Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(14 errors, 5 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#152) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#243) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#297) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#342) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#358) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#360) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#362) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#72) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#33) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#481) Expected 1 space after "-"; newline found
(#484) Expected 1 space after "-"; newline found
(#486) Expected 1 space after "-"; newline found
(#74) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#74) Whitespace found at end of line
(#107) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 153 characters
(#155) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 135 characters
(#160) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 179 characters
(#180) Expected 1 space after "="; 0 found
(#61) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 137 characters

Javascript coding style problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by jshint [More info]

CSS problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by csslint [More info]

PHPDocs style problems

(211 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#36) Function restore_qtype_ddmarker_plugin::qtype_name is not documented
(#63) Phpdocs for function restore_qtype_ddmarker_plugin::process_dds has incomplete parameters list
(#91) Phpdocs for function restore_qtype_ddmarker_plugin::process_drag has incomplete parameters list
(#117) Phpdocs for function restore_qtype_ddmarker_plugin::process_drop has incomplete parameters list
(#41) Function qtype_ddmarker_qe2_attempt_updater::right_answer is not documented
(#46) Function qtype_ddmarker_qe2_attempt_updater::was_answered is not documented
(#50) Function qtype_ddmarker_qe2_attempt_updater::response_summary is not documented
(#68) Function qtype_ddmarker_qe2_attempt_updater::question_summary is not documented
(#73) Function qtype_ddmarker_qe2_attempt_updater::set_first_step_data_elements is not documented
(#77) Function qtype_ddmarker_qe2_attempt_updater::supply_missing_first_step_data is not documented
(#80) Function qtype_ddmarker_qe2_attempt_updater::set_data_elements_for_step is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#31) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class qtype_ddmarker_qe2_attempt_updater
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#43) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::qtype is not documented
(#47) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::definition_inner is not documented
(#55) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::js_call is not documented
(#70) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::definition_draggable_items is not documented
(#82) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::draggable_item is not documented
(#101) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::draggable_items_repeated_options is not documented
(#107) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::drop_zone is not documented
(#130) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::drop_zones_repeated_options is not documented
(#136) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::get_hint_fields is not documented
(#157) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::data_preprocessing is not documented
(#220) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::validation is not documented
(#266) Function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::get_image_size_in_draft_area is not documented
(#202) Phpdocs for function qtype_ddmarker_edit_form::data_preprocessing_hints has incomplete parameters list
(#40) Function qtype_ddmarker_question_converter_list::new_list_item is not documented
(#43) Function qtype_ddmarker_question_converter_list::prepare_for_processing is not documented
(#69) Function qtype_ddmarker_question_converter_list_item::process is not documented
(#67) Variable qtype_ddmarker_question_converter_list_item::$imagetargetrecord is not documented
(#68) Variable qtype_ddmarker_question_converter_list_item::$answers is not documented
(#42) Function qtype_ddmarker_course_context_id is not documented
(#50) Function qtype_ddmarker_convert_image_target_question is not documented
(#33) Phpdocs for function qtype_ddmarker_pluginfile has incomplete parameters list
(#42) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::check_file_access is not documented
(#65) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::get_expected_data is not documented
(#72) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::is_complete_response is not documented
(#81) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::is_gradable_response is not documented
(#84) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::is_same_response is not documented
(#148) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::get_validation_error is not documented
(#155) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::get_num_parts_right is not documented
(#182) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::total_number_of_items_dragged is not documented
(#232) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::get_right_choice_for is not documented
(#241) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::grade_response is not documented
(#247) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::compute_final_grade is not documented
(#271) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::clear_wrong_from_response is not documented
(#288) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::get_wrong_drags is not documented
(#306) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::get_drop_zones_without_hit is not documented
(#323) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::classify_response is not documented
(#341) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::get_correct_response is not documented
(#363) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::get_right_answer_summary is not documented
(#373) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::summarise_response is not documented
(#389) Function qtype_ddmarker_question::get_random_guess_score is not documented
(#406) Function qtype_ddmarker_drag_item::__construct is not documented
(#412) Function qtype_ddmarker_drag_item::choice_group is not documented
(#416) Function qtype_ddmarker_drag_item::summarise is not documented
(#432) Function qtype_ddmarker_drop_zone::__construct is not documented
(#438) Function qtype_ddmarker_drop_zone::summarise is not documented
(#442) Function qtype_ddmarker_drop_zone::drop_hit is not documented
(#446) Function qtype_ddmarker_drop_zone::correct_coords is not documented
(#40) Variable qtype_ddmarker_question::$showmisplaced is not documented
(#401) Variable qtype_ddmarker_drag_item::$text is not documented
(#402) Variable qtype_ddmarker_drag_item::$no is not documented
(#403) Variable qtype_ddmarker_drag_item::$infinite is not documented
(#404) Variable qtype_ddmarker_drag_item::$noofdrags is not documented
(#427) Variable qtype_ddmarker_drop_zone::$group is not documented
(#428) Variable qtype_ddmarker_drop_zone::$no is not documented
(#429) Variable qtype_ddmarker_drop_zone::$shape is not documented
(#430) Variable qtype_ddmarker_drop_zone::$coords is not documented
(#57) There is no description in phpdocs for function choice
(#58) Phpdocs for function qtype_ddmarker_question::choice has incomplete parameters list
(#144) Class qtype_ddmarker_category_list_item is not documented
(#155) Class qtype_ddmarker_question_list_item is not documented
(#166) Class qtype_ddmarker_context_list_item is not documented
(#214) Class qtype_ddmarker_context_list is not documented
(#251) Class qtype_ddmarker_category_list is not documented
(#267) Class qtype_ddmarker_question_list is not documented
(#51) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::__construct is not documented
(#59) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::add_child is not documented
(#66) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::parent_node is not documented
(#69) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::item_name is not documented
(#73) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::id_param_name is not documented
(#76) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::get_id is not documented
(#79) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::get_q_count is not documented
(#82) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::get_string_identifier is not documented
(#85) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::get_linked is not documented
(#88) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::get_list_type is not documented
(#91) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::get_children is not documented
(#94) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::leaf_to_root is not documented
(#103) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::process is not documented
(#111) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::process_children is not documented
(#119) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::question_ids is not documented
(#123) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::child_question_ids is not documented
(#132) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_item::__toString is not documented
(#147) Function qtype_ddmarker_category_list_item::parent_node is not documented
(#158) Function qtype_ddmarker_question_list_item::parent_node is not documented
(#162) Function qtype_ddmarker_question_list_item::question_ids is not documented
(#168) Function qtype_ddmarker_context_list_item::parent_node is not documented
(#177) Function qtype_ddmarker_context_list_item::item_name is not documented
(#181) Function qtype_ddmarker_context_list_item::course_context_id is not documented
(#195) Function qtype_ddmarker_list::new_list_item is not documented
(#196) Function qtype_ddmarker_list::make_list_item_instances_from_records is not documented
(#203) Function qtype_ddmarker_list::get_instance is not documented
(#207) Function qtype_ddmarker_list::leaf_node is not documented
(#216) Function qtype_ddmarker_context_list::new_list_item is not documented
(#220) Function qtype_ddmarker_context_list::__construct is not documented
(#237) Function qtype_ddmarker_context_list::render is not documented
(#245) Function qtype_ddmarker_context_list::root_node is not documented
(#253) Function qtype_ddmarker_category_list::new_list_item is not documented
(#256) Function qtype_ddmarker_category_list::__construct is not documented
(#269) Function qtype_ddmarker_question_list::new_list_item is not documented
(#272) Function qtype_ddmarker_question_list::__construct is not documented
(#278) Function qtype_ddmarker_question_list::prepare_for_processing is not documented
(#44) Variable qtype_ddmarker_list_item::$stringidentifier is not documented
(#45) Variable qtype_ddmarker_list_item::$link is not documented
(#46) Variable qtype_ddmarker_list_item::$record is not documented
(#47) Variable qtype_ddmarker_list_item::$list is not documented
(#48) Variable qtype_ddmarker_list_item::$parentlist is not documented
(#49) Variable qtype_ddmarker_list_item::$listtype is not documented
(#145) Variable qtype_ddmarker_category_list_item::$listtype is not documented
(#156) Variable qtype_ddmarker_question_list_item::$listtype is not documented
(#167) Variable qtype_ddmarker_context_list_item::$listtype is not documented
(#193) Variable qtype_ddmarker_list::$records is not documented
(#194) Variable qtype_ddmarker_list::$instances is not documented
(#252) Variable qtype_ddmarker_category_list::$contextlist is not documented
(#268) Variable qtype_ddmarker_question_list::$categorylist is not documented
(#136) There is no description in phpdocs for function course_context_id
(#189) Class qtype_ddmarker_list does not have @copyright tag
(#189) Class qtype_ddmarker_list does not have @license tag
(#71) Function question_hint_ddmarker::adjust_display_options is not documented
(#87) Function qtype_ddmarker::save_question_options is not documented
(#163) Function qtype_ddmarker::save_hints is not documented
(#234) Function qtype_ddmarker::make_hint is not documented
(#237) Function qtype_ddmarker::make_choice is not documented
(#241) Function qtype_ddmarker::make_place is not documented
(#245) Function qtype_ddmarker::initialise_combined_feedback is not documented
(#251) Function qtype_ddmarker::move_files is not documented
(#269) Function qtype_ddmarker::delete_files is not documented
(#279) Function qtype_ddmarker::export_to_xml is not documented
(#320) Function qtype_ddmarker::import_from_xml is not documented
(#373) Function qtype_ddmarker::get_random_guess_score is not documented
(#45) Variable question_hint_ddmarker::$statewhichincorrect is not documented
(#35) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class question_hint_ddmarker
(#49) Phpdocs for function question_hint_ddmarker::__construct has incomplete parameters list
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#165) Class qtype_ddmarker_list_renderer is not documented
(#41) Function qtype_ddmarker_renderer::formulation_and_controls is not documented
(#135) Function qtype_ddmarker_renderer::hidden_field_choice is not documented
(#145) Function qtype_ddmarker_renderer::hint is not documented
(#167) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_renderer::render_qtype_ddmarker_list is not documented
(#171) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_renderer::render_qtype_ddmarker_list_item is not documented
(#175) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_renderer::item is not documented
(#188) Function qtype_ddmarker_list_renderer::children is not documented
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#37) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::__construct is not documented
(#40) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::inside_width_height is not documented
(#49) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::outlying_coords_to_test is not documented
(#51) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::center_point is not documented
(#53) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::is_only_numbers is not documented
(#63) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::is_point_in_bounding_box is not documented
(#76) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::get_coords_interpreter_error is not documented
(#93) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::name is not documented
(#99) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::human_readable_name is not documented
(#107) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::human_readable_coords_format is not documented
(#112) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::shape_options is not documented
(#122) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::exists is not documented
(#125) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape::create is not documented
(#144) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangle::__construct is not documented
(#178) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangle::outlying_coords_to_test is not documented
(#181) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangle::is_point_in_shape is not documented
(#185) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangle::center_point is not documented
(#204) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_circle::__construct is not documented
(#234) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_circle::outlying_coords_to_test is not documented
(#238) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_circle::is_point_in_shape is not documented
(#243) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_circle::center_point is not documented
(#269) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_polygon::__construct is not documented
(#315) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_polygon::outlying_coords_to_test is not documented
(#319) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_polygon::is_point_in_shape is not documented
(#398) Function qtype_ddmarker_shape_polygon::center_point is not documented
(#420) Function qtype_ddmarker_point::__construct is not documented
(#444) Function qtype_ddmarker_segment::__construct is not documented
(#480) Function qtype_ddmarker_segment::intersection_point is not documented
(#35) Variable qtype_ddmarker_shape::$error is not documented
(#97) Variable qtype_ddmarker_shape::$classnameprefix is not documented
(#139) Variable qtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangle::$width is not documented
(#140) Variable qtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangle::$height is not documented
(#141) Variable qtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangle::$xleft is not documented
(#142) Variable qtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangle::$ytop is not documented
(#200) Variable qtype_ddmarker_shape_circle::$xcentre is not documented
(#201) Variable qtype_ddmarker_shape_circle::$ycentre is not documented
(#202) Variable qtype_ddmarker_shape_circle::$radius is not documented
(#418) Variable qtype_ddmarker_point::$x is not documented
(#419) Variable qtype_ddmarker_point::$y is not documented
(#441) Variable qtype_ddmarker_segment::$a is not documented
(#442) Variable qtype_ddmarker_segment::$b is not documented
(#87) There is no description in phpdocs for function is_point_in_shape
(#363) Phpdocs for function qtype_ddmarker_shape_polygon::perturb has incomplete parameters list
(#425) Phpdocs for function qtype_ddmarker_point::dist has incomplete parameters list
(#450) Phpdocs for function qtype_ddmarker_segment::intersects has incomplete parameters list
(#49) Function behat_qtype_ddmarker::parse_marker_name is not documented
(#40) Phpdocs for function behat_qtype_ddmarker::marker_xpath has incomplete parameters list
(#103) Phpdocs for function behat_qtype_ddmarker::i_type_on_marker_in_the_drag_and_drop_markers_question has incomplete parameters list
(#38) Function qtype_ddmarker_test_helper::get_test_questions is not documented
(#77) Function qtype_ddmarker_test_helper::make_choice_structure is not documented
(#89) Function qtype_ddmarker_test_helper::make_place_structure is not documented
(#42) There is no description in phpdocs for function make_ddmarker_question_fox
(#97) There is no description in phpdocs for function make_ddmarker_question_maths
(#133) There is no description in phpdocs for function get_ddmarker_question_form_data_mkmap
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#60) Phpdocs for function qtype_ddmarker_walkthrough_test::get_contains_hidden_expectation has incomplete parameters list

Update savepoints problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]