Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(27 errors, 25 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#85) This comment is 45% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#80) Public method name "qtype_coderunner_RandomExtension::getFunctions" must be in lower-case letters only
(#106) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#117) Usage of ELSEIF not allowed; use ELSE IF instead
(#126) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#127) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#148) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#148) This comment is 46% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#157) Expected 1 space after asterisk; 2 found
(#160) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#224) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#65) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#379) Variable "template_status" must not contain underscores.
(#380) Variable "template_status" must not contain underscores.
(#381) Variable "template_status" must not contain underscores.
(#445) Variable "template_status" must not contain underscores.
(#446) Variable "template_status" must not contain underscores.
(#544) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#828) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#887) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#202) The use of backticks in strings is not recommended
(#308) The use of backticks in strings is not recommended
(#521) The use of backticks in strings is not recommended
(#531) The use of backticks in strings is not recommended
(#610) The use of backticks in strings is not recommended
(#611) The use of backticks in strings is not recommended
(#613) The use of backticks in strings is not recommended
(#635) The use of backticks in strings is not recommended
(#86) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#95) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#99) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#100) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 16 spaces, found 15
(#126) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#68) Protected method name "qtype_coderunner_testcase::onNotSuccessfulTest" must be in lower-case letters only
(#1070) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#2) Line 1 of the opening comment must start "// This file is part of".
(#2) Line 2 of the opening comment must start "//".
(#3) Line 3 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify".
(#3) Line 4 of the opening comment must start "// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by".
(#3) Line 5 of the opening comment must start "// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or".
(#3) Line 6 of the opening comment must start "// (at your option) any later version.".
(#3) Line 7 of the opening comment must start "//".
(#4) Line 8 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,".
(#4) Line 9 of the opening comment must start "// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of".
(#4) Line 10 of the opening comment must start "// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the".
(#4) Line 11 of the opening comment must start "// GNU General Public License for more details.".
(#4) Line 12 of the opening comment must start "//".
(#5) Line 13 of the opening comment must start "// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License".
(#5) Line 14 of the opening comment must start "// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.".
(#45) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#78) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#94) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks

Javascript coding style problems

(0 errors, 385 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

(#35) Missing space before value for key 'iscombinatortemplate'. (key-spacing)
(#36) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#38) Multiple spaces found before '// Need nice c...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#44) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#48) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#64) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#89) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#90) Multiple spaces found before '// The jquery ...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#104) Expected space(s) after "catch". (keyword-spacing)
(#139) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#150) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#164) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#172) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#195) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#197) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#204) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#215) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#223) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#240) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#254) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#258) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#264) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#266) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#274) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#274) Identifier 'set_testtype_visibilities' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#284) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#284) Identifier 'check_ace_lang' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#285) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#292) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#292) Identifier 'check_template_lang' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#298) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#306) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#315) Multiple spaces found before '// setUis is c...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#315) Comments should not begin with a lowercase character (capitalized-comments)
(#317) Multiple spaces found before '// Set up UI c...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#335) Unexpected confirm. (no-alert)
(#351) Unexpected confirm. (no-alert)
(#374) There should be no spaces inside this paren. (space-in-parens)
(#374) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#386) Multiple spaces found before '// Fixed row.'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#1) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#50) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#56) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#57) Multiple spaces found before '// The ui_grap...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#86) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#107) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'parent'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#107) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'b'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#107) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'a'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#107) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#113) Multiple spaces found before '// The parent ...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#120) Multiple spaces found before '// Percentage ...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#141) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#148) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#192) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#205) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#217) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#220) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#223) 'textAngle' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#224) 'textX' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#224) 'textAngle' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#225) 'textY' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#225) 'textAngle' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#226) 'textX' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#226) 'textY' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#226) 'textAngle' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#228) 'textX' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#228) 'textX' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#229) 'textY' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#229) 'textY' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#230) 'textAngle' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#230) 'textAngle' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#231) 'textX' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#231) 'textY' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#231) 'textAngle' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#237) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#238) 'dx' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#239) 'dy' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#240) 'distance' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#240) 'dx' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#240) 'dx' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#240) 'dy' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#240) 'dy' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#241) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#241) 'distance' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#242) 'dy' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#242) 'dx' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#245) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#250) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#253) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#255) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#261) 'dx' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#261) 'dx' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#262) 'dy' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#262) 'dy' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#263) 'dx' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#263) 'dx' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#263) 'dy' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#263) 'dy' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#264) 'dx' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#264) 'dy' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#265) 'distance' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#265) 'distance' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#265) 'dx' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#265) 'dy' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#266) 'distance' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#271) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#278) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#285) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#298) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#302) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#305) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#356) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#356) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'start'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#356) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'parent'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#356) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'node'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#368) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#377) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#381) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#421) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#428) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#445) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#451) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#49) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#55) There should be no space before ']'. (array-bracket-spacing)
(#60) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#60) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#60) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#60) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#61) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#62) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#62) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#63) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#63) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#67) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#67) 'i' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#67) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#67) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#67) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#68) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#68) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#119) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#120) Expected space(s) after "while". (keyword-spacing)
(#125) There should be no space after '{'. (object-curly-spacing)
(#125) There should be no space before '}'. (object-curly-spacing)
(#1) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#18) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#24) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#25) Multiple spaces found before '// The jquery ...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#28) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#43) Extra space after key 'initLangSelector'. (key-spacing)
(#32) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'buttonId'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#32) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'answerId'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#32) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'reloadText'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#32) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'confirmText'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#41) Unexpected confirm. (no-alert)
(#55) There should be no space after '{'. (object-curly-spacing)
(#55) There should be no space before '}'. (object-curly-spacing)
(#30) Multiple spaces found before '// Unicode "le...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#32) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#40) Identifier 'has_fill' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#46) Identifier 'has_fill' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#67) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#96) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#130) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#139) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#145) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#185) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#203) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#209) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#217) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#232) Unexpected @returns tag; function has no return statement. (valid-jsdoc)
(#232) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#232) Duplicate JSDoc parameter 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#232) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#232) Duplicate JSDoc parameter 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#232) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#232) Expected JSDoc for 'buttonId' but found 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#232) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'showValue'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#232) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'hideValue'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#277) There should be no space after '{'. (object-curly-spacing)
(#277) There should be no space before '}'. (object-curly-spacing)
(#33) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#39) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#51) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#78) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#78) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#86) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#91) Multiple spaces found before '// Take from e...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#101) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#108) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#112) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#124) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#125) Multiple spaces found before '// Firefox etc...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#131) Multiple spaces found before '// Inhibit ann...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#139) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#148) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#42) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#59) Identifier 'contents_changed' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#99) Comments should not begin with a lowercase character (capitalized-comments)
(#111) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#112) Expected space(s) after "catch". (keyword-spacing)
(#144) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#149) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#154) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#162) Identifier 'contents_changed' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#199) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#202) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#210) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#229) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#50) More than 2 blank lines not allowed. (no-multiple-empty-lines)
(#55) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#62) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#73) Unquoted reserved word 'class' used as key. (quote-props)
(#111) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#117) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#121) Multiple spaces found before '// Pixels.'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#122) Multiple spaces found before '// Pixels. Tem...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#123) Comments should not begin with a lowercase character (capitalized-comments)
(#123) Multiple spaces found before '// px. Templat...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#131) Multiple spaces found before 'this'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#133) Multiple spaces found before '// Need global...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#142) Multiple spaces found before '// Will be set...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#199) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#212) Function expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#213) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#215) Function expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#230) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#231) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#235) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#240) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#246) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#248) Function expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#252) Function expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#263) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#264) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#271) Function expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#272) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#273) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#274) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#274) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#274) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#274) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#275) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#275) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#276) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#279) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#279) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#279) 'i' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#279) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#279) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#280) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#280) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#281) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#282) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#283) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#284) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#290) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#291) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#308) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#314) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#340) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#342) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#346) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#347) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#353) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#355) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#365) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#367) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#382) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#383) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#399) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#399) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#399) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#399) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#400) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#400) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#401) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#404) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#404) 'i' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#404) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#404) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#404) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#405) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#405) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#406) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#413) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#414) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#414) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#418) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#422) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#430) Comments should not begin with a lowercase character (capitalized-comments)
(#436) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#436) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#436) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#436) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#437) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#438) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#445) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#445) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#445) 'i' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#445) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#445) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#446) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#447) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#449) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#454) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#465) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#469) Expected space(s) after "catch". (keyword-spacing)
(#470) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#470) Comments should not begin with a lowercase character (capitalized-comments)
(#485) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#486) Multiple spaces found before '// Don't save ...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#489) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#489) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#489) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#489) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#490) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#499) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#499) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#499) 'i' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#499) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#499) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#500) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#504) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#509) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#515) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#523) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#531) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#533) Multiple spaces found before '// Stop all ev...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#538) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#549) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#558) Multiple spaces found before '// Only procee...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#560) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#560) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#560) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#560) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#562) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#563) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#565) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#565) 'i' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#565) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#565) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#565) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#567) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#568) 'i' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#570) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#594) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#605) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#612) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#1) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#116) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#133) Multiple spaces found before 'h'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#138) Multiple spaces found before '// Size of gut...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#144) Multiple spaces found before '// True if we'...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#145) Multiple spaces found before '// True if UI ...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#146) ["uiloadfail"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#147) Multiple spaces found before '// Number of f...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#170) Multiple spaces found before '// Defined by ...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#171) Multiple spaces found before '// Load the re...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#186) Multiple spaces found before '// Reactivate'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#203) Multiple spaces found before '// Oops, we're...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#206) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#217) Multiple spaces found before '// Save in cas...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#219) Multiple spaces found before '// Kill any ac...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#228) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#249) Multiple spaces found before '// Force resiz...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#250) Multiple spaces found before '// ... on firs...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#291) More than 2 blank lines not allowed. (no-multiple-empty-lines)
(#297) Multiple spaces found before '// Horrible bu...'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#309) Multiple spaces found before 'hAdjusted'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#316) Duplicate JSDoc parameter 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Duplicate JSDoc parameter 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'associative'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Duplicate JSDoc parameter 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Expected JSDoc for 'uiname' but found 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Expected JSDoc for 'textareaId' but found 'associative'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'strings'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'templateParamsJson'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'lang'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#316) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#331) Expected space(s) after "catch". (keyword-spacing)

CSS problems

(19 errors, 34 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by stylelint [More info]

(#93) The rest part of value can't to be matched on `margin-bottom` syntax (csstree/validator)
(#274) Unknown property: padding-botton
(#325) Unknown property: padding-after
(#30) Expected "#F0F0F0" to be "#f0f0f0" (color-hex-case)
(#76) Expected "#B0B0B0" to be "#b0b0b0" (color-hex-case)
(#84) Expected "#F8F8FF" to be "#f8f8ff" (color-hex-case)
(#138) Expected "#AAFFAA" to be "#aaffaa" (color-hex-case)
(#142) Expected "#FFFFFF" to be "#ffffff" (color-hex-case)
(#142) Expected "#FFFFFF" to be "#ffffff" (color-hex-case)
(#148) Expected "#FFAAAA" to be "#ffaaaa" (color-hex-case)
(#153) Expected "#FFDDDD" to be "#ffdddd" (color-hex-case)
(#153) Expected "#FFDDDD" to be "#ffdddd" (color-hex-case)
(#153) Expected "#FFEEEE" to be "#ffeeee" (color-hex-case)
(#153) Expected "#FFEEEE" to be "#ffeeee" (color-hex-case)
(#162) Expected "#FFF3BF" to be "#fff3bf" (color-hex-case)
(#180) Expected "#E0E000" to be "#e0e000" (color-hex-case)
(#185) Expected "#F5F5F5" to be "#f5f5f5" (color-hex-case)
(#189) Expected "#E5E5E5" to be "#e5e5e5" (color-hex-case)
(#261) Expected "#EEE" to be "#eee" (color-hex-case)
(#266) Expected "#BBB" to be "#bbb" (color-hex-case)
(#293) Expected "#BBB" to be "#bbb" (color-hex-case)
(#300) Expected "#BBB" to be "#bbb" (color-hex-case)
(#138) Expected "#AAFFAA" to be "#AFA" (color-hex-length)
(#142) Expected "#FFFFFF" to be "#FFF" (color-hex-length)
(#142) Expected "#FFFFFF" to be "#FFF" (color-hex-length)
(#148) Expected "#FFAAAA" to be "#FAA" (color-hex-length)
(#153) Expected "#FFDDDD" to be "#FDD" (color-hex-length)
(#153) Expected "#FFDDDD" to be "#FDD" (color-hex-length)
(#153) Expected "#FFEEEE" to be "#FEE" (color-hex-length)
(#153) Expected "#FFEEEE" to be "#FEE" (color-hex-length)
(#202) Expected "#000000" to be "#000" (color-hex-length)
(#185) Expected a trailing semicolon (declaration-block-trailing-semicolon)
(#189) Expected a trailing semicolon (declaration-block-trailing-semicolon)
(#15) Expected single space after ":" with a single-line declaration (declaration-colon-space-after)
(#185) Expected single space after ":" with a single-line declaration (declaration-colon-space-after)
(#189) Expected single space after ":" with a single-line declaration (declaration-colon-space-after)
(#288) Expected single space after ":" with a single-line declaration (declaration-colon-space-after)
(#278) Expected indentation of 0 spaces (indentation)
(#62) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#62) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#62) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#127) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#133) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#325) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#274) Unexpected unknown property "padding-botton" (property-no-unknown)
(#325) Unexpected unknown property "padding-after" (property-no-unknown)
(#309) Expected single space after "+" (selector-combinator-space-after)
(#336) Expected single space after "+" (selector-combinator-space-after)
(#336) Expected single space after "+" (selector-combinator-space-after)
(#309) Expected single space before "+" (selector-combinator-space-before)
(#336) Expected single space before "+" (selector-combinator-space-before)
(#336) Expected single space before "+" (selector-combinator-space-before)
(#15) Expected single space after "," in a single-line list (value-list-comma-space-after)

PHPDocs style problems

(549 errors, 10 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#23) Incorrect path for phpdocs tag @group detected
(#27) Package qtype is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#34) Function backup_qtype_coderunner_plugin::qtype is not documented
(#40) Function backup_qtype_coderunner_plugin::add_quest_coderunner_options is not documented
(#65) Function backup_qtype_coderunner_plugin::add_quest_coderunner_testcases is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#28) Class backup_qtype_coderunner_plugin does not have @copyright tag
(#28) Class backup_qtype_coderunner_plugin does not have @license tag
(#18) Package moodlecore is not valid
(#51) Function restore_qtype_coderunner_plugin::add_question_options is not documented
(#65) Function restore_qtype_coderunner_plugin::add_question_testcases is not documented
(#81) Function restore_qtype_coderunner_plugin::process_coderunner_testcases is not documented
(#105) Function restore_qtype_coderunner_plugin::process_coderunner_options is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#29) Class restore_qtype_coderunner_plugin does not have @copyright tag
(#29) Class restore_qtype_coderunner_plugin does not have @license tag
(#18) Package moodlecore is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#31) Class qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester is not documented
(#33) Constant qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester::PASS is not documented
(#34) Constant qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester::MISSINGANSWER is not documented
(#35) Constant qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester::FAIL is not documented
(#36) Constant qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester::EXCEPTION is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#58) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester::get_all_prototypes has incomplete parameters list
(#98) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester::get_categories_for_context has incomplete parameters list
(#127) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester::category_path has incomplete parameters list
(#224) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester::get_all_coderunner_questions_in_context has incomplete parameters list
(#409) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_bulk_tester::display_prototypes has incomplete parameters list
(#126) Not recommended phpdocs tag @global used
(#30) Class qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome is not documented
(#36) Function qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::__construct is not documented
(#61) Function qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::iscombinatorgrader is not documented
(#134) Function qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::format_table is not documented
(#164) Function qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::get_prologue is not documented
(#168) Function qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::get_epilogue is not documented
(#172) Function qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::show_differences is not documented
(#181) Function qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::validate_table_formats is not documented
(#212) Function qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::visible_rows is not documented
(#33) Variable qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::$allowedfields is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#65) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_combinator_grader_outcome::validation_error_message has incomplete parameters list
(#118) Not recommended phpdocs tag @global used
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#23) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#27) Class constants is not documented
(#47) Function constants::author_edit_keys is not documented
(#54) Function constants::ui_plugin_keys is not documented
(#28) Constant constants::TEMPLATE_LANGUAGE is not documented
(#29) Constant constants::USER_LANGUAGE is not documented
(#30) Constant constants::DEFAULT_GRADER is not documented
(#31) Constant constants::FUNC_MIN_LENGTH is not documented
(#33) Constant constants::PRECHECK_DISABLED is not documented
(#34) Constant constants::PRECHECK_EMPTY is not documented
(#35) Constant constants::PRECHECK_EXAMPLES is not documented
(#36) Constant constants::PRECHECK_SELECTED is not documented
(#37) Constant constants::PRECHECK_ALL is not documented
(#39) Constant constants::TESTTYPE_NORMAL is not documented
(#40) Constant constants::TESTTYPE_PRECHECK is not documented
(#41) Constant constants::TESTTYPE_BOTH is not documented
(#43) Constant constants::MAX_STRING_LENGTH is not documented
(#44) Constant constants::MAX_LINE_LENGTH is not documented
(#45) Constant constants::MAX_NUM_LINES is not documented
(#27) Package is not specified for class constants. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) Package qtype is not valid
(#36) Class qtype_coderunner_equality_grader is not documented
(#38) Function qtype_coderunner_equality_grader::name is not documented
(#47) Function qtype_coderunner_equality_grader::grade_known_good is not documented
(#27) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#28) Package qtype is not valid
(#29) Class qtype_coderunner_escapers is not documented
(#34) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_escapers::python has incomplete parameters list
(#47) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_escapers::matlab has incomplete parameters list
(#63) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_escapers::java has incomplete parameters list
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#25) Class qtype_coderunner_exception is not documented
(#26) There is no description in phpdocs for function __construct
(#27) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_exception::__construct has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#25) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_exception. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#37) Class qtype_coderunner_grader is not documented
(#46) Function qtype_coderunner_grader::name is not documented
(#78) Function qtype_coderunner_grader::grade_known_good is not documented
(#16) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#63) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_grader::grade has incomplete parameters list
(#16) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#16) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#37) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_grader. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#29) Package qtype is not valid
(#30) Class qtype_coderunner_html_wrapper is not documented
(#32) Function qtype_coderunner_html_wrapper::__construct is not documented
(#37) Function qtype_coderunner_html_wrapper::value is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#28) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#31) Class qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox is not documented
(#45) Function qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::__construct is not documented
(#94) Function qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::get_languages is not documented
(#183) Function qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::create_submission is not documented
(#209) Function qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::get_submission_status is not documented
(#226) Function qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::get_submission_details is not documented
(#33) Variable qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::$client is not documented
(#34) Variable qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::$langserror is not documented
(#35) Variable qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::$langmap is not documented
(#39) Constant qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::STATUS_WAITING is not documented
(#40) Constant qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::STATUS_DONE is not documented
(#41) Constant qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::STATUS_COMPILING is not documented
(#42) Constant qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::STATUS_RUNNING is not documented
(#104) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox::execute has incomplete parameters list
(#31) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#22) Package qtype is not valid
(#29) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#31) Class qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox is not documented
(#63) Function qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::__construct is not documented
(#83) Function qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::get_languages is not documented
(#121) Function qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::execute is not documented
(#216) Function qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::get_error_code is not documented
(#237) Function qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::put_file is not documented
(#301) Function qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::submit is not documented
(#315) Function qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::http_request is not documented
(#350) Function qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::filter_file_path is not documented
(#55) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::$languages is not documented
(#56) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::$httpcode is not documented
(#57) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::$response is not documented
(#33) Constant qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::DEBUGGING is not documented
(#34) Constant qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::HTTP_GET is not documented
(#35) Constant qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::HTTP_POST is not documented
(#36) Constant qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox::HTTP_PUT is not documented
(#31) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#24) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#29) Class qtype_coderunner_jobrunner is not documented
(#45) Function qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::run_tests is not documented
(#99) Function qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::run_combinator is not documented
(#155) Function qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::run_tests_singly is not documented
(#215) Function qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::grade is not documented
(#282) Function qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::merge is not documented
(#297) Function qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::maximum_possible_mark is not documented
(#309) Function qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::make_error_message is not documented
(#334) Function qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::count_errors is not documented
(#30) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::$grader is not documented
(#31) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::$sandbox is not documented
(#32) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::$code is not documented
(#33) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::$question is not documented
(#34) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::$testcases is not documented
(#35) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::$allruns is not documented
(#36) Variable qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::$precheck is not documented
(#225) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_jobrunner::do_combinator_grading has incomplete parameters list
(#29) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_jobrunner. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) Package qtype is not valid
(#47) Class qtype_coderunner_localsandbox is not documented
(#66) Function qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::__construct is not documented
(#152) Function qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::make_directory is not documented
(#197) Function qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::del_tree is not documented
(#209) Function qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::set_path is not documented
(#51) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$source is not documented
(#52) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$language is not documented
(#53) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$input is not documented
(#54) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$params is not documented
(#55) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$files is not documented
(#56) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$sourcefilename is not documented
(#58) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$result is not documented
(#59) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$cmpinfo is not documented
(#60) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$output is not documented
(#61) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$stderr is not documented
(#62) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$signal is not documented
(#64) Variable qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::$workdir is not documented
(#49) Constant qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::SOURCE_FILE_NAME is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#73) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_localsandbox::execute has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#47) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_localsandbox. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#31) Package qtype is not valid
(#34) Class qtype_coderunner_near_equality_grader is not documented
(#45) Function qtype_coderunner_near_equality_grader::name is not documented
(#50) Function qtype_coderunner_near_equality_grader::grade_known_good is not documented
(#61) Function qtype_coderunner_near_equality_grader::reduce is not documented
(#16) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#16) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#16) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#34) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_near_equality_grader. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#26) Package qtype is not valid
(#41) Class qtype_coderunner_regex_grader is not documented
(#43) Function qtype_coderunner_regex_grader::name is not documented
(#16) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#47) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_regex_grader::grade_known_good has incomplete parameters list
(#16) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#16) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#41) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_regex_grader. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#33) Package qtype is not valid
(#40) Class qtype_coderunner_sandbox is not documented
(#94) Function qtype_coderunner_sandbox::__construct is not documented
(#218) Function qtype_coderunner_sandbox::result_string is not documented
(#323) Function qtype_coderunner_sandbox::close is not documented
(#41) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$user is not documented
(#42) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$password is not documented
(#43) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$authenticationerror is not documented
(#83) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$defaultcputime is not documented
(#84) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$defaultwalltime is not documented
(#85) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$defaultmemorylimit is not documented
(#86) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$defaultdisklimit is not documented
(#87) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$defaultnumprocs is not documented
(#88) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$defaultfiles is not documented
(#90) Variable qtype_coderunner_sandbox::$params is not documented
(#49) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::OK is not documented
(#50) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::AUTH_ERROR is not documented
(#51) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::PASTE_NOT_FOUND is not documented
(#52) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::WRONG_LANG_ID is not documented
(#53) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::ACCESS_DENIED is not documented
(#54) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::SUBMISSION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED is not documented
(#55) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::CREATE_SUBMISSION_FAILED is not documented
(#56) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR is not documented
(#57) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::JOBE_400_ERROR is not documented
(#58) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::SERVER_OVERLOAD is not documented
(#63) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_NO_RUN is not documented
(#64) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_SUCCESS2 is not documented
(#65) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_COMPILATION_ERROR is not documented
(#66) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_RUNTIME_ERROR is not documented
(#67) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_TIME_LIMIT is not documented
(#68) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_SUCCESS is not documented
(#69) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_MEMORY_LIMIT is not documented
(#70) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_ILLEGAL_SYSCALL is not documented
(#71) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_INTERNAL_ERR is not documented
(#73) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_SERVER_OVERLOAD is not documented
(#74) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_OUTPUT_LIMIT is not documented
(#75) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::RESULT_ABNORMAL_TERMINATION is not documented
(#77) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::POLL_INTERVAL is not documented
(#78) Constant qtype_coderunner_sandbox::MAX_NUM_POLLS is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#101) There is no description in phpdocs for function get_instance
(#182) There is no description in phpdocs for function error_string
(#257) There is no description in phpdocs for function get_languages
(#128) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_sandbox::get_best_sandbox has incomplete parameters list
(#173) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_sandbox::get_filename has incomplete parameters list
(#184) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_sandbox::error_string has incomplete parameters list
(#271) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_sandbox::execute has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#40) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_sandbox. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#27) Package qtype is not valid
(#29) Class qtype_coderunner_student is not documented
(#36) Function qtype_coderunner_student::__construct is not documented
(#31) Variable qtype_coderunner_student::$username is not documented
(#32) Variable qtype_coderunner_student::$email is not documented
(#33) Variable qtype_coderunner_student::$firstname is not documented
(#34) Variable qtype_coderunner_student::$lastname is not documented
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#33) Class qtype_coderunner_template_grader is not documented
(#35) Function qtype_coderunner_template_grader::name is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#39) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_template_grader::grade_known_good has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#33) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_template_grader. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#25) Package qtype is not valid
(#33) Class qtype_coderunner_test_result is not documented
(#35) Function qtype_coderunner_test_result::__construct is not documented
(#57) Function qtype_coderunner_test_result::gettrimmedvalue is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#30) Class qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome is not documented
(#48) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::__construct is not documented
(#60) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::set_status is not documented
(#65) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::iscombinatorgrader is not documented
(#92) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::run_failed is not documented
(#96) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::has_syntax_error is not documented
(#100) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::combinator_error is not documented
(#104) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::is_ungradable is not documented
(#108) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::mark_as_fraction is not documented
(#118) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::all_correct is not documented
(#124) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::was_aborted is not documented
(#129) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::add_test_result is not documented
(#139) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::validation_error_message is not documented
(#306) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::count_hidden_errors is not documented
(#327) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::should_display_result is not documented
(#338) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::count_non_blanks is not documented
(#387) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::get_test_results is not documented
(#392) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::get_raw_output is not documented
(#399) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::get_prologue is not documented
(#403) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::get_epilogue is not documented
(#407) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::get_sourcecode_list is not documented
(#411) Function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::get_error_count is not documented
(#38) Variable qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::$status is not documented
(#40) Variable qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::$isprecheck is not documented
(#41) Variable qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::$errorcount is not documented
(#42) Variable qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::$errormessage is not documented
(#43) Variable qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::$maxpossmark is not documented
(#44) Variable qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::$actualmark is not documented
(#45) Variable qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::$testresults is not documented
(#46) Variable qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::$sourcecodelist is not documented
(#31) Constant qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::STATUS_VALID is not documented
(#32) Constant qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::STATUS_SYNTAX_ERROR is not documented
(#33) Constant qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::STATUS_BAD_COMBINATOR is not documented
(#34) Constant qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::STATUS_SANDBOX_ERROR is not documented
(#36) Constant qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::TOLERANCE is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#366) There is no description in phpdocs for function can_view_hidden
(#69) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::is_precheck has incomplete parameters list
(#192) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_testing_outcome::build_results_table has incomplete parameters list
(#191) Not recommended phpdocs tag @global used
(#368) Not recommended phpdocs tag @global used
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#29) Class qtype_coderunner_twig is not documented
(#78) Class qtype_coderunner_RandomExtension is not documented
(#36) Function qtype_coderunner_twig::get_twig_environment is not documented
(#80) Function qtype_coderunner_RandomExtension::getFunctions is not documented
(#30) Variable qtype_coderunner_twig::$twigenvironment is not documented
(#154) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_set_random_seed has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#29) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_twig. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#78) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_RandomExtension. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#91) Package is not specified for function qtype_coderunner_random. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#154) Package is not specified for function qtype_coderunner_set_random_seed. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#29) Class qtype_coderunner_util is not documented
(#37) Function qtype_coderunner_util::load_uiplugin_js is not documented
(#59) Function qtype_coderunner_util::load_ace is not documented
(#73) Function qtype_coderunner_util::next_char is not documented
(#105) Function qtype_coderunner_util::clean is not documented
(#142) Function qtype_coderunner_util::snip is not documented
(#157) Function qtype_coderunner_util::tidy is not documented
(#169) Function qtype_coderunner_util::format_cell is not documented
(#179) Function qtype_coderunner_util::clean_html is not documented
(#267) Function qtype_coderunner_util::template_params is not documented
(#198) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_util::make_html_para has incomplete parameters list
(#248) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_util::merge_json has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#29) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_util. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#23) Function xmldb_qtype_coderunner_install is not documented
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#23) Package is not specified for function xmldb_qtype_coderunner_install. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#25) Function xmldb_qtype_coderunner_upgrade is not documented
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#25) Package is not specified for function xmldb_qtype_coderunner_upgrade. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#46) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::qtype is not documented
(#51) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::definition is not documented
(#85) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::definition_inner is not documented
(#172) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::add_per_testcase_fields is not documented
(#191) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::get_per_testcase_fields is not documented
(#260) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::displayoptions is not documented
(#265) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::data_preprocessing is not documented
(#351) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::newline_hack is not documented
(#356) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::validation is not documented
(#473) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::make_questiontype_panel is not documented
(#563) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::make_questiontype_help_panel is not documented
(#573) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::make_customisation_panel is not documented
(#641) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::get_ui_plugins is not documented
(#658) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::make_advanced_customisation_panel is not documented
(#734) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::is_valid_new_type is not documented
(#748) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::get_languages_and_types is not documented
(#778) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::validate_test_cases is not documented
(#822) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::validate_template_params is not documented
(#864) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::validate_twigables is not documented
(#910) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::validate_sample_answer is not documented
(#970) Function qtype_coderunner_edit_form::get_file_manager is not documented
(#39) Constant qtype_coderunner_edit_form::NUM_TESTCASES_START is not documented
(#40) Constant qtype_coderunner_edit_form::NUM_TESTCASES_ADD is not documented
(#41) Constant qtype_coderunner_edit_form::DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS is not documented
(#42) Constant qtype_coderunner_edit_form::DEFAULT_NUM_COLS is not documented
(#43) Constant qtype_coderunner_edit_form::TEMPLATE_PARAM_ROWS is not documented
(#44) Constant qtype_coderunner_edit_form::RESULT_COLUMNS_SIZE is not documented
(#34) Class qtype_coderunner_edit_form does not have @copyright tag
(#34) Class qtype_coderunner_edit_form does not have @license tag
(#34) Package is not specified for class qtype_coderunner_edit_form. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#22) Package questionbank is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#82) Function qtype_coderunner_question::apply_attempt_state is not documented
(#124) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_expected_data is not documented
(#130) Function qtype_coderunner_question::summarise_response is not documented
(#138) Function qtype_coderunner_question::is_gradable_response is not documented
(#144) Function qtype_coderunner_question::is_complete_response is not documented
(#186) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_correct_response is not documented
(#191) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_correct_answer is not documented
(#287) Function qtype_coderunner_question::example_testcases is not documented
(#298) Function qtype_coderunner_question::twig_all is not documented
(#363) Function qtype_coderunner_question::filter_testcases is not documented
(#388) Function qtype_coderunner_question::selected_testcases is not documented
(#402) Function qtype_coderunner_question::empty_testcase is not documented
(#423) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_template is not documented
(#429) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_language is not documented
(#434) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_show_source is not documented
(#441) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_test_splitter_re is not documented
(#447) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_is_combinator is not documented
(#453) Function qtype_coderunner_question::allow_multiple_stdins is not documented
(#458) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_sandbox is not documented
(#478) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_grader is not documented
(#496) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_files is not documented
(#510) Function qtype_coderunner_question::get_sandbox_params is not documented
(#42) Variable qtype_coderunner_question::$testcases is not documented
(#265) There is no description in phpdocs for function result_columns
(#53) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_question::start_attempt has incomplete parameters list
(#149) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_question::get_validation_error has incomplete parameters list
(#328) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_question::twig_expand has incomplete parameters list
(#347) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_question::setup_template_params has incomplete parameters list
(#541) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_question::get_data_files has incomplete parameters list
(#37) Class qtype_coderunner_question does not have @copyright tag
(#37) Class qtype_coderunner_question does not have @license tag
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#170) Function qtype_coderunner::copy_testcases_from_form is not documented
(#221) Function qtype_coderunner::save_question is not documented
(#229) Function qtype_coderunner::save_question_options is not documented
(#367) Function qtype_coderunner::get_question_options is not documented
(#552) Function qtype_coderunner::initialise_question_instance is not documented
(#565) Function qtype_coderunner::delete_question is not documented
(#611) Function qtype_coderunner::import_from_xml is not documented
(#733) Function qtype_coderunner::export_to_xml is not documented
(#39) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#51) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class qtype_coderunner
(#151) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner::generate_test has incomplete parameters list
(#286) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner::clean_question_form has incomplete parameters list
(#406) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner::set_inherited_fields has incomplete parameters list
(#791) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner::filter_crs has incomplete parameters list
(#51) Class qtype_coderunner does not have @copyright tag
(#39) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#51) Class qtype_coderunner does not have @license tag
(#40) Package qtype is not valid
(#37) Class qtype_coderunner_renderer is not documented
(#269) Function qtype_coderunner_renderer::build_results_table is not documented
(#321) Function qtype_coderunner_renderer::build_feedback_summary is not documented
(#370) Function qtype_coderunner_renderer::build_combinator_grader_feedback_summary is not documented
(#389) Function qtype_coderunner_renderer::make_source_code_div is not documented
(#485) Function qtype_coderunner_renderer::count_bits is not documented
(#505) Function qtype_coderunner_renderer::show_column is not documented
(#517) Function qtype_coderunner_renderer::column_header is not documented
(#547) Function qtype_coderunner_renderer::diff_button is not documented
(#431) There is no description in phpdocs for function format_examples
(#527) There is no description in phpdocs for function results_class
(#529) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_renderer::results_class has incomplete parameters list
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#28) Class behat_coderunner is not documented
(#112) There is no description in phpdocs for function i_see_a_canvas
(#123) There is no description in phpdocs for function i_should_not_see_a_canvas
(#134) There is no description in phpdocs for function i_fill_in_my_template
(#48) Phpdocs for function behat_coderunner::i_should_not_see_highlighted has incomplete parameters list
(#101) Phpdocs for function behat_coderunner::i_set_the_field_to_pystring has incomplete parameters list
(#33) Class qtype_coderunner_testcase is not documented
(#37) Function qtype_coderunner_testcase::setUp is not documented
(#68) Function qtype_coderunner_testcase::onNotSuccessfulTest is not documented
(#73) Function qtype_coderunner_testcase::test_dummy is not documented
(#79) Function qtype_coderunner_testcase::check_language_available is not documented
(#87) Function qtype_coderunner_testcase::make_question is not documented
(#98) Function qtype_coderunner_testcase::check_sandbox_enabled is not documented
(#35) Variable qtype_coderunner_testcase::$hasfailed is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#35) Class qtype_coderunner_cpp_questions_test does not have @copyright tag
(#35) Class qtype_coderunner_cpp_questions_test does not have @license tag
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#35) Class qtype_coderunner_c_questions_test does not have @copyright tag
(#35) Class qtype_coderunner_c_questions_test does not have @license tag
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#34) Class qtype_coderunner_customise_test is not documented
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#34) Class qtype_coderunner_datafile_test is not documented
(#42) Function qtype_coderunner_datafile_test::check_files_in_sandbox is not documented
(#76) Function qtype_coderunner_datafile_test::python_solution is not documented
(#93) Function qtype_coderunner_datafile_test::c_solution is not documented
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#37) Class qtype_coderunner_grader_test does not have @copyright tag
(#37) Class qtype_coderunner_grader_test does not have @license tag
(#24) Package qtype is not valid
(#33) Class qtype_coderunner_missing_question_type is not documented
(#42) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::get_test_questions is not documented
(#67) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::get_coderunner_question_data_sqr is not documented
(#261) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::make_coderunner_question_sqr_customised is not documented
(#270) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::make_coderunner_question_sqr_part_marks is not documented
(#566) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::make_coderunner_question_str_to_upper is not documented
(#684) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::make_coderunner_question_str_to_upper_cpp is not documented
(#742) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::make_macro_question is not documented
(#845) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::make_coderunner_question_teststudentanswermacrooctave is not documented
(#987) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::get_options is not documented
(#1029) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::make_test_cases is not documented
(#1053) Function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::make_coderunner_question is not documented
(#199) Phpdocs for function qtype_coderunner_test_helper::make_coderunner_question_sqr_subtype has incomplete parameters list
(#36) Class qtype_coderunner_test_helper does not have @copyright tag
(#36) Class qtype_coderunner_test_helper does not have @license tag
(#20) Package qtype is not valid
(#34) Class qtype_coderunner_ideonesandbox_test is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#24) Package qtype is not valid
(#35) Class qtype_coderunner_java_question_test does not have @copyright tag
(#35) Class qtype_coderunner_java_question_test does not have @license tag
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#40) Class qtype_coderunner_jobesandbox_test is not documented
(#36) Class qtype_coderunner_matlab_question_test does not have @copyright tag
(#36) Class qtype_coderunner_matlab_question_test does not have @license tag
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#35) Class qtype_coderunner_nodejs_question_test does not have @copyright tag
(#35) Class qtype_coderunner_nodejs_question_test does not have @license tag
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#36) Class qtype_coderunner_octave_question_test does not have @copyright tag
(#36) Class qtype_coderunner_octave_question_test does not have @license tag
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#36) Class qtype_coderunner_precheckwalkthrough_test is not documented
(#44) Function qtype_coderunner_precheckwalkthrough_test::make_precheck_question is not documented
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#36) Class qtype_coderunner_prototype_test is not documented
(#167) Function qtype_coderunner_prototype_test::make_parent_and_child is not documented
(#192) Function qtype_coderunner_prototype_test::assert_same_xml is not documented
(#203) Function qtype_coderunner_prototype_test::make_sqr_user_type_prototype is not documented
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#33) Class qtype_coderunner_pythonpylint_test does not have @copyright tag
(#33) Class qtype_coderunner_pythonpylint_test does not have @license tag
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#34) Class qtype_coderunner_pythonquestions_test does not have @copyright tag
(#34) Class qtype_coderunner_pythonquestions_test does not have @license tag
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#57) Function qtype_coderunner_test::get_test_question_data is not documented
(#47) Variable qtype_coderunner_test::$qtype is not documented
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#33) Class qtype_coderunner_template_test does not have @copyright tag
(#33) Class qtype_coderunner_template_test does not have @license tag
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#39) Class qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_extras_test is not documented
(#41) Function qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_extras_test::setUp is not documented
(#47) Function qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_extras_test::test_extra_testcase_field is not documented
(#75) Function qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_extras_test::test_result_column_selection is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#94) Invalid phpdocs tag @retrun used
(#21) Incorrect path for phpdocs tag @group detected
(#92) Incorrect path for phpdocs tag @expectedException detected
(#93) Incorrect path for phpdocs tag @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp detected
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#37) Class qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_multilang_test is not documented
(#39) Function qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_multilang_test::setUp is not documented
(#45) Function qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_multilang_test::test_echostdin is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#21) Incorrect path for phpdocs tag @group detected
(#23) Package qtype is not valid
(#21) Class qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_randomisation_test is not documented
(#23) Function qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_randomisation_test::setUp is not documented
(#33) Function qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_randomisation_test::test_randomised_sqr is not documented
(#67) Function qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_randomisation_test::test_randomised_sqr_with_seed is not documented
(#106) Function qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_randomisation_test::add_fields is not documented
(#2) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#5) Incorrect path for phpdocs tag @group detected
(#7) Package qtype is not valid
(#44) Class qtype_coderunner_walkthrough_test is not documented
(#21) Package qtype is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file

Update savepoints problems

(2 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Detected more 'if' blocks (11) than 'savepoint' calls (10)
version 2016111200 is missing corresponding savepoint call

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(1 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

Task "stylelint:css" failed. Use --force to continue.
Problems running grunt

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]