
Reports ::: report_tuteur
Maintained by marc leconte, pole umdev
Help tutor's action by colorizing new student's response.
Latest release:
15 sites
7 fans
Current versions available: 1

his is a clone of completion report, in which some cell are colorize orange or green.

No color : activity is not pass

Orange :student has submit something

Green :tutor has grade or make a feedback on the last submit.

Only 4 activities are supervise (assign, quiz, journal, lesson).

They must have completion enable.

It's possible to :

-hide some section

-show only one group

So, when color is orange tutor has something to do : grade or make a feedback, and he can access the student's response through a link (clic on the cell).


Screenshot #0


marc leconte (Lead maintainer)
pole umdev: software engineer
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  • Plugins bot
    mar. 23. maj. 2017, 21:20
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-6906
  • Devadas das
    sis. 21. dec. 2017, 23:03
    RUSSIAN: Найти этот отчет в Админке и увидеть в действии - это оказалось нетривиальной задачей... Может кому-то пригодится.

    Дальнейшее описание для стандартной темы: нужно открыть курс, нажать на шестеренку курса, потом в самом низу выбрать "Больше...", затем появятся вкладки и одна из них "Отчеты", и вот в ней есть "Tuteur".

    или просто по ссылке - имясайта/report/tuteur/index.php?course=2
    и вместо 2 подставить ID требуемого вам курса


    ENGLISH: The further description for a standard theme: open the course, click a course gear in the right corner, then click the "More..." bottom, then look at tabs and one of them is "Reports", and inside there is "Tuteur".

    or just by link - yoursite/report/tuteur/index.php? course=2
    (and instead of 2 please write the ID of the course demanded to you)

    Many hanks to plugin author - marc leconte - for support and nice plugin.
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