
Blocks ::: block_sitenavigation
Maintained by Rosario playing soccerRosario Carcò
A block to navigate through all categories and subcategories of Moodle sites merged with my own previous myCourses Block to navigate own courses.
Latest release:
3 sites
1 fans
Current versions available: 2

With admin options you can choose to display either one or both blocks inline as block or either one in a popUp-window. PopUp-Windows may stay open all the time on bigger displays. Using poUp-windows will also enhance performance, as the whole trees to render sitenavigation and mycourses are written into files on the server.  If you use the popUp-windows do not forget to set up a nightly cron-job to purge the sess_xyz_myCourses.html and sess_xyz_siteNavigation.html files I generate in the $CFG->dataroot/1 directory with something like
rm sess_*.html or erase sess_*.html

Please NOTE: in Moodle 2.3 upwards the directory to purge is $CFG->dirroot/local/sitenavigationtemp

If you need furhter details have a look at the development history at the top of block_sitenavigation.php and in the forum thread:

or for myCourses as separate Block:

Please report any bugs here or in the mentioned threads. Rosario


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Rosario playing soccer
Rosario Carcò (Lead maintainer)
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  • Rosario playing soccer
    Thu, 2 Feb 2012, 10:16 PM
    I am actually pondering whether to add myCourses and siteNavigation which are the standalone Blocks I developed before merging them into one block called sitenavigation into the same distribution file, so that you do not have to search for the latest versions in different places. The next planned feature will be to offer the Teachers and Students an option/switch to display only recent courses instead of displaying the whole myCourses-List with a lot of courses the teachers might have forgotten to unenrol the students.
  • Rosario playing soccer
    Fri, 5 July 2013, 2:09 AM
    In Version 23.02 I had to correct the paths where the sess_*.html files were created, as the files inside the $CFG->dataroot directory can no longer be accessed with file.php as this was the case in Moodle 1.9 - So for the moment I implemented a fast hack, storing them in the yourMoodle/local directory. Using the new file API would of course be an alternative, but I would have to keep track of all the sess_*.html files and delete them from time to time, whilst working directly on the file-system means much less work. Read the Readme-file to set up a directory inside yourMoodle/local directory to hold the sess_*.html files.
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