Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(39 errors, 32 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#79) Whitespace found at end of line
(#80) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#28) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#38) Whitespace found at end of line
(#39) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#41) Whitespace found at end of line
(#76) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 155 characters
(#94) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 133 characters
(#47) Must use "self::" for local static member reference
(#50) Closing brace must be on a line by itself
(#125) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#125) Expected 1 space after "=>"; 0 found
(#50) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#50) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#167) Empty CATCH statement detected
(#707) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 149 characters
(#776) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 142 characters
(#943) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 149 characters
(#561) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 133 characters
(#567) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 153 characters
(#63) Whitespace found at end of line
(#64) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#64) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#88) Expected 1 space before "?"; newline found
(#89) Expected 1 space before ":"; newline found
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#34) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#43) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#43) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#36) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#36) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#39) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#51) Whitespace found at end of line
(#54) Whitespace found at end of line
(#32) Whitespace found at end of line
(#42) Public method name "classplan_pdf::Header" must be in lower-case letters only
(#51) Public method name "classplan_pdf::Footer" must be in lower-case letters only
(#55) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 152 characters
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#47) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#24) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#50) Whitespace found at end of line
(#44) Whitespace found at end of line
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#172) This comment is 59% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#177) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 144 characters
(#183) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 138 characters
(#517) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#517) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#517) This comment is 67% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#572) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#572) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#572) This comment is 72% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#35) Public method name "klassenbuch_pdf::Header" must be in lower-case letters only
(#43) Public method name "klassenbuch_pdf::Footer" must be in lower-case letters only
(#56) Public method name "klassenbuch_pdf::Image" must be in lower-case letters only
(#56) Line exceeds maximum limit of 180 characters; contains 284 characters
(#61) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 176 characters
(#62) Empty CATCH statement detected
(#70) Public method name "klassenbuch_pdf::Error" must be in lower-case letters only
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#26) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#28) Spaces must be used for alignment; tabs are not allowed
(#28) Tab found within whitespace
(#28) Space found before semicolon; expected "2014051200;" but found "2014051200 ;"
(#245) Line indented incorrectly; expected 4 spaces, found 8
(#250) Closing brace indented incorrectly; expected 8 spaces, found 4

Javascript coding style problems

(3 errors, 91 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

(#1) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2) Identifier 'mod_klassenbuch_autosave' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#30) 'self' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#44) There should be no space after '{'. (object-curly-spacing)
(#44) There should be no space before '}'. (object-curly-spacing)
(#52) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#55) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#1) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2) Identifier 'mod_klassenbuch_collapse' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#1) Identifier 'klassenbuch_lernschritte' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#2) 'NS' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#4) 'NS' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#11) Missing JSDoc @returns for function. (valid-jsdoc)
(#11) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'o'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#16) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'o'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#20) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#26) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'node'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#36) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#48) Extra space after key 'start'. (key-spacing)
(#59) Empty block statement. (no-empty)
(#66) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#80) Missing space before value for key 'templateObject'. (key-spacing)
(#85) Unnecessary escape character: \:. (no-useless-escape)
(#86) Unnecessary escape character: \:. (no-useless-escape)
(#88) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#90) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#92) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#102) Extra space after key 'editorShow'. (key-spacing)
(#102) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#111) Extra space after key 'editorShow'. (key-spacing)
(#111) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#115) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#123) Extra space after key 'columns'. (key-spacing)
(#125) Missing space before value for key 'key'. (key-spacing)
(#131) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#131) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#132) Extra space after key 'editable'. (key-spacing)
(#133) Extra space after key 'allowHTML'. (key-spacing)
(#134) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#135) Multiple spaces found before '('. (no-multi-spaces)
(#143) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#143) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#144) Extra space after key 'editor'. (key-spacing)
(#145) Missing space before value for key 'editorConfig'. (key-spacing)
(#151) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#151) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#152) Missing space before value for key 'editor'. (key-spacing)
(#156) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#156) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#158) Extra space after key 'allowHTML'. (key-spacing)
(#162) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#162) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#163) Extra space after key 'editor'. (key-spacing)
(#167) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#167) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#168) Extra space after key 'editor'. (key-spacing)
(#172) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#172) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#173) Extra space after key 'editor'. (key-spacing)
(#174) Missing space before value for key 'editorConfig'. (key-spacing)
(#180) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#180) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#181) Extra space after key 'editor'. (key-spacing)
(#185) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#185) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#186) Extra space after key 'editor'. (key-spacing)
(#190) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#190) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#191) Extra space after key 'editor'. (key-spacing)
(#195) Extra space after key 'label'. (key-spacing)
(#195) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#196) Extra space after key 'editor'. (key-spacing)
(#213) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#236) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#241) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#264) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'node'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#267) Unexpected confirm. (no-alert)
(#267) 'M.str' is restricted from being used. Use AMD module "core/str" or M.util.get_string() (no-restricted-properties)
(#283) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#301) Extra space after key 'start'. (key-spacing)
(#316) Empty block statement. (no-empty)
(#323) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#331) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'node'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#347) Multiple spaces found before 'record'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#352) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#367) Extra space after key 'start'. (key-spacing)
(#385) Empty block statement. (no-empty)
(#392) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#399) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#418) Multiple spaces found before 'hour'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#420) Empty block statement. (no-empty)
(#425) Multiple spaces found before '""'. (no-multi-spaces)
(#438) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#457) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)

CSS problems

(35 errors, 32 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by stylelint [More info]

(#16) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#17) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#18) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#19) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#20) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#21) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#36) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#41) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#63) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#85) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#107) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#31) Expected "#666666" to be "#666" (color-hex-length)
(#34) Expected "#666666" to be "#666" (color-hex-length)
(#2) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#3) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#4) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#5) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#9) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#14) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#18) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#27) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#31) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#32) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#33) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#34) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#31) Expected "#cccccc" to be "#ccc" (color-hex-length)
(#10) Expected single space after ":" with a single-line declaration (declaration-colon-space-after)
(#26) Unexpected whitespace before ":" (declaration-colon-space-before)
(#48) Expected "#FFFFFF" to be "#ffffff" (color-hex-case)
(#65) Expected "#EEEEEE" to be "#eeeeee" (color-hex-case)
(#47) Expected "#000000" to be "#000" (color-hex-length)
(#48) Expected "#FFFFFF" to be "#FFF" (color-hex-length)
(#64) Expected "#000000" to be "#000" (color-hex-length)
(#65) Expected "#EEEEEE" to be "#EEE" (color-hex-length)
(#2) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#31) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#32) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#34) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#36) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#79) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#80) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#83) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#84) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#91) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#100) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#101) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#104) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#105) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#112) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#121) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#122) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#126) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#133) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#142) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#143) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#147) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#154) Unexpected unit (length-zero-no-unit)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#1) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)

PHPDocs style problems

(191 errors, 8 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#27) Class moodle1_mod_klassenbuch_handler does not have @copyright tag
(#27) Class moodle1_mod_klassenbuch_handler does not have @license tag
(#30) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class backup_klassenbuch_activity_task
(#30) Class backup_klassenbuch_activity_task does not have @copyright tag
(#30) Class backup_klassenbuch_activity_task does not have @license tag
(#32) Function backup_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step::define_structure is not documented
(#27) Class backup_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step does not have @copyright tag
(#27) Class backup_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step does not have @license tag
(#29) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class restore_klassenbuch_activity_task
(#29) Class restore_klassenbuch_activity_task does not have @copyright tag
(#29) Class restore_klassenbuch_activity_task does not have @license tag
(#30) Function restore_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step::define_structure is not documented
(#52) Function restore_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step::process_klassenbuch is not documented
(#63) Function restore_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step::process_klassenbuch_chapter is not documented
(#80) Function restore_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step::process_klassenbuch_chapterfield is not documented
(#93) Function restore_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step::process_klassenbuch_subscription is not documented
(#109) Function restore_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step::after_execute is not documented
(#25) Class restore_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step does not have @copyright tag
(#25) Class restore_klassenbuch_activity_structure_step does not have @license tag
(#31) Class klassenbuchtool is not documented
(#32) Function klassenbuchtool::is_uninstall_allowed is not documented
(#27) Function xmldb_klassenbuch_upgrade is not documented
(#136) Phpdocs for function mod_klassenbuch_migrate_area has incomplete parameters list
(#29) Class klassenbuch_chapter_edit_form is not documented
(#31) Function klassenbuch_chapter_edit_form::definition is not documented
(#119) Function klassenbuch_chapter_edit_form::definition_after_data is not documented
(#146) Function klassenbuch_chapter_edit_form::is_validated is not documented
(#20) Package book is not valid
(#216) Function klassenbuch_get_participants is not documented
(#410) Function klassenbuch_get_custom_file_areas is not documented
(#559) Function klassenbuch_subscribed_users is not documented
(#613) Function klassenbuch_is_forcesubscribed is not documented
(#623) Function klassenbuch_make_mail_text is not documented
(#688) Function klassenbuch_make_mail_html is not documented
(#734) Function klassenbuch_make_mail_post is not documented
(#819) Function klassenbuch_get_subscribe_link is not documented
(#881) Function klassenbuch_is_subscribed is not documented
(#890) Function klassenbuch_unsubscribe is not documented
(#902) Function klassenbuch_subscribe is not documented
(#936) Function klassenbuch_forcesubscribe is not documented
(#941) Function klassenbuch_get_potential_subscribers is not documented
(#951) Function klassenbuch_role_unassign is not documented
(#961) Function klassenbuch_remove_user_subscriptions is not documented
(#174) Phpdocs for function klassenbuch_user_complete has incomplete parameters list
(#188) Phpdocs for function klassenbuch_print_recent_activity has incomplete parameters list
(#209) Phpdocs for function klassenbuch_grades has incomplete parameters list
(#231) Phpdocs for function klassenbuch_scale_used has incomplete parameters list
(#244) Phpdocs for function klassenbuch_scale_used_anywhere has incomplete parameters list
(#916) Phpdocs for function klassenbuch_update_subscriptions_button has incomplete parameters list
(#1040) Phpdocs for function klassenbuch_get_subcontent has incomplete parameters list
(#128) Function klassenbuch_get_chapter_title is not documented
(#412) Function klassenbuch_file_info::__construct is not documented
(#492) Function klassenbuch_get_chapter_customfields is not documented
(#548) Function klassenbuch_output_attachments is not documented
(#407) Variable klassenbuch_file_info::$course is not documented
(#408) Variable klassenbuch_file_info::$cm is not documented
(#409) Variable klassenbuch_file_info::$areas is not documented
(#410) Variable klassenbuch_file_info::$filearea is not documented
(#170) There is no description in phpdocs for function klassenbuch_add_fake_block
(#171) Phpdocs for function klassenbuch_add_fake_block has incomplete parameters list
(#509) Phpdocs for function klassenbuch_get_subchapter_links has incomplete parameters list
(#403) Class klassenbuch_file_info does not have @copyright tag
(#403) Class klassenbuch_file_info does not have @license tag
(#30) Class mod_klassenbuch_mod_form is not documented
(#32) Function mod_klassenbuch_mod_form::definition is not documented
(#31) Class behat_mod_klassenbuch is not documented
(#32) There is no description in phpdocs for function the_following_klassenbuch_global_fields_exist
(#29) Class mod_klassenbuch_generator is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#28) Function klassenbuchtool_exportimscp_extend_settings_navigation is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#33) Function klassenbuchtool_exportimscp_build_package is not documented
(#82) Function klassenbuchtool_exportimscp_prepare_files is not documented
(#232) Function klassenbuchtool_exportimscp_chapter_content is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#31) Class klassenbuchtool_importhtml_form is not documented
(#33) Function klassenbuchtool_importhtml_form::definition is not documented
(#61) Function klassenbuchtool_importhtml_form::validation is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#28) Function klassenbuchtool_importhtml_extend_settings_navigation is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#32) Function toolklassenbuch_importhtml_import_chapters is not documented
(#158) Function toolklassenbuch_importhtml_parse_headings is not documented
(#162) Function toolklassenbuch_importhtml_parse_styles is not documented
(#175) Function toolklassenbuch_importhtml_fix_path is not documented
(#188) Function toolklassenbuch_importhtml_fix_encoding is not documented
(#199) Function toolklassenbuch_importhtml_parse_body is not documented
(#208) Function toolklassenbuch_importhtml_parse_title is not documented
(#217) Function toolklassenbuch_importhtml_get_chapter_files is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#18) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#19) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#31) Function backup_klassenbuchtool_lernschritte_subplugin::define_chapter_subplugin_structure is not documented
(#18) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#26) Class backup_klassenbuchtool_lernschritte_subplugin does not have @copyright tag
(#26) Class backup_klassenbuchtool_lernschritte_subplugin does not have @license tag
(#19) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#26) Class restore_klassenbuchtool_lernschritte_subplugin is not documented
(#18) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#42) Phpdocs for function restore_klassenbuchtool_lernschritte_subplugin::process_klassenbuchtool_lernschritte_chapter has incomplete parameters list
(#19) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#27) Class classplan_pdf is not documented
(#29) Variable classplan_pdf::$coursename is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#18) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#18) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#18) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#25) Function xmldb_klassenbuchtool_lernschritte_upgrade is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#18) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#18) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#19) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#18) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#19) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#88) Function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::check_supported_module is not documented
(#117) Function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::require_edit is not documented
(#130) Function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::per_user is not documented
(#142) Function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::instance is not documented
(#73) Variable klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::$modules is not documented
(#135) Variable klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::$columnkeys is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#94) There is no description in phpdocs for function can_view
(#103) There is no description in phpdocs for function can_edit
(#121) There is no description in phpdocs for function can_print
(#104) Phpdocs for function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::can_edit has incomplete parameters list
(#155) Phpdocs for function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::get_columns_data has incomplete parameters list
(#200) Phpdocs for function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::save_ajax has incomplete parameters list
(#308) Phpdocs for function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::render_lernschritte_table has incomplete parameters list
(#391) Phpdocs for function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::render_pdf_globalfield_row has incomplete parameters list
(#413) Phpdocs for function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::render_pdf_chapter_information has incomplete parameters list
(#455) Phpdocs for function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::render_pdf_lernschritte_cell has incomplete parameters list
(#474) Phpdocs for function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::render_pdf_lernschritte_table has incomplete parameters list
(#532) Phpdocs for function klassenbuchtool_lernschritte::get_pdf_content has incomplete parameters list
(#68) Class klassenbuchtool_lernschritte does not have @copyright tag
(#68) Class klassenbuchtool_lernschritte does not have @license tag
(#18) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#18) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#18) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#32) Class klassenbuch_pdf is not documented
(#35) Function klassenbuch_pdf::Header is not documented
(#43) Function klassenbuch_pdf::Footer is not documented
(#56) Function klassenbuch_pdf::Image is not documented
(#70) Function klassenbuch_pdf::Error is not documented
(#54) Variable klassenbuch_pdf::$ignoreimageerror is not documented
(#29) Class pdf_helper is not documented
(#30) Function pdf_helper::replace_special is not documented
(#92) Function pdf_helper::remove_bad_styles is not documented
(#49) Phpdocs for function pdf_helper::fix_images has incomplete parameters list
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#28) Function klassenbuchtool_print_extend_settings_navigation is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#3) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#29) Class klassenbuchtool_teacherimport_form is not documented
(#31) Function klassenbuchtool_teacherimport_form::definition is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#28) Function klassenbuchtool_teacherimport_extend_settings_navigation is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#40) Function klassenbuch_teacherimport_importchapter is not documented
(#93) Function klassenbuch_teacherimport_copyfiles is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#30) Class klassenbuchtool_teacherimportselectchapters_form is not documented
(#32) Function klassenbuchtool_teacherimportselectchapters_form::definition is not documented
(#65) Function klassenbuchtool_teacherimportselectchapters_form::preconfirm is not documented
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid
(#20) Package klassenbuchtool is not valid

Update savepoints problems

(2 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Detected more 'if' blocks (19) than 'savepoint' calls (18)
version 2004081100 is missing corresponding savepoint call

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(1 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

Task "stylelint:css" failed. Use --force to continue.
Problems running grunt

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]