Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(15 errors, 22 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#27) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#18) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#17) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#27) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#18) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#18) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#49) Whitespace found at end of line
(#26) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#61) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#77) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#98) TRUE, FALSE and NULL must be lowercase; expected "null" but found "NULL"
(#98) TRUE, FALSE and NULL must be lowercase; expected "null" but found "NULL"
(#48) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#48) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#57) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#57) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#74) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#74) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#76) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#76) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#79) Variable "pix_icon" must not contain underscores.
(#80) Variable "pix_icon" must not contain underscores.
(#82) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#82) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#85) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#85) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#103) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#103) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#105) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#105) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#150) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#162) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#162) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#173) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#173) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#383) Inline control structures are not allowed
(#907) Inline control structures are not allowed

Javascript coding style problems

(0 errors, 5 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by jshint [More info]

(#113) 'LESSDIR' is defined but never used.
(#209) 'stderror' is defined but never used.
(#209) 'stdout' is defined but never used.
(#10) 'customise_dock_for_theme' is defined but never used.
(#16) Redefinition of 'CSS'.

CSS problems

(46 errors, 435 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by csslint [More info]

(#775) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#776) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1270) Use of !important
(#1273) Use of !important
(#1276) Use of !important
(#1279) Use of !important
(#1292) Use of !important
(#1293) Use of !important
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#235) Use of !important
(#236) Use of !important
(#237) Use of !important
(#238) Use of !important
(#239) Use of !important
(#276) Use of !important
(#292) Use of !important
(#301) Use of !important
(#314) Use of !important
(#319) Use of !important
(#324) Use of !important
(#3041) Expected end of value but found '\9'.
(#3188) Expected end of value but found '\9'.
(#3556) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#3557) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#4926) Use of !important
(#4927) Use of !important
(#4928) Use of !important
(#4930) Use of !important
(#5262) Use of !important
(#5266) Use of !important
(#7473) Expected end of value but found '\9'.
(#7613) Use of !important
(#7617) Use of !important
(#7621) Use of !important
(#7625) Use of !important
(#7641) Use of !important
(#7642) Use of !important
(#7650) Expected (<length> | <percentage> | <content-sizing> | auto | inherit) but found 'device-width'.
(#7657) Use of !important
(#7672) Use of !important
(#7677) Use of !important
(#7685) Use of !important
(#7690) Use of !important
(#7696) Use of !important
(#7702) Use of !important
(#7708) Use of !important
(#7714) Use of !important
(#7722) Use of !important
(#7727) Use of !important
(#7733) Use of !important
(#7739) Use of !important
(#7745) Use of !important
(#7751) Use of !important
(#7759) Use of !important
(#7764) Use of !important
(#7770) Use of !important
(#7776) Use of !important
(#7782) Use of !important
(#7788) Use of !important
(#7796) Use of !important
(#7801) Use of !important
(#7807) Use of !important
(#7813) Use of !important
(#7819) Use of !important
(#7825) Use of !important
(#7831) Use of !important
(#7837) Use of !important
(#7843) Use of !important
(#7848) Use of !important
(#7853) Use of !important
(#7861) Use of !important
(#7866) Use of !important
(#7871) Use of !important
(#7876) Use of !important
(#7881) Use of !important
(#7886) Use of !important
(#7891) Use of !important
(#7896) Use of !important
(#7902) Use of !important
(#7989) Expected (<border-width> || <border-style> || <color>) but found 'inherit'.
(#8033) Use of !important
(#8034) Use of !important
(#8048) Use of !important
(#8074) Use of !important
(#8075) Use of !important
(#8099) Use of !important
(#8111) Use of !important
(#8180) Duplicate property 'min-height' found.
(#8202) Duplicate property 'min-height' found.
(#8269) Duplicate property 'min-height' found.
(#8303) Duplicate property 'min-height' found.
(#9415) Duplicate property 'filter' found.
(#9419) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#9433) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#9903) Duplicate property 'display' found.
(#10026) Use of !important
(#10186) Use of !important
(#11175) Rule is empty.
(#11238) Expected (<padding-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#11242) Expected (<margin-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#11243) Expected (<padding-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#11244) Expected (<padding-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#11292) Use of !important
(#11522) Expected RBRACE at line 11522, col 15.
(#11755) Duplicate property 'min-height' found.
(#11756) Duplicate property 'padding' found.
(#11758) Duplicate property 'margin-bottom' found.
(#11860) Use of !important
(#11982) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#12038) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#12047) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#12060) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#12183) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#12282) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#12443) Duplicate property 'filter' found.
(#12473) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#12801) Unknown property 'background-repeate'.
(#13287) Use of !important
(#13288) Use of !important
(#13289) Use of !important
(#13290) Use of !important
(#13294) Use of !important
(#13299) Use of !important
(#13620) Use of !important
(#13640) Duplicate property 'display' found.
(#13900) Duplicate property 'margin-right' found.
(#13901) Duplicate property 'margin-left' found.
(#13914) Use of !important
(#13946) Duplicate property 'width' found.
(#13990) Use of !important
(#14578) Use of !important
(#14824) Use of !important
(#14854) Duplicate property 'position' found.
(#14855) Duplicate property 'top' found.
(#14856) Duplicate property 'right' found.
(#14859) Duplicate property 'display' found.
(#14988) Duplicate property 'height' found.
(#15617) Duplicate property 'padding' found.
(#16286) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#16287) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#16396) Duplicate property 'min-height' found.
(#16442) Duplicate property 'min-height' found.
(#16663) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#17614) Expected (<length> | <percentage> | <content-sizing> | contain-floats | -moz-contain-floats | -webkit-contain-floats | inherit) but found 'unset'.
(#17855) height can't be used with display: inline.
(#17869) width can't be used with display: inline.
(#17869) Duplicate property 'width' found.
(#17871) Duplicate property 'display' found.
(#17872) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#18042) Duplicate property 'margin-bottom' found.
(#18052) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#18065) Rule is empty.
(#18167) display:inline has no effect on floated elements (but may be used to fix the IE6 double-margin bug).
(#18168) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#18170) margin-top can't be used with display: inline.
(#18253) Use of !important
(#18341) Duplicate property 'width' found.
(#18533) Duplicate property 'border-radius' found.
(#18628) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#19104) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#19105) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#19546) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#19547) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#19933) Duplicate property 'display' found.
(#20057) Duplicate property 'top' found.
(#20060) Duplicate property 'position' found.
(#20183) vertical-align can't be used with display: block.
(#20373) Use of !important
(#20374) Use of !important
(#20443) vertical-align can't be used with display: block.
(#20444) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#20445) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#20460) Duplicate property 'display' found.
(#20463) Duplicate property 'padding' found.
(#20849) Expected RBRACE at line 20849, col 23.
(#20892) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#20893) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#20906) Duplicate property 'padding' found.
(#20907) Duplicate property 'font-size' found.
(#20908) Duplicate property 'line-height' found.
(#20909) Duplicate property 'border-radius' found.
(#20912) Duplicate property 'vertical-align' found.
(#20917) Duplicate property 'padding' found.
(#20918) Duplicate property 'border' found.
(#21092) width can't be used with display: inline.
(#21098) Use of !important
(#21111) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#21112) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#21174) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#21175) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#21188) Duplicate property 'padding' found.
(#21189) Duplicate property 'margin-bottom' found.
(#193) Use of !important
(#194) Use of !important
(#195) Use of !important
(#196) Use of !important
(#197) Use of !important
(#227) Use of !important
(#240) Use of !important
(#247) Use of !important
(#258) Use of !important
(#262) Use of !important
(#266) Use of !important
(#2346) Expected end of value but found '\9'.
(#2472) Expected end of value but found '\9'.
(#2789) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#2790) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#3957) Use of !important
(#3958) Use of !important
(#3960) Use of !important
(#3961) Use of !important
(#4240) Use of !important
(#4243) Use of !important
(#6094) Expected end of value but found '\9'.
(#6224) Use of !important
(#6227) Use of !important
(#6230) Use of !important
(#6233) Use of !important
(#6246) Use of !important
(#6247) Use of !important
(#6253) Expected (<length> | <percentage> | <content-sizing> | auto | inherit) but found 'device-width'.
(#6259) Use of !important
(#6273) Use of !important
(#6277) Use of !important
(#6283) Use of !important
(#6287) Use of !important
(#6292) Use of !important
(#6297) Use of !important
(#6302) Use of !important
(#6307) Use of !important
(#6313) Use of !important
(#6317) Use of !important
(#6322) Use of !important
(#6327) Use of !important
(#6332) Use of !important
(#6337) Use of !important
(#6343) Use of !important
(#6347) Use of !important
(#6352) Use of !important
(#6357) Use of !important
(#6362) Use of !important
(#6367) Use of !important
(#6373) Use of !important
(#6377) Use of !important
(#6382) Use of !important
(#6387) Use of !important
(#6392) Use of !important
(#6397) Use of !important
(#6402) Use of !important
(#6407) Use of !important
(#6412) Use of !important
(#6416) Use of !important
(#6420) Use of !important
(#6426) Use of !important
(#6430) Use of !important
(#6434) Use of !important
(#6438) Use of !important
(#6442) Use of !important
(#6446) Use of !important
(#6450) Use of !important
(#6454) Use of !important
(#6459) Use of !important
(#6538) Expected (<border-width> || <border-style> || <color>) but found 'inherit'.
(#6572) Use of !important
(#6573) Use of !important
(#6585) Use of !important
(#6608) Use of !important
(#6609) Use of !important
(#6628) Use of !important
(#6637) Use of !important
(#7701) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#7710) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#8199) Use of !important
(#8329) Use of !important
(#9132) Rule is empty.
(#9184) Expected (<padding-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#9187) Expected (<padding-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#9188) Expected (<padding-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#9189) Expected (<margin-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#9226) Use of !important
(#9414) Expected RBRACE at line 9414, col 15.
(#9696) Use of !important
(#9791) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#9835) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#9842) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#9852) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#9949) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#10027) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#10190) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#10473) Unknown property 'background-repeate'.
(#10875) Use of !important
(#10876) Use of !important
(#10877) Use of !important
(#10878) Use of !important
(#10881) Use of !important
(#10885) Use of !important
(#11148) Use of !important
(#11400) Use of !important
(#11470) Use of !important
(#11971) Use of !important
(#12177) Use of !important
(#13392) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#13393) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#13713) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#14502) Expected (<length> | <percentage> | <content-sizing> | contain-floats | -moz-contain-floats | -webkit-contain-floats | inherit) but found 'unset'.
(#14707) width can't be used with display: inline.
(#14709) height can't be used with display: inline.
(#14711) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#14879) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#14888) Rule is empty.
(#14973) display:inline has no effect on floated elements (but may be used to fix the IE6 double-margin bug).
(#14975) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#14976) margin-top can't be used with display: inline.
(#15040) Use of !important
(#15347) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#15762) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#15763) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#16189) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#16190) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#16744) vertical-align can't be used with display: block.
(#16895) Use of !important
(#16896) Use of !important
(#16962) vertical-align can't be used with display: block.
(#16963) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#16964) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#17308) Expected RBRACE at line 17308, col 23.
(#17357) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#17358) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#17515) width can't be used with display: inline.
(#17519) Use of !important
(#17536) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#17537) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#17594) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#17595) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (<border-width> || <border-style> || <color>) but found 'inherit'.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Expected end of value but found '\9'.
(#1) Expected end of value but found '\9'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Expected end of value but found '\9'.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Expected (<length> | <percentage> | <content-sizing> | auto | inherit) but found 'device-width'.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Expected (<padding-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#1) Expected (<padding-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#1) Expected (<padding-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#1) Expected (<margin-width> | inherit) but found 'initial'.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Expected end of value but found '+2px'.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#1) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#1) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#1) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#1) Expected (auto | use-script | baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | central | middle | bottom | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length>) but found 'inherit'.
(#1) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#1) float can't be used with display: inline-block.
(#1) Unknown property 'background-repeate'.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) Expected (<length> | <percentage> | <content-sizing> | contain-floats | -moz-contain-floats | -webkit-contain-floats | inherit) but found 'unset'.
(#1) height can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) width can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) margin-top can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) display:inline has no effect on floated elements (but may be used to fix the IE6 double-margin bug).
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) margin can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) vertical-align can't be used with display: block.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) vertical-align can't be used with display: block.
(#1) Expected RBRACE at line 1, col 382483.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) width can't be used with display: inline.
(#1) Use of !important
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.
(#1) Expected (auto | none | pan-x | pan-y) but found 'manipulation'.

PHPDocs style problems

(60 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @authors used
(#19) Package Bootstrap theme is not valid
(#18) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#18) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#18) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#30) Function bootstrap_grid is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @authors used
(#22) Invalid phpdocs tag @authors used
(#30) Class theme_bootstrap_core_admin_renderer is not documented
(#32) Function theme_bootstrap_core_admin_renderer::maturity_info is not documented
(#50) Function theme_bootstrap_core_admin_renderer::maturity_warning is not documented
(#62) Function theme_bootstrap_core_admin_renderer::warning is not documented
(#70) Function theme_bootstrap_core_admin_renderer::test_site_warning is not documented
(#78) Function theme_bootstrap_core_admin_renderer::release_notes_link is not documented
(#83) Function theme_bootstrap_core_admin_renderer::plugins_check_table is not documented
(#101) Function theme_bootstrap_core_admin_renderer::environment_check_table is not documented
(#27) Class theme_bootstrap_block_settings_renderer is not documented
(#29) Function theme_bootstrap_block_settings_renderer::search_form is not documented
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#27) Package is not specified for class theme_bootstrap_block_settings_renderer. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#27) Class theme_bootstrap_core_renderer is not documented
(#29) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::notification is not documented
(#54) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::debug_listing is not documented
(#59) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::navbar is not documented
(#72) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::custom_menu is not documented
(#84) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::render_custom_menu is not documented
(#98) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::user_menu is not documented
(#104) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::render_user_menu is not documented
(#157) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::render_custom_menu_item is not documented
(#206) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::render_tabtree is not documented
(#220) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::render_tabobject is not documented
(#236) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::box is not documented
(#243) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer::content_zoom is not documented
(#27) Package is not specified for class theme_bootstrap_core_renderer. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#30) Class theme_bootstrap_format_topics_renderer is not documented
(#55) Class theme_bootstrap_format_weeks_renderer is not documented
(#20) Package theme is not valid
(#28) Class theme_bootstrap_core_course_management_renderer is not documented
(#29) Function theme_bootstrap_core_course_management_renderer::grid_start is not documented
(#43) Function theme_bootstrap_core_course_management_renderer::grid_column_start is not documented
(#60) Function theme_bootstrap_core_course_management_renderer::detail_pair is not documented
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#28) Class theme_bootstrap_core_course_renderer is not documented
(#30) Function theme_bootstrap_core_course_renderer::coursecat_coursebox is not documented
(#109) Function theme_bootstrap_core_course_renderer::coursecat_coursebox_content is not documented
(#180) Function theme_bootstrap_core_course_renderer::course_search_form is not documented
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#28) Class theme_bootstrap_core_enrol_renderer is not documented
(#30) Function theme_bootstrap_core_enrol_renderer::render_course_enrolment_users_table is not documented
(#94) Function theme_bootstrap_core_enrol_renderer::user_roles_and_actions is not documented
(#136) Function theme_bootstrap_core_enrol_renderer::user_groups_and_actions is not documented
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#29) Class theme_bootstrap_core_files_renderer is not documented
(#27) Class theme_bootstrap_core_renderer_maintenance is not documented
(#29) Function theme_bootstrap_core_renderer_maintenance::notification is not documented
(#22) Invalid phpdocs tag @authors used

Update savepoints problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]