
piątek, 21 września 2012


MoodleMoot Brazil 2012

Termin strōny

Location: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil

19-21 September

Further info: www.moodlemoot.com.br

Tag: #moodlemootBR

MoodleMoot Spain 2012

Termin strōny

Location: Madrid, Spain

19-21 September

Further information: 2012.moodlemoot.net

Tag: #mootes12

MoodleMoot Hong Kong 2012

Termin strōny

Moodle Moot Hong Kong, 20-22 September 2012

Location: Hong Kong

Inspired by the 2012 Chinese Year of the Dragon, the conference theme is ‘Ride the Dragon’ which represents the surge of interest in Moodle in the South East Asia/Greater China region and the life-long journey of learning.

This September, educators, ­decision makers, researchers and mentors from all ­sectors will come together to share their knowledge, insight and passion for teaching and learning with Moodle - the fastest growing open-source course management system used by respected universities, school districts and innovative multinational companies such as Google, Intel and Cisco.

An event for a meeting of minds to share and learn from one another, the central aim of this conference is to build a sense of ­community and sharing for which Open Source and in particular Moodle is ­famous. ­

Conference attendees will hear from our keynote speaker Martin Dougiamas ­(Moodle founder and lead developer) and have opportunities to share and discuss best practices with other educators in smaller breakout ­sessions as well as actively participate in a range of workshops.

Site: http://moodlemoot.hk/
Tag: #hkmoot12
Twitter: moodlemoothk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MoodleMootHk
LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/Kk2Rz8