopes that it would explain things a bit more clearly. It didn't. When I've finished writing my thesis this book will go to propping up that dusty old table in the corner that all my other USEFUL books sit on.

    With all due respect to Dr. Buchner, he could've and should've done better.

    Don't waste your time or your money on this book!
  • TimTim Hunt - 2009. febr.. 3., 14:39
    I agree with M Commini. Almost everything in this book could be learned from Moodle Docs. 'All' you are paying for is having the material selected and arranged in a logical order; formatted, rewritten and illustrated consistently; and printed and bound in a nice book. Anyone who has been involved in writing a book knows how much work that is. When deciding whether to buy this book, that is what you are paying for. I think that for a lot of people, it will be worth it, but you must decide for yourself.
  • Kevan FlamingKevan Flaming - 2009. máj.. 27., 22:34
    I have been administering a few Moodle sites for nearly a year now. I found the book to be a very good value. I found several issues I was not aware of (despite using much of the online documentation) and other valuable tips. Avoiding a couple of critical mistakes or shortening my learning curve on Moodle Administration is well worth the purchase price.

    I give this book two thumbs up! Thanks to the author for his contribution to my students' learning!
  • Fran LoFran Lo - 2009. okt.. 19., 02:00
    Have been using this in conjunciton with Moodle 1.9 for teaching 7-14 year olds, and find it very helpful.  It deals with the more technical issues in a clear way.  Very helpful to me, as I am a teacher implementing Moodle alone in my school, using (they are very helpful, too).  This book is much easier to use than wading through Moodle Docs.
  • roskey dicosterroskey dicoster - 2011. aug.. 5., 13:40
    great and impessive