Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(12 errors, 3 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#41) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#41) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#41) This comment is 58% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#41) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 3; use block comment if you need indentation
(#23) Whitespace found at end of line
(#24) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#22) Whitespace found at end of line
(#118) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#119) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#121) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#121) Expected 1 space after "=>"; 0 found
(#122) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#122) Expected 1 space after "=>"; 0 found
(#153) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 12 spaces, found 8
(#22) Whitespace found at end of line

Javascript coding style problems

(64 errors, 36 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

(#1) Identifier 'qtype_easyoselectjs' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#1) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Identifier 'qtype_easyoselectjs' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#3) Identifier 'moodle_version' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#6) 'myobj' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#8) 'MarvinJSUtil' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#10) 'marvinController' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#12) 'pastePromise' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#12) 'marvinController' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#13) 'myobj' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#16) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#33) Identifier 'moodle_version' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#36) 'corobj' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#37) 'MarvinJSUtil' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#39) 'marvinController' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#41) 'pastePromise' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#41) 'marvinController' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#42) 'corobj' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#45) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#62) Identifier 'insert_easyoselectjs_applet' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#63) Identifier 'stripped_answer_id' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#67) 'easyoselectjsoptions' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#74) 'inputController' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#75) 'MarvinJSUtil' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#81) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#86) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#92) Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’. (no-eq-null)
(#94) 'e' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#95) 'selection' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#96) 'selection' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#101) 'previewsubmit' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#101) Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’. (no-eq-null)
(#102) 'previewsubmit' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#102) 'e' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#103) 'selection' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#104) 'selection' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#109) 'e' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#110) 'selection' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#111) 'selection' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#124) Opening curly brace does not appear on the same line as controlling statement. (brace-style)
(#125) 'parser' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#126) 'xmlDoc' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#126) 'parser' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#129) 'xmlDoc' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#129) 'ActiveXObject' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#130) 'xmlDoc' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#131) 'xmlDoc' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#133) 'xmlDoc' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#135) Identifier 'show_error' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#140) Missing JSDoc @returns for function. (valid-jsdoc)
(#140) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'appletname'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#143) Identifier 'find_java_applet' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#144) 'appletno' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#145) 'appletno' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#146) 'appletno' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#155) Identifier 'show_java' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#156) Identifier 'stripped_answer_id' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#168) 'inputController' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#169) 'MarvinJSUtil' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#173) Line 173 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#173) 'pastePromise' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#179) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#187) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#192) Identifier 'insert_applet' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#210) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#212) 'MarvinJSUtil' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#216) 'pastePromise' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#219) 'myobj' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#220) 'pastePromise' is already defined (no-redeclare)
(#221) 'myobj' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#225) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#239) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#240) Identifier 'init_getanswerstring' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#240) Identifier 'moodle_version' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#240) 'moodle_version' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#244) 'inputController' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#245) 'MarvinJSUtil' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#255) 'selection' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#255) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#256) 'selection' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#258) 'exportPromise' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#259) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#260) 'exportPromise' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#267) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#285) Identifier 'init_viewanswerstring' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#285) Identifier 'moodle_version' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#286) 'o' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#286) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#287) 'o' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#288) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#290) 'callback' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#294) Identifier 'moodle_version' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#294) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#295) 'YAHOO' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#300) 'inputController' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#301) 'MarvinJSUtil' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#312) 'pastePromise' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars)
(#315) Line 315 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#315) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#318) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)

CSS problems

(1 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by csslint [More info]

(#3) width can't be used with display: inline.
(#47) Duplicate property 'border' found.

PHPDocs style problems

(38 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#27) Class backup_qtype_easyoselectjs_plugin is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#18) Package moodlecore is not valid
(#27) Class restore_qtype_easyoselectjs_plugin is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#48) Phpdocs for function restore_qtype_easyoselectjs_plugin::process_easyoselectjs has incomplete parameters list
(#18) Package moodlecore is not valid
(#26) Class qtype_easyoselectjs_edit_form is not documented
(#27) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_edit_form::definition_inner is not documented
(#75) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_edit_form::get_per_answer_fields is not documented
(#90) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_edit_form::data_preprocessing is not documented
(#94) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_edit_form::qtype is not documented
(#19) Package qtype is not valid
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#31) Phpdocs for function qtype_easyoselectjs_pluginfile has incomplete parameters list
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#31) Class qtype_easyoselectjs_question is not documented
(#32) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_question::compare_response_with_answer is not documented
(#39) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_question::get_expected_data is not documented
(#19) Package qtype is not valid
(#34) Class qtype_easyoselectjs is not documented
(#35) Function qtype_easyoselectjs::extra_question_fields is not documented
(#39) Function qtype_easyoselectjs::questionid_column_name is not documented
(#42) Function qtype_easyoselectjs::initialise_question_instance is not documented
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#33) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::formulation_and_controls is not documented
(#128) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::remove_xml_tags is not documented
(#139) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::general_feedback is not documented
(#143) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::require_js is not documented
(#176) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::fraction_for_last_response is not documented
(#187) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::get_last_response is not documented
(#196) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::specific_feedback is not documented
(#209) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::correct_response is not documented
(#216) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::hidden_fields is not documented
(#226) Function qtype_easyoselectjs_renderer::hidden_field_for_qt_var is not documented
(#19) Package qtype is not valid
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#20) Package qtype is not valid

Update savepoints problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]