
Thursday, 19 October 2006


Conference: VLEs: pedagogy and implementation

Site event
VLEs: pedagogy and implementation - the theory
and practice of learning platforms and virtual learning environments

Online conference from the UK with a wide range of
presenters from higher and further education,
adult and community learning, and schools. Key
note presenters are Martin Dougiamas, creator of
Moodle, and James Clay, Director of the Western
Colleges Consortium. Other sessions cover topics
such as accessibility and VLEs, cultural change
within organisations, implementing institutional
VLEs, content creation tools, and much more. As
well as workshop sessions, there are also various
"Ask the Expert" sessions, with presenters from CETIS, Becta, ACL, etc.

The conference presentations will be available to
delegates from the 9th October, for reading and
viewing; and the conference proceedings will be
available for viewing for a month after the 19th,
for people to catch up and reflect on the event.

Early bird registration is £55. For a full
programme, and more information on booking, see:


Skypecast interview with Martin

Site event
Steve Hargadon interviews Moodle creator Martin Dougiamas

The interview will be broadcast live as a "Skypecast" at 8:00 am Pacific Daylight Time. Details will be posted 30 minutes prior to the interview at http://edtechlive.wikispaces.com/Upcoming+Interviews.

The recorded show will later be posted at EdTechLive.com.

In past interviews the format has consisted of some time in which Steve talks with the guest (Martin) and then toward the end of the session, other participants (you) have the opportunity to ask questions. You can also post your questions ahead of time so that Steve might be able to present them in the interview.