Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(3 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

(#74) PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<<' (T_SL) in /mod/magtest/categories.php on line 74
(#64) PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<<' (T_SL) in /mod/magtest/questions.php on line 64
(#43) PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<<' (T_SL) in /mod/magtest/renderer.php on line 43

PHP coding style problems

(54 errors, 10 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#39) Inline control structures are not allowed
(#74) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#74) Expected 1 space after "<<"; 0 found
(#74) Expected 1 space before "<<"; 0 found
(#74) Expected 1 space after "<<"; 0 found
(#76) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#77) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#83) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#84) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#92) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#112) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#119) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#120) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#145) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#146) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#147) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#148) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#158) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#160) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#162) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#164) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#166) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#167) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#168) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#169) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#170) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#171) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
(#46) Line indented incorrectly; expected 4 spaces, found 2
(#67) Whitespace found at end of line
(#73) Whitespace found at end of line
(#75) Closing brace indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4
(#29) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#205) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#55) Inline control structures are not allowed
(#56) Inline control structures are not allowed
(#57) Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 8
(#59) Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 8
(#64) Expected 1 space after "<<"; 0 found
(#64) Expected 1 space before "<<"; 0 found
(#64) Expected 1 space after "<<"; 0 found
(#66) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 149 characters
(#69) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 149 characters
(#93) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 151 characters
(#110) Expected 1 space before "-"; 0 found
(#110) Expected 1 space after "-"; 0 found
(#110) Expected 1 space before ">"; 0 found
(#110) Expected 1 space after ">"; 0 found
(#30) Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 4
(#30) Function name "__construct" is discouraged; PHP has reserved all method names with a double underscore prefix for future use
(#30) Function name "__construct" is invalid; only PHP magic methods should be prefixed with a double underscore
(#33) Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 4
(#40) Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 4
(#43) Expected 1 space after "<<"; 0 found
(#43) Expected 1 space before "<<"; 0 found
(#43) Expected 1 space after "<<"; 0 found
(#95) Expected 1 space before "-"; 0 found
(#95) Expected 1 space after "-"; 0 found
(#95) Expected 1 space before ">"; 0 found
(#95) Expected 1 space after ">"; 0 found
(#160) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 160 characters
(#166) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 149 characters
(#33) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#86) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 140 characters
(#116) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 144 characters

Javascript coding style problems

(7 errors, 5 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

(#6) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#6) 'updaterenderer' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#6) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#7) 'imgpath' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#8) 'imgid' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#9) 'imgobj' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#9) 'imgid' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#10) 'imgobj' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#10) 'imgpath' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#10) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#12) Unexpected confirm. (no-alert)
(#22) Unexpected confirm. (no-alert)

CSS problems

(1 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by stylelint [More info]

(#23) Expected "#ff0000" to be "#f00" (color-hex-length)
(#23) Unexpected whitespace before ":" (declaration-colon-space-before)

PHPDocs style problems

(216 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#165) Function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::on_answers_start is not documented
(#169) Function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::on_answers_end is not documented
(#174) Function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::process_answer is not documented
(#204) Function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::on_questions_start is not documented
(#208) Function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::on_questions_end is not documented
(#213) Function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::process_question is not documented
(#238) Function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::on_categories_start is not documented
(#242) Function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::on_categories_end is not documented
(#247) Function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::process_category is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#106) Phpdocs for function moodle1_mod_magtest_handler::process_magtest has incomplete parameters list
(#29) Class moodle1_mod_magtest_handler does not have @copyright tag
(#29) Class moodle1_mod_magtest_handler does not have @license tag
(#21) Package mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#29) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class backup_magtest_activity_task
(#51) Phpdocs for function backup_magtest_activity_task::encode_content_links has incomplete parameters list
(#29) Class backup_magtest_activity_task does not have @copyright tag
(#29) Class backup_magtest_activity_task does not have @license tag
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#34) Function backup_magtest_activity_structure_step::define_structure is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#29) Class backup_magtest_activity_structure_step does not have @copyright tag
(#29) Class backup_magtest_activity_structure_step does not have @license tag
(#18) Package mod_tracker is not valid
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#27) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class restore_magtest_activity_task
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#27) Class restore_magtest_activity_task does not have @copyright tag
(#27) Class restore_magtest_activity_task does not have @license tag
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#33) Function restore_magtest_activity_structure_step::define_structure is not documented
(#55) Function restore_magtest_activity_structure_step::process_magtest is not documented
(#70) Function restore_magtest_activity_structure_step::after_execute is not documented
(#78) Function restore_magtest_activity_structure_step::process_magtest_category is not documented
(#91) Function restore_magtest_activity_structure_step::process_magtest_answer is not documented
(#106) Function restore_magtest_activity_structure_step::process_magtest_question is not documented
(#119) Function restore_magtest_activity_structure_step::process_magtest_useranswer is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#28) Class restore_magtest_activity_structure_step does not have @copyright tag
(#28) Class restore_magtest_activity_structure_step does not have @license tag
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#28) Invalid phpdocs tag @usecase used
(#28) Invalid phpdocs tag @usecase used
(#28) Invalid phpdocs tag @usecase used
(#22) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#29) Class course_module_instance_list_viewed does not have @copyright tag
(#29) Class course_module_instance_list_viewed does not have @license tag
(#29) Class course_module_viewed does not have @copyright tag
(#29) Class course_module_viewed does not have @license tag
(#27) Class magtest is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#32) Phpdocs for function magtest::add_category has incomplete parameters list
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#23) Class provider is not documented
(#25) Function provider::get_metadata is not documented
(#107) Function provider::delete_data_for_all_users_in_context is not documented
(#118) Function provider::delete_data_for_user is not documented
(#23) Package is not specified for class provider. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#27) Function xmldb_magtest_upgrade is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#40) Function Category_Form::__construct is not documented
(#47) Function Category_Form::definition is not documented
(#36) Variable Category_Form::$cmd is not documented
(#37) Variable Category_Form::$magtest is not documented
(#38) Variable Category_Form::$howmany is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#30) Class Category_Form does not have @copyright tag
(#30) Class Category_Form does not have @license tag
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#35) Class Question_Form is not documented
(#41) Function Question_Form::__construct is not documented
(#48) Function Question_Form::definition is not documented
(#37) Variable Question_Form::$cmd is not documented
(#38) Variable Question_Form::$magtest is not documented
(#39) Variable Question_Form::$howmany is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#30) Class magtest_categories_form is not documented
(#32) Function magtest_categories_form::__construct is not documented
(#36) Function magtest_categories_form::definition is not documented
(#41) Function magtest_categories_form::definition_after_data is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#29) Class ImportQuestionsForm is not documented
(#31) Function ImportQuestionsForm::definition is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#108) Function pix_url is not documented
(#502) Function magtest_pluginfile is not documented
(#275) There is no description in phpdocs for function magtest_scale_used_anywhere
(#91) Phpdocs for function magtest_add_instance has incomplete parameters list
(#117) Phpdocs for function magtest_update_instance has incomplete parameters list
(#198) Phpdocs for function magtest_user_outline has incomplete parameters list
(#222) Phpdocs for function magtest_user_complete has incomplete parameters list
(#245) Phpdocs for function magtest_print_recent_activity has incomplete parameters list
(#275) Phpdocs for function magtest_scale_used_anywhere has incomplete parameters list
(#316) Phpdocs for function magtest_scale_used has incomplete parameters list
(#330) Phpdocs for function magtest_reset_userdata has incomplete parameters list
(#355) Phpdocs for function magtest_reset_course_form_definition has incomplete parameters list
(#489) Phpdocs for function magtest_activity_completed has incomplete parameters list
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#159) Phpdocs for function magtest_get_max_ordering has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#25) Invalid phpdocs tag @date used
(#26) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#23) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#352) There is no description in phpdocs for function magtest_get_unsubmitted_users
(#55) Phpdocs for function magtest_get_question has incomplete parameters list
(#73) Phpdocs for function magtest_get_answers has incomplete parameters list
(#125) Phpdocs for function magtest_user_result has incomplete parameters list
(#286) Phpdocs for function magtest_get_symbols_baseurl has incomplete parameters list
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#28) Invalid phpdocs tag @usecase used
(#28) Invalid phpdocs tag @usecase used
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#35) Function mod_magtest_mod_form::definition is not documented
(#94) Function mod_magtest_mod_form::validation is not documented
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#30) Class mod_magtest_mod_form does not have @copyright tag
(#30) Class mod_magtest_mod_form does not have @license tag
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @usecase used
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @usecase used
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @usecase used
(#19) Package mod-magtest is not valid
(#20) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#28) Class mod_magtest_renderer is not documented
(#30) Function mod_magtest_renderer::__construct is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#37) Phpdocs for function answer_help_icon has incomplete parameters list
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#28) Invalid phpdocs tag @usecase used
(#20) Package mod-magtest is not valid
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#19) Category mod is not valid
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#20) Package mod-magtest is not valid
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @contributors used
(#20) Package mod-magtest is not valid
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#21) Category mod is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#21) Not recommended phpdocs tag @version used
(#22) Package magtest is not valid

Update savepoints problems

(1 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

version 2018042400 is higher than that defined in /var/lib/jenkins/git_repositories/prechecker/mod/magtest/version.php file

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(1 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

Problems running grunt

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 9 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]

(#1) Example context missing.
(#1) HTML Validation error, line 9: The “width” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. (lue="" /><table width="100%" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="10"> )
(#1) HTML Validation error, line 9: The “cellspacing” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. (lue="" /><table width="100%" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="10"> )
(#1) HTML Validation error, line 9: The “cellpadding” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. (lue="" /><table width="100%" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="10"> )
(#1) HTML Validation error, line 14: The “align” attribute on the “tr” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. (ding="10"> <tr align="top"> )
(#1) HTML Validation error, line 15: The “align” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. (ign="top"> <td colspan="3" align="center"> )
(#1) HTML Validation error, line 16: Element “input” with attribute “type” whose value is “button” must have non-empty attribute “value”. ( <input type="button" name="go_btn" value="" onclick="" /> )
(#1) HTML Validation error, line 17: Element “input” with attribute “type” whose value is “button” must have non-empty attribute “value”. ( <input type="button" name="backtocourse_btn" value="" onclick="" /> )
(#1) HTML Validation error, line 15: Table columns in range 2…3 established by element “td” have no cells beginning in them. (ign="top"> <td colspan="3" align="center"> )