Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(450 errors, 849 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#1) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#28) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#40) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#47) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#70) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#72) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#72) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#80) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#80) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#183) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#91) Must use "self::" for local static member reference
(#110) Variable "renderer_subtype" must not contain underscores.
(#121) Variable "renderer_subtype" must not contain underscores.
(#136) Public method name "activequiz::getCM" must be in lower-case letters only
(#145) Public method name "activequiz::getCourse" must be in lower-case letters only
(#154) Public method name "activequiz::getRTQ" must be in lower-case letters only
(#163) Public method name "activequiz::saveRTQ" must be in lower-case letters only
(#174) Public method name "activequiz::getContext" must be in lower-case letters only
(#240) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#240) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#253) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#253) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#256) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#256) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#369) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 133 characters
(#374) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#374) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#380) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#380) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#387) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#387) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#391) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$question' does not match next code line '$questiontypes...'
(#400) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#400) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#404) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#404) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#407) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#407) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#410) Line exceeds maximum limit of 180 characters; contains 182 characters
(#412) Variable "rMethod" must be all lower-case
(#415) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#415) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#416) Variable "rMethod" must be all lower-case
(#417) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 169 characters
(#420) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#420) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#91) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#91) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#95) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#95) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#101) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#101) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#104) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#104) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#128) Public method name "activequiz_attempt::getStatus" must be in lower-case letters only
(#152) Public method name "activequiz_attempt::setStatus" must be in lower-case letters only
(#172) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#172) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#209) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#211) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
(#230) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#230) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#233) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#233) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#238) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#238) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#264) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#264) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#304) Public method name "activequiz_attempt::getSlots" must be in lower-case letters only
(#317) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#317) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#319) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#319) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#328) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 135 characters
(#340) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#340) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#342) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#342) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#359) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$question' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#365) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#365) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#403) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#403) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#406) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#406) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#424) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#424) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#427) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#428) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#431) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#431) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#432) Expected "try {\n...} catch (...) {\n"; found "try {\n...} catch(...) {\n"
(#435) The use of function error_log() is forbidden
(#437) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#437) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#440) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#440) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#441) Expected "try {\n...} catch (...) {\n"; found "try {\n...} catch(...) {\n"
(#445) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#445) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#449) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#449) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#462) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#464) Expected "} else {\n"; found "}else {\n"
(#470) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
(#479) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#479) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#483) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#490) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#490) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#490) This comment is 74% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#490) No space found before comment text; expected "// $this->quba->process_action($slot, $submitteddata, $timestamp);" but found "//$this->quba->process_action($slot, $submitteddata, $timestamp);"
(#539) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#539) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#554) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#589) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#589) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#593) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#593) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#600) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#600) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#629) Variable "rtqQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#631) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#633) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#635) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#637) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#637) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#641) Variable "rtqQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#646) This comment is 60% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#647) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#647) This comment is 58% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#764) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#764) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#86) Public method name "activequiz_question::JsonSerialize" must be in lower-case letters only
(#87) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#87) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#89) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#98) Public method name "activequiz_question::getId" must be in lower-case letters only
(#107) Public method name "activequiz_question::getNoTime" must be in lower-case letters only
(#116) Public method name "activequiz_question::getQuestionTime" must be in lower-case letters only
(#125) Public method name "activequiz_question::getTries" must be in lower-case letters only
(#134) Public method name "activequiz_question::getPoints" must be in lower-case letters only
(#143) Public method name "activequiz_question::getShowHistory" must be in lower-case letters only
(#152) Public method name "activequiz_question::getQuestion" must be in lower-case letters only
(#56) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#57) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 4; use block comment if you need indentation
(#58) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#58) This comment is 58% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#58) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 4; use block comment if you need indentation
(#170) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#170) Expected 1 space after "=>"; 0 found
(#170) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#170) Expected 1 space after "=>"; 0 found
(#41) Member variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#69) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#70) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#71) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 139 characters
(#97) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#98) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#99) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#100) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#101) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#102) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#103) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#104) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#106) Expected "try {\n...} catch (...) {\n"; found "try {\n...} catch(...) {\n"
(#107) Variable "newSessionId" must be all lower-case
(#107) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#112) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#112) Variable "newSessionId" must be all lower-case
(#113) Variable "newSession" must be all lower-case
(#141) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#141) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#142) Expected "try {\n...} catch (...) {\n"; found "try {\n...} catch(...) {\n"
(#145) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#145) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#148) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#148) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#149) Expected "try {\n...} catch (...) {\n"; found "try {\n...} catch(...) {\n"
(#150) Variable "newId" must be all lower-case
(#151) Variable "newId" must be all lower-case
(#153) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#153) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#157) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#157) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#171) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#171) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#191) Variable "fQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#192) Variable "fQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#193) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#193) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#198) Variable "fQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#199) Variable "fQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#199) Variable "fQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#201) Variable "fQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#202) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#203) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#206) Variable "fQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#213) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#213) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#214) Variable "fQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#225) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#225) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#233) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#233) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#239) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#239) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#286) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#286) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#289) Variable "Question" must be all lower-case
(#293) Variable "Question" must be all lower-case
(#294) Variable "Question" must be all lower-case
(#294) Variable "Question" must be all lower-case
(#296) Variable "Question" must be all lower-case
(#297) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#298) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#301) Variable "Question" must be all lower-case
(#308) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#308) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#319) Variable "Question" must be all lower-case
(#335) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#337) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#337) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#343) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$attempt' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#348) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#356) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#356) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#357) Variable "currQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#359) Variable "currQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#359) Variable "currQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#363) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#363) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#379) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#379) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#384) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$attempt' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#388) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#388) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#391) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#391) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#395) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#395) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#402) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#419) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#419) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#458) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#458) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#461) Variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#463) Variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#463) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#463) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#477) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#477) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#485) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#486) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#486) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#500) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#500) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#520) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#521) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#522) Variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#523) Variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#524) Variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#527) Variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#530) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#530) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#534) Expected 5 space(s) before asterisk; 4 found
(#535) Expected 5 space(s) before asterisk; 4 found
(#536) Expected 5 space(s) before asterisk; 4 found
(#537) Expected 5 space(s) before asterisk; 4 found
(#589) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#589) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#598) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#599) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#631) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#631) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#636) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#636) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#650) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#651) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#659) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#659) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#674) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#674) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#693) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#693) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#710) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#711) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#714) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#715) Variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#718) Inline doc block comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#720) Variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#724) Variable "openAttempt" must be all lower-case
(#749) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 133 characters
(#757) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#757) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#763) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#765) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#784) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#784) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#790) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#791) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#809) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#809) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#814) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#814) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#72) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#82) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#90) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#92) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#94) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#102) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#104) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#104) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#106) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 135 characters
(#106) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#117) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#118) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
(#118) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#118) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 143 characters
(#122) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#124) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#127) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#212) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#225) Public method name "edit::getRTQ" must be in lower-case letters only
(#250) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#252) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#254) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 167 characters
(#32) Member variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#60) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#63) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#65) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#68) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#68) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#69) The use of function error_log() is forbidden
(#71) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#76) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#77) Expected "try {\n...} catch (...) {\n"; found "try {\n...} catch(...) {\n"
(#84) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#92) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#97) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#99) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#106) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#112) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#118) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#120) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#133) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#133) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#140) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#144) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#144) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#169) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#169) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#176) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#176) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#179) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#179) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#189) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#190) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#203) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#203) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#207) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#207) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#212) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 153 characters
(#220) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#220) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#227) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 153 characters
(#237) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#237) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#240) Variable "notrespondedHTML" must be all lower-case
(#242) Variable "notrespondedHTML" must be all lower-case
(#253) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#253) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#266) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#266) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#301) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#301) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#343) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#343) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#365) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#365) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#395) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#395) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#400) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#400) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#62) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#62) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#72) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#72) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#86) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#105) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#131) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
(#131) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 136 characters
(#32) Member variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#68) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#68) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#78) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#78) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#89) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 150 characters
(#89) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#89) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#91) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#91) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#101) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#112) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#116) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#116) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#118) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#121) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#130) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#130) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#132) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#132) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#136) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#136) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#144) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#145) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#149) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
(#153) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#153) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#157) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#157) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#168) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#168) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#173) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#173) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#178) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#178) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#207) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#207) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#220) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#220) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#232) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#232) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#234) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#234) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#244) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#244) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#249) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#249) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#251) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#252) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#260) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#260) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#268) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#268) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#273) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#273) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#276) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#276) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#288) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#288) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#291) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 137 characters
(#291) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#291) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#309) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#309) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#314) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#316) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#317) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 133 characters
(#326) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#326) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#334) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#32) Member variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#59) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#59) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#70) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#70) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#71) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#74) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#78) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#78) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#104) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#104) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#110) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#113) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#113) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#126) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#126) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#135) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#136) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#138) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#138) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#140) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#140) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#143) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#143) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#169) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#84) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 171 characters
(#83) Line exceeds maximum limit of 180 characters; contains 181 characters
(#56) Variable "defaultTime" must be all lower-case
(#68) Variable "defaultTime" must be all lower-case
(#53) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#58) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#54) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#53) Visibility must be declared on method "definition"
(#62) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#62) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#65) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#65) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#68) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#68) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#75) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#76) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#79) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#79) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#89) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#89) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#121) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#121) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#131) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#133) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#133) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#2) Line 1 of the opening comment must start "// This file is part of".
(#2) Line 2 of the opening comment must start "//".
(#2) Line 3 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify".
(#2) Line 4 of the opening comment must start "// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by".
(#2) Line 5 of the opening comment must start "// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or".
(#2) Line 6 of the opening comment must start "// (at your option) any later version.".
(#2) Line 7 of the opening comment must start "//".
(#3) Line 8 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,".
(#4) Line 9 of the opening comment must start "// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of".
(#5) Line 10 of the opening comment must start "// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the".
(#6) Line 11 of the opening comment must start "// GNU General Public License for more details.".
(#8) Line 13 of the opening comment must start "// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License".
(#9) Line 14 of the opening comment must start "// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.".
(#19) Inline doc block comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#75) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#75) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#81) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#81) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#106) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$question' does not match next code line '$return...'
(#143) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#146) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#147) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#147) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#151) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 135 characters
(#151) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#151) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#156) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#158) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#160) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#160) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#169) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#172) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#175) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#177) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#177) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#183) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#184) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#191) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#192) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#194) Variable "controlHTML" must be all lower-case
(#211) Expected 1 space after closing parenthesis; found 0
(#2) Line 1 of the opening comment must start "// This file is part of".
(#2) Line 2 of the opening comment must start "//".
(#2) Line 3 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify".
(#2) Line 4 of the opening comment must start "// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by".
(#2) Line 5 of the opening comment must start "// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or".
(#2) Line 6 of the opening comment must start "// (at your option) any later version.".
(#2) Line 7 of the opening comment must start "//".
(#3) Line 8 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,".
(#4) Line 9 of the opening comment must start "// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of".
(#5) Line 10 of the opening comment must start "// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the".
(#6) Line 11 of the opening comment must start "// GNU General Public License for more details.".
(#8) Line 13 of the opening comment must start "// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License".
(#9) Line 14 of the opening comment must start "// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.".
(#19) Inline doc block comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#43) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#55) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$session' does not match next code line '$sessionoptions...'
(#82) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#104) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#2) Line 1 of the opening comment must start "// This file is part of".
(#2) Line 2 of the opening comment must start "//".
(#2) Line 3 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify".
(#2) Line 4 of the opening comment must start "// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by".
(#2) Line 5 of the opening comment must start "// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or".
(#2) Line 6 of the opening comment must start "// (at your option) any later version.".
(#2) Line 7 of the opening comment must start "//".
(#3) Line 8 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,".
(#4) Line 9 of the opening comment must start "// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of".
(#5) Line 10 of the opening comment must start "// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the".
(#6) Line 11 of the opening comment must start "// GNU General Public License for more details.".
(#8) Line 13 of the opening comment must start "// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License".
(#9) Line 14 of the opening comment must start "// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.".
(#19) Inline doc block comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#50) Member variable "rtqQuestions" must be all lower-case
(#53) Member variable "qbankOrderedQuestions" must be all lower-case
(#67) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#82) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#82) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#91) Public method name "questionmanager::getRTQ" must be in lower-case letters only
(#92) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#108) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#111) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#111) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#115) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#115) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#134) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#134) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#136) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#136) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#141) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#141) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#152) Variable "RTQquestionid" must be all lower-case
(#154) Variable "RTQquestionid" must be all lower-case
(#156) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#156) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#161) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#161) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#176) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#194) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#194) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#196) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#196) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#201) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#201) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#204) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#209) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#222) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#222) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#227) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#227) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#228) Line exceeds maximum limit of 180 characters; contains 194 characters
(#243) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#246) Expected "try {\n...} catch (...) {\n"; found "try {\n...} catch(...) {\n"
(#250) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#250) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#253) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#253) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#266) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#269) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#269) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#284) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#301) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#314) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#316) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#316) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#319) Variable "rtqQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#321) Variable "rtqQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#332) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#345) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#350) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#350) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#357) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#357) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#359) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#361) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#361) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#362) Variable "qubaQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#364) Variable "qbankQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#365) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$qbankQuestion' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#367) Variable "qbankQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#367) Variable "qubaQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#368) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#368) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#369) Variable "qbankQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#371) Variable "qbankQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#375) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#375) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#389) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#391) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#391) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#394) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$qbankquestion' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#402) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#403) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#412) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#412) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#415) Inline doc block comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#417) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 136 characters
(#430) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#441) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#461) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#475) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#475) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#494) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#494) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#511) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#511) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#514) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#515) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#525) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#525) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#544) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#544) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#547) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#548) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#558) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#558) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#570) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#570) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#575) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#575) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#597) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#597) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#608) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#610) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#610) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#611) Variable "dbRTQquestion" must be all lower-case
(#612) Variable "dbRTQquestion" must be all lower-case
(#628) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#638) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#649) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#652) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#652) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#655) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#655) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#662) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#662) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#666) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#666) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#669) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#670) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#674) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#674) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#679) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#680) Variable "qbankOrderedQuestions" must be all lower-case
(#681) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#681) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#684) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#684) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#693) Variable "qbankOrderedQuestions" must be all lower-case
(#693) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#693) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#697) Variable "qbankOrderedQuestions" must be all lower-case
(#709) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#726) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$session' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#729) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#732) Variable "session_attempts" must not contain underscores.
(#734) Variable "session_attempts" must not contain underscores.
(#735) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$attempt' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#748) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#751) Expected "} else {\n"; found "}else {\n"
(#33) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 133 characters
(#62) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#64) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#65) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#65) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 2; use block comment if you need indentation
(#69) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#72) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$attempt' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#74) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#74) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#84) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#84) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#87) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#88) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#93) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#93) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#98) Empty ELSE statement detected
(#122) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#124) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#124) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#128) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#128) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#130) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#131) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#135) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#135) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#139) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#139) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#159) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#159) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#162) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#162) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#168) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#168) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#171) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#172) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#175) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#175) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#199) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#206) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#206) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#215) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#216) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#223) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#223) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#226) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#226) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#228) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#228) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#234) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#234) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#239) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 141 characters
(#246) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#246) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#278) Line exceeds maximum limit of 180 characters; contains 265 characters
(#279) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#279) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#279) This comment is 50% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#279) No space found before comment text; expected "// $options->responsive = true;" but found "//$options->responsive = true;"
(#282) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#282) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#288) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#288) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#66) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#66) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#71) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#71) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#74) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$attempt' does not match next code line '$quba...'
(#78) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#78) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#83) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#83) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#98) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#13) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#23) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#11) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#8) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#44) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#44) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#48) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#50) Expected "} else {\n"; found "}else {\n"
(#62) Variable "session_id" must not contain underscores.
(#64) Variable "session_id" must not contain underscores.
(#64) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#64) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#73) Variable "session_id" must not contain underscores.
(#74) Variable "session_id" must not contain underscores.
(#79) Variable "session_id" must not contain underscores.
(#81) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#58) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#131) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#134) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#137) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#144) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#144) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#155) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#156) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#163) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#163) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#168) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#168) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#172) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#172) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#185) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#185) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#58) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#79) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#125) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#127) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#127) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#153) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#160) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$session' does not match next code line '$sessionattempts...'
(#62) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#85) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#85) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#85) This comment is 80% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#85) No space found before comment text; expected "// $this->sortable(true, 'timestart');" but found "//$this->sortable(true, 'timestart');"
(#116) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#129) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#129) No space found before comment text; expected "// $userlink = $item->groupname . ' (<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $item->userid ." but found "//$userlink = $item->groupname . ' (<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $item->userid ."
(#130) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#130) This comment is 43% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#130) No space found before comment text; expected "// '&amp;course=' . $this->rtq->getCourse()->id . '">' . $item->takenby . '</a>)';" but found "//'&amp;course=' . $this->rtq->getCourse()->id . '">' . $item->takenby . '</a>)';"
(#135) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#135) No space found before comment text; expected "// $userlink = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $item->userid ." but found "//$userlink = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $item->userid ."
(#136) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#136) This comment is 43% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#136) No space found before comment text; expected "// '&amp;course=' . $this->rtq->getCourse()->id . '">' . $item->username . '</a>';" but found "//'&amp;course=' . $this->rtq->getCourse()->id . '">' . $item->username . '</a>';"
(#167) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#169) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#169) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#195) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#207) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#207) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#217) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$attempt' does not match next code line '$ditem...'
(#222) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#225) Expected "} else {\n"; found "}else {\n"
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#6) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#26) function name "setMessage" must be lower-case letters only
(#27) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#37) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#40) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#40) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#48) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#56) function name "showMessage" must be lower-case letters only
(#57) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#60) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#60) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#64) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#64) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#78) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#78) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#89) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#105) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#48) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#48) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#94) Variable "regrade_attempts" must not contain underscores.
(#99) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#103) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#103) Variable "regrade_attempts" must not contain underscores.
(#107) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#109) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#112) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#116) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#135) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#138) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#138) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#140) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#143) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#147) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#162) Expected "foreach (...) {\n"; found "foreach(...) {\n"
(#163) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$session' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#165) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#166) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#169) Variable "session_attempts" must not contain underscores.
(#171) Expected "foreach (...) {\n"; found "foreach(...) {\n"
(#171) Variable "session_attempts" must not contain underscores.
(#174) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#199) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$session' does not match next code line 'if...'
(#202) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#205) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#218) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#220) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#227) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#243) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#246) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#249) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#251) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#257) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#260) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#260) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#276) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#277) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#283) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#283) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#318) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#318) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#326) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#326) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#332) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#332) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#345) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#345) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#388) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#388) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#408) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 140 characters
(#409) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#409) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#418) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#418) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#446) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#446) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#468) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#468) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#474) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#474) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#502) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#503) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#505) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#505) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#509) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#510) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#57) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#57) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#65) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#65) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#134) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#169) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#169) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#35) Member variable "status_codes" must not contain underscores.
(#123) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#123) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#143) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#143) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#145) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#145) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#149) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#149) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#200) Variable "status_string" must not contain underscores.
(#201) Variable "status_string" must not contain underscores.
(#33) Class constants must be uppercase; expected ACTIVEQUIZ_FIRSTSESSION but found activequiz_FIRSTSESSION
(#35) Class constants must be uppercase; expected ACTIVEQUIZ_SESSIONAVERAGE but found activequiz_SESSIONAVERAGE
(#36) Class constants must be uppercase; expected ACTIVEQUIZ_HIGHESTSESSIONGRADE but found activequiz_HIGHESTSESSIONGRADE
(#2) Line 1 of the opening comment must start "// This file is part of".
(#4) Line 3 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify".
(#5) Line 4 of the opening comment must start "// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by".
(#6) Line 5 of the opening comment must start "// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or".
(#7) Line 6 of the opening comment must start "// (at your option) any later version.".
(#9) Line 8 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,".
(#10) Line 9 of the opening comment must start "// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of".
(#11) Line 10 of the opening comment must start "// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the".
(#12) Line 11 of the opening comment must start "// GNU General Public License for more details.".
(#14) Line 13 of the opening comment must start "// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License".
(#15) Line 14 of the opening comment must start "// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.".
(#17) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 3; use block comment if you need indentation
(#22) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 4; use block comment if you need indentation
(#25) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 11; use block comment if you need indentation
(#26) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 11; use block comment if you need indentation
(#29) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 3; use block comment if you need indentation
(#34) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#37) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#49) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#62) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#74) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#86) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#97) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#2) Line 1 of the opening comment must start "// This file is part of".
(#4) Line 3 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify".
(#5) Line 4 of the opening comment must start "// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by".
(#6) Line 5 of the opening comment must start "// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or".
(#7) Line 6 of the opening comment must start "// (at your option) any later version.".
(#9) Line 8 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,".
(#10) Line 9 of the opening comment must start "// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of".
(#11) Line 10 of the opening comment must start "// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the".
(#12) Line 11 of the opening comment must start "// GNU General Public License for more details.".
(#14) Line 13 of the opening comment must start "// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License".
(#15) Line 14 of the opening comment must start "// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.".
(#17) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 3; use block comment if you need indentation
(#22) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 4; use block comment if you need indentation
(#25) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 11; use block comment if you need indentation
(#26) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 11; use block comment if you need indentation
(#29) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 3; use block comment if you need indentation
(#40) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#40) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#88) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#104) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 137 characters
(#111) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#132) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 133 characters
(#140) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#177) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#27) Expected login check (require_login, require_course_login, admin_externalpage_setup) following config inclusion. None found.
(#37) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#37) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#2) Line 1 of the opening comment must start "// This file is part of".
(#4) Line 3 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify".
(#5) Line 4 of the opening comment must start "// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by".
(#6) Line 5 of the opening comment must start "// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or".
(#7) Line 6 of the opening comment must start "// (at your option) any later version.".
(#9) Line 8 of the opening comment must start "// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,".
(#10) Line 9 of the opening comment must start "// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of".
(#11) Line 10 of the opening comment must start "// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the".
(#12) Line 11 of the opening comment must start "// GNU General Public License for more details.".
(#14) Line 13 of the opening comment must start "// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License".
(#15) Line 14 of the opening comment must start "// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.".
(#17) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 3; use block comment if you need indentation
(#22) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 4; use block comment if you need indentation
(#25) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 11; use block comment if you need indentation
(#26) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 11; use block comment if you need indentation
(#29) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 3; use block comment if you need indentation
(#43) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#43) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#54) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#54) 3 slashes comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#61) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#61) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#61) This comment is 78% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#61) No space found before comment text; expected "// $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname);" but found "//$PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname);"
(#64) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#64) 3 slashes comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#71) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#71) 3 slashes comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#94) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#94) No space found before comment text; expected "// Show dimmed if the mod is hidden" but found "//Show dimmed if the mod is hidden"
(#97) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#97) No space found before comment text; expected "// Show normal if the mod is visible" but found "//Show normal if the mod is visible"
(#110) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#110) 3 slashes comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#53) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#112) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#147) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#168) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#284) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#292) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#36) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#46) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#73) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#80) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#81) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#86) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#104) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#123) Expected "try {\n...} catch (...) {\n"; found "try {\n...} catch(...) {\n"
(#124) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#124) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#127) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#127) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#133) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#133) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#136) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#136) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#166) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#166) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#166) No space found before comment text; expected "// workaround for buggy PHP versions" but found "//workaround for buggy PHP versions"
(#235) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#254) 86 slashes comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#255) 3 slashes comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#256) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#256) 3 slashes comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#289) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#289) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#315) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#315) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#315) This comment is 64% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#315) No space found before comment text; expected "// require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php');" but found "//require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php');"
(#317) This comment is 54% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#355) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#356) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#35) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#35) Variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#41) Variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#42) Variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#42) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 151 characters
(#44) Variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#45) Variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#45) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 153 characters
(#47) Variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#48) Variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#48) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 162 characters
(#52) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#34) Possible useless method overriding detected
(#40) Visibility must be declared on method "definition"
(#45) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#45) No space found before comment text; expected "// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" but found "//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
(#46) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#46) 3 slashes comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#49) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#49) 3 slashes comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#57) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#57) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#57) No space found before comment text; expected "// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" but found "//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
(#71) This comment is 73% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#93) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#95) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#95) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#105) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#105) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#111) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 147 characters
(#117) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#135) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#135) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#139) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#141) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#141) No space found before comment text; expected "// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" but found "//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
(#142) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#145) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#145) No space found before comment text; expected "// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" but found "//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
(#146) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#157) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#157) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#159) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#159) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#169) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#169) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#175) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#191) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$mform' does not match next code line '$group...'
(#32) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#32) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#35) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#35) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#44) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#45) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
(#45) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#47) Expected "} else {\n"; found "}else{\n"
(#48) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#49) Expected "try {\n...} catch (...) {\n"; found "try{\n...}catch(...){\n"
(#59) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#59) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#66) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#66) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#80) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#80) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#43) Member variable "pageMessage" must be all lower-case
(#45) No space found before comment text; expected "// TODO: eventually think about making page specific renderer helpers so that we can make static calls for standard" but found "//TODO: eventually think about making page specific renderer helpers so that we can make static calls for standard"
(#46) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#46) No space found before comment text; expected "// TODO: rendering on things. E.g. editrenderer::questionblock();" but found "//TODO: rendering on things. E.g. editrenderer::questionblock();"
(#55) Variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#58) Variable "RTQ" must be all lower-case
(#70) Public method name "mod_activequiz_renderer::setMessage" must be in lower-case letters only
(#82) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#82) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#97) Protected method name "mod_activequiz_renderer::showMessage" must be in lower-case letters only
(#100) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#100) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#104) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#104) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#118) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#118) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#147) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#147) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#165) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#196) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#197) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#204) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#204) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#209) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#209) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#215) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#215) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#224) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#224) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#229) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#229) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#230) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#234) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#234) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#245) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#245) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#248) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#248) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#258) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#298) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#298) Expected 1 space after "=>"; 0 found
(#312) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#316) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#321) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#325) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#329) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#358) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#364) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#372) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 140 characters
(#375) Variable "rtqQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#376) Variable "rtqQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#378) Variable "rtqQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#379) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 140 characters
(#384) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#384) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#392) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#397) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#510) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#510) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#512) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#512) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#520) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 142 characters
(#539) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#541) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#542) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#546) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#546) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#561) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#561) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#571) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#571) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#574) Inline doc block type-hinting for '$q' does not match next code line '$question...'
(#582) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#582) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#596) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#597) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#604) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#604) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#610) Variable "nextQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#610) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 138 characters
(#613) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#613) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#616) Variable "nextQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#620) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#620) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#622) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#622) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#623) Variable "nextQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#625) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#625) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#627) Variable "timeLeft" must be all lower-case
(#627) Variable "nextQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#628) Variable "timeLeft" must be all lower-case
(#631) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#631) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#632) Variable "nextQuestion" must be all lower-case
(#632) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 143 characters
(#636) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#637) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#649) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#651) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#651) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#656) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#656) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#677) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#679) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#679) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#694) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#698) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#698) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#699) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
(#700) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
(#702) Expected "} else {\n"; found "}else{\n"
(#705) Expected "} else {\n"; found "}else{\n"
(#709) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...) {\n"
(#711) Expected "} else {\n"; found "}else {\n"
(#746) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#746) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#747) Expected "if (...) {\n"; found "if(...){\n"
(#771) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#771) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#806) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#806) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#806) This comment is 86% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#806) No space found before comment text; expected "// $this->base_header('reviewattempt');" but found "//$this->base_header('reviewattempt');"
(#838) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#847) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#861) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 137 characters
(#862) Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
(#903) Inline doc block comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#28) Expected login check (require_login, require_course_login, admin_externalpage_setup) following config inclusion. None found.
(#28) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#28) Expected login check (require_login, require_course_login, admin_externalpage_setup) following config inclusion. None found.
(#28) Expected login check (require_login, require_course_login, admin_externalpage_setup) following config inclusion. None found.

Javascript coding style problems

(1817 errors, 3810 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

(#1) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#12) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#16) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#20) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#21) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#22) 'chart' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#27) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#28) 'width' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#29) 'height' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#31) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#36) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#95) Line 95 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#156) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#156) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#160) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#160) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#166) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#169) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#172) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#173) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#183) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#190) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#192) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#193) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#197) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#198) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#199) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#200) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#205) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#205) 'master' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#206) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#211) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#215) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#217) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#222) 'where' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#222) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#225) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#233) 'findNextWhere' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#233) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#233) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#244) Unnecessary semicolon. (no-extra-semi)
(#246) 'findPreviousWhere' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#246) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#246) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#257) Unnecessary semicolon. (no-extra-semi)
(#259) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#260) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#262) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#266) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#274) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#280) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#280) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#282) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#284) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#288) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#289) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#290) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#290) Unexpected console statement. (no-console)
(#293) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#294) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#297) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#300) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#303) 'cap' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#303) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#309) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#316) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#320) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#324) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#328) 'getAngleFromPoint' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#328) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#331) Line 331 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#336) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#346) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#349) 'splineCurve' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#349) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#350) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#351) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#354) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#367) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#370) Line 370 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#370) 'calculateScaleRange' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#370) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#372) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#388) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#397) Line 397 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#402) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#412) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#413) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#414) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#416) Line 416 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#416) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#421) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#422) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#426) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#427) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#450) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#451) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#452) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#460) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#468) The Function constructor is eval. (no-new-func)
(#493) 'generateLabels' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#493) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#495) 'labelTemplateString' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#496) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#502) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#503) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#504) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#506) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#509) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#512) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#515) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#516) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#519) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#522) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#525) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#526) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#529) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#532) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#535) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#536) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#539) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#542) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#545) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#546) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#549) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#552) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#555) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#558) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#561) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#564) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#565) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#566) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#567) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#570) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#571) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#574) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#577) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#578) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#581) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#585) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#586) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#587) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#591) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#594) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#598) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#599) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#600) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#604) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#607) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#611) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#612) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#613) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#617) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#618) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#621) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#625) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#629) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#631) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#634) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#637) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#648) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#649) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#653) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#654) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#660) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#664) 'cancelAnimFrame' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#664) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#670) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#674) Line 674 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#674) 'animationLoop' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#674) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#679) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#694) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#695) 'getRelativePosition' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#695) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#706) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#717) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#726) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#735) 'bindEvents' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#735) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#737) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#739) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#740) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#746) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#747) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#751) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#756) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#761) 'getMaximumSize' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#762) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#775) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#776) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#779) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#782) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#785) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#791) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#806) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#807) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#810) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#814) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#822) unnecessary '.call()'. (no-useless-call)
(#825) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#827) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#830) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#834) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#839) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#843) Line 843 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#856) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#870) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#876) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#879) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#884) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#886) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#888) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#896) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#897) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#907) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#926) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#926) 'index' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#937) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#944) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#949) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#950) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#995) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1000) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1001) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1002) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1003) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1004) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1005) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1006) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1007) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1008) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1009) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1010) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1015) Expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#1017) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1022) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1026) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1030) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1032) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1040) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1042) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1043) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1044) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1052) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1053) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1063) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1069) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1069) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#1071) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1075) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1076) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1076) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1081) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1086) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1087) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1088) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1088) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1089) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1093) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1094) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1095) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1095) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1095) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1099) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1105) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1115) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1119) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1137) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1138) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1139) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1164) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1171) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1173) Line 1173 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1176) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1178) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1186) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1188) 'easingDecimal' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#1214) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1247) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1250) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1251) Line 1251 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1256) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1265) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1290) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1300) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1331) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1336) Line 1336 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1341) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1350) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1351) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1358) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1367) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1371) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1379) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1394) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1395) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1396) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1396) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1396) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1396) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1398) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1399) Line 1399 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1399) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1400) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1402) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1403) Line 1403 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1403) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1403) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1403) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1403) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1403) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1403) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1405) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1406) Line 1406 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1406) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1406) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1406) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1406) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1406) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1406) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1414) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1417) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1423) Line 1423 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1427) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1432) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1438) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1455) Unexpected tab character. (no-tabs)
(#1485) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1486) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1487) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1494) 'lastRotated' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#1504) 'firstRotatedWidth' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#1506) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1509) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1510) Line 1510 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1531) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#1541) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1544) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1548) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1549) 'isRotated' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#1550) Line 1550 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1561) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1565) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1572) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1573) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1578) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1584) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1585) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1588) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1589) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1595) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1599) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1600) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1609) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1610) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1610) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1612) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1612) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1612) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1613) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1619) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1620) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1623) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1624) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1626) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1627) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1632) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1633) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1638) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1639) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1644) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1644) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1645) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1646) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1659) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1663) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1669) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1677) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1683) Line 1683 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1686) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1689) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1736) 'maxWidthRadius' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#1756) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#1763) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#1790) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1794) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1804) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1810) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1817) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1820) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1823) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1823) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1824) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1828) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1829) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1830) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1832) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1834) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1834) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1839) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1840) Line 1840 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1840) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1840) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1840) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1840) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1841) Blocks are nested too deeply (5). (max-depth)
(#1851) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1852) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1852) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1852) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1853) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1855) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1857) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1857) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1858) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1858) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1859) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1860) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1860) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1865) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1866) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1920) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1923) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1925) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1926) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1939) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1942) 'module' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#1943) 'module' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#1948) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1955) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1964) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1967) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1970) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1973) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1976) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1979) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1982) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1985) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1988) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1989) Line 1989 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1997) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1999) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2004) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2005) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2012) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2015) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2016) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2025) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2027) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2028) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2030) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2030) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2033) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2037) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2041) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2048) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2049) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2049) 'datasetIndex' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#2058) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2060) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2061) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2062) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2071) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2079) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2081) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2081) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2082) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2082) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2083) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2090) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2093) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2097) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2102) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2103) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2104) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2107) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2110) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2126) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2129) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2131) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2149) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2165) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#2182) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2183) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2184) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2185) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2186) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2186) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2189) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2189) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2189) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2190) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2191) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2191) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2192) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2193) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2194) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2199) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2202) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2204) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2205) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2210) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2221) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2225) 'ctx' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#2229) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2230) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2231) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2233) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2234) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2236) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2236) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2237) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2238) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2238) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2241) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2249) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2254) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2258) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2261) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2264) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2267) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2270) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2273) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2276) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2279) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2282) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2283) Line 2283 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#2289) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2291) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2293) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2294) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2295) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2297) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2307) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2309) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2310) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2312) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2312) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2315) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2318) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2323) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2324) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2329) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2334) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2335) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2339) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2359) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2362) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2364) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2365) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2368) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2372) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2376) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2382) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2389) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2395) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2397) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2398) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2398) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2402) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2405) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2407) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2408) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2409) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2409) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2418) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2419) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2420) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2433) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2442) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2445) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2448) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2451) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2454) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2457) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2460) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2463) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2466) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2469) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2472) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2475) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2478) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2479) Line 2479 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#2487) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2488) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2495) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2502) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2504) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2505) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2506) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2506) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2509) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2513) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2517) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2518) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2529) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2532) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2533) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2534) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2543) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2545) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2548) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2548) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2550) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2551) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2554) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2561) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2564) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2567) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2572) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2573) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2574) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2577) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2580) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2581) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2582) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2587) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2590) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2592) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2611) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2645) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2646) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2648) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2649) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2650) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2650) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2653) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2653) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2654) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2655) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2656) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2661) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2664) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2666) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2667) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2672) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2679) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2686) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2689) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2692) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2699) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2702) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2703) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2705) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2708) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2709) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2712) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2716) Line 2716 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#2717) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2718) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2719) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2730) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2731) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2733) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#2733) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2734) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2738) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2739) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2741) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#2741) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2742) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2744) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2748) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2749) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2753) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2757) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#2758) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2770) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#2774) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2778) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2779) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2780) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2781) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2787) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2788) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2789) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2790) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2799) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2804) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2808) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2811) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2817) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2820) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2823) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2826) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2829) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2832) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2835) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2838) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2841) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2844) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2847) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2848) Line 2848 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#2853) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2855) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2857) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2858) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2859) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2861) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2898) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2899) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2902) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2904) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2905) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2906) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2906) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2909) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2912) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2918) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2923) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2924) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2928) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2945) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2951) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2953) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2954) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2958) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2960) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2990) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2993) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#2998) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3011) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3013) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3018) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3020) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3022) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3024) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3025) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3036) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3037) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3038) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3047) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3058) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3061) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3064) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3070) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3073) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3076) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3079) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3082) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3085) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3088) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3091) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3094) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3097) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3100) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3103) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3106) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3109) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3110) Line 3110 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#3114) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3127) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3129) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3130) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3132) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3132) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3135) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3140) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3144) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3145) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3156) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3158) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3159) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3161) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3162) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3162) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3164) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3168) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3168) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3169) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3169) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3175) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3181) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3182) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3183) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3187) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3204) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3212) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3247) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3248) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3250) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3254) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#3255) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3285) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3286) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3288) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3289) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3289) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3289) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3290) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3290) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3295) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3296) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3306) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3309) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3315) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3316) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3322) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3334) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3340) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3342) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3343) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3345) Line 3345 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#3345) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3345) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3347) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3350) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3351) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3354) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#3358) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#3361) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#3368) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3369) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3370) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3371) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#10) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#10) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#12) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#12) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#12) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#13) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#13) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#13) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#13) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#14) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#14) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#14) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#14) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#15) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#15) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#15) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#15) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#15) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#15) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#15) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#15) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#17) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#58) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#58) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#60) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#60) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#63) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#64) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#64) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#66) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#66) Expected space(s) before "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#68) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#68) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#69) Expected { after 'for-in'. (curly)
(#69) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#70) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#70) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#72) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#73) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#73) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#74) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#74) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#75) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#75) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#76) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#77) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#78) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#78) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#79) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#80) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#80) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#81) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#81) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#83) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#83) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#84) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#84) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#85) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#85) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#86) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#86) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#86) Expected space(s) before "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#86) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#87) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#88) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#88) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#90) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#91) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#91) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#92) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#92) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#93) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#93) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#94) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#97) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#97) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#97) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#99) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#99) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#100) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#103) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#103) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#103) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#105) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#106) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#106) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#107) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#107) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#108) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#108) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#109) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#109) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#111) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#111) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#111) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#111) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#111) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#111) Missing '()' invoking a constructor. (new-parens)
(#111) A constructor name should not start with a lowercase letter. (new-cap)
(#111) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#112) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#112) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#112) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#113) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#113) Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses. (wrap-iife)
(#113) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#115) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#116) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#117) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#118) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#118) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#119) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#119) Unexpected console statement. (no-console)
(#119) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#120) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#120) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#120) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#121) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#122) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#122) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#123) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#124) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#124) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#125) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#126) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#126) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#128) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#128) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#128) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#129) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#129) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#130) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#131) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#132) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#133) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#133) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#134) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#135) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#135) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#136) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#136) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#136) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#137) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#137) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#138) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#139) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#139) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#140) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#140) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#141) Line 141 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#141) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#141) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#141) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#145) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#146) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#147) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#148) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#148) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#149) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#149) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#149) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#149) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#150) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#150) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#150) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#150) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#150) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#151) Line 151 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#151) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#151) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#151) Expected space(s) before "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#151) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#151) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#152) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#152) Expected space(s) before "break". (keyword-spacing)
(#153) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#153) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#153) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#154) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#154) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#154) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#155) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#155) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#155) 'x' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) 'v' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) 'f' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) 'x' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#155) 'x' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) 'v' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) 'p' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) 'p' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) 'x' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) 'v' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#155) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#156) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#157) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#158) Line 158 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#158) The Function constructor is eval. (no-new-func)
(#158) Unexpected tab character. (no-tabs)
(#159) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#162) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#162) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#164) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#165) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#165) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#167) 'labelTemplateString' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#167) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#168) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#168) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#169) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#169) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#171) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#172) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#173) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#174) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#175) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#176) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#177) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#178) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#178) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#178) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#179) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#180) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#181) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#182) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#183) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#184) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#184) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#184) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#184) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#185) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#186) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#187) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#188) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#189) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#190) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#190) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#190) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#191) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#192) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#193) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#194) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#195) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#196) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#196) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#196) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#196) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#197) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#198) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#199) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#200) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#201) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#202) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#203) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#204) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#205) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#206) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#207) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#208) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#208) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#208) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#208) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#208) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#208) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#209) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#210) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#211) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#212) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#213) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#214) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#214) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#214) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#215) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#216) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#216) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#217) Line 217 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#217) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#217) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#217) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#217) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#217) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#217) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#218) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#219) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#219) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#220) Line 220 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#220) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#220) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#220) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#220) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#220) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#220) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#221) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#222) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#222) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#223) Line 223 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#223) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#223) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#223) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#223) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#223) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#223) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#223) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#223) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#223) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#224) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#226) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#227) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#229) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#230) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#232) Line 232 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#232) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#232) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#232) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#232) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#233) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#234) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#235) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#236) Line 236 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#236) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#236) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#236) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#236) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#236) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#236) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#237) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#238) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#238) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#238) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#238) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#238) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#240) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#240) Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses. (wrap-iife)
(#240) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#241) Line 241 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#241) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#242) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#243) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#244) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#244) Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses. (wrap-iife)
(#244) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#245) Line 245 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#245) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#246) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#247) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#248) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#249) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#249) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#249) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#251) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#252) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#252) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#252) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#254) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#255) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#256) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#256) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#256) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#257) Line 257 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#257) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#257) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#257) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#257) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#257) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#260) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#261) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#262) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#262) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#262) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#263) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#263) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#264) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#264) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#264) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#265) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#265) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#266) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#266) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#266) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#267) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#267) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#268) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#269) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#269) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#269) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#270) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#271) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#272) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#273) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#273) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#274) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#275) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#275) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#277) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#278) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#278) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#280) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#281) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#281) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#282) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#282) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#283) Line 283 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#283) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#283) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#284) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#284) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#285) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#286) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#286) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#287) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#288) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#288) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#291) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#293) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#294) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#294) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#295) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#295) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#296) Line 296 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#296) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#296) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#296) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#298) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#298) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#298) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#299) Line 299 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#299) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#299) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#299) unnecessary '.call()'. (no-useless-call)
(#299) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#301) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#302) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#303) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#304) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#304) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#304) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#305) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#306) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#306) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#307) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#309) Line 309 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#309) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#309) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#309) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#309) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#310) Line 310 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#310) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#310) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#310) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#310) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#310) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#310) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#310) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#311) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#312) Line 312 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#312) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#312) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#313) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#314) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#314) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#315) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#316) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#316) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#316) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#317) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#317) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#318) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#319) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#321) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#321) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#322) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#322) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#322) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#323) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#326) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#326) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#326) Expected space(s) before "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#327) Line 327 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#327) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#328) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#328) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#328) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#329) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#329) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#329) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#330) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#330) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#330) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#330) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#330) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#331) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#331) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#331) 'h' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#331) 'h' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#331) 'h' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#331) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#332) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#332) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#333) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#333) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#333) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#336) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#340) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#341) 'h' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#364) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#365) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#370) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#371) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#372) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#373) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#374) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#375) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#376) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#377) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#378) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#379) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#379) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#380) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#381) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#383) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#385) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#386) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#388) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#389) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#389) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#390) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#390) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#392) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#393) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#394) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#394) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#394) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#396) A constructor name should not start with a lowercase letter. (new-cap)
(#396) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#397) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#398) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#399) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#400) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#401) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#401) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#401) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#403) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#403) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#404) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#405) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#406) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#406) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#406) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#407) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#407) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#408) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#409) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#409) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#409) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#410) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#411) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#412) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#412) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#412) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#412) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#412) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#412) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#413) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#413) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#414) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#415) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#416) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#416) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#416) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#416) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#417) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#417) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#418) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#419) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#420) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#421) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#424) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#426) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#427) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#430) Line 430 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#430) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#430) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#430) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#434) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#438) Line 438 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#438) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#438) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#439) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#440) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#441) Line 441 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#441) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#442) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#443) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#443) 't' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#445) Line 445 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#445) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#445) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#445) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#448) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#449) Line 449 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#449) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#449) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#449) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#449) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#449) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#450) Line 450 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#450) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#450) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#450) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#451) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#452) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#453) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#454) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#457) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#459) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#459) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#459) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#460) Line 460 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#460) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#460) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#460) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#461) Line 461 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#461) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#461) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#462) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#463) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#464) Expected space(s) after "case". (keyword-spacing)
(#465) Line 465 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#465) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#465) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#467) Expected space(s) after "case". (keyword-spacing)
(#468) Line 468 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#468) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#468) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#468) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#471) Expected space(s) after "case". (keyword-spacing)
(#474) Expected space(s) after "case". (keyword-spacing)
(#475) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#477) Line 477 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#477) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#477) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#477) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#480) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#481) Line 481 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#481) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#481) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#481) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#481) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#482) Line 482 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#482) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#482) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#482) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#485) Line 485 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#485) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#485) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#485) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#486) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#487) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#488) Line 488 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#488) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#489) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#492) Line 492 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#492) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#492) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#492) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#493) Line 493 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#493) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#493) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#494) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#497) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#498) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#499) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#501) Line 501 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#501) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#501) Expected space(s) before "this". (keyword-spacing)
(#501) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#502) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#502) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#503) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#504) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#504) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#504) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#505) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#506) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#506) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#506) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#507) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#508) Line 508 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#508) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#508) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#509) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#510) Line 510 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#510) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#510) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#510) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#510) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#511) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#513) Line 513 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#513) 'i' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#513) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#513) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#514) Line 514 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#514) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#515) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#515) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#517) Line 517 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#517) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#517) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#517) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#518) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#518) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#519) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#519) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#519) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#519) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#520) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#521) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#522) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#524) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#525) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#526) Line 526 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#526) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#526) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#527) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#527) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#528) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#529) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#529) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#529) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#530) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#531) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#531) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#532) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#532) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#533) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#533) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#534) Line 534 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#534) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#534) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#534) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#534) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#534) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#534) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#534) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#534) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#534) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#534) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#534) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#535) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#536) Line 536 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#536) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#536) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#536) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#536) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#536) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#536) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#536) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#536) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#536) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#536) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#536) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Line 537 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#537) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#537) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#537) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#538) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#541) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#542) Line 542 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#542) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#542) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#542) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#543) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#545) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#546) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#547) Line 547 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#547) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#547) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#547) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#548) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#550) Line 550 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#550) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#550) Expected space(s) before "this". (keyword-spacing)
(#550) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#550) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#551) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#552) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#553) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#554) Line 554 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#554) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#554) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#554) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#555) Line 555 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#555) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#555) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#555) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#555) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#555) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#555) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#556) Line 556 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#556) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#556) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#556) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#557) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#558) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#559) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#559) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#559) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#560) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#562) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#563) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#565) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#566) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#569) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#571) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#571) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#571) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#571) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#571) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#572) Line 572 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#572) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#572) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#572) Expected space(s) before "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#572) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#572) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#572) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#572) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#572) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#572) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#572) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#572) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#574) Line 574 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#574) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#574) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#574) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#574) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#574) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#574) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#574) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#574) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#575) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#575) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#575) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#577) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#578) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#578) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#578) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#578) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#578) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#578) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#580) Line 580 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#580) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#580) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#580) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#580) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#580) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#580) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#580) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#580) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#580) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#580) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#580) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#582) Line 582 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#582) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#582) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#582) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#582) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#582) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#585) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#586) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#586) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#590) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#590) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#590) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#593) Line 593 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#593) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#593) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#593) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#594) Line 594 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#594) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#594) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#594) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#594) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#595) Line 595 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#595) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#595) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#595) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#595) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#595) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#595) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#600) Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses. (wrap-iife)
(#600) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#602) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#603) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#603) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#603) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#604) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#605) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#605) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#606) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#607) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#608) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#609) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#610) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#611) 'module' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#611) 'module' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#611) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#612) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#612) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#612) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#613) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#614) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#614) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#616) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#616) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#616) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#625) Line 625 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#628) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#630) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#631) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#632) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#632) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#633) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#634) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#635) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#636) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#638) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#640) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#640) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#641) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#642) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#642) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#642) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#643) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#644) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#644) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#645) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#645) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#645) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#646) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#646) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#651) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#653) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#653) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#653) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#653) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#654) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#662) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#663) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#663) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#664) Line 664 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#664) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#665) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#666) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#666) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#667) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#667) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#668) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#669) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#669) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#670) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#671) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#672) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#672) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#672) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#673) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#674) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#675) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#676) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#677) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#678) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#679) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#679) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#680) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#681) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#682) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#682) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#683) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#684) Line 684 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#684) Expected space(s) before "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#684) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#684) Expected space(s) before "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#684) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#684) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#684) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#685) 's' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#685) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#686) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#687) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#687) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#689) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#690) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#691) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#691) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#692) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#704) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#706) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#714) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#718) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#724) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#724) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#725) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#726) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#726) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#727) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#727) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#730) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#730) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#730) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#731) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#732) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#732) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#733) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#734) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#735) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#736) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#737) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#737) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#738) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#739) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#739) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#739) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#740) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#741) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#742) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#745) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#746) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#749) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#750) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#750) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#750) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#751) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#752) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#752) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#753) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#753) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#754) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#755) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#755) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#756) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#757) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#757) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#758) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#760) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#761) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#763) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#763) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#763) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#772) Line 772 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#774) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#775) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#776) Line 776 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#776) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#776) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#780) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#781) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#782) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#782) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#782) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#783) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#784) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#784) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#785) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#786) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#786) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#787) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#788) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#788) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#789) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#790) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#791) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#792) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#793) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#793) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#794) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#794) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#795) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#797) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#809) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#809) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#810) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#811) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#812) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#813) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#813) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#813) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#814) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#814) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#815) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#816) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#817) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#817) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#817) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#818) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#819) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#820) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#821) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#822) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#824) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#824) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#824) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#825) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#826) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#829) Line 829 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#829) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#829) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#831) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#832) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#832) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#833) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#834) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#835) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#837) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#837) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#837) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#838) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#839) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#840) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#841) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#841) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#842) Line 842 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#842) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#842) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#842) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#842) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#843) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#845) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#845) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#846) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#848) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#848) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#848) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#853) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#861) Line 861 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#864) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#865) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#871) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#872) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#874) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#874) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#875) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#876) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#876) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#876) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#877) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#878) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#878) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#879) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#879) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#879) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#880) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#880) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#881) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#890) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#890) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#890) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#890) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#891) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#899) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#900) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#900) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#900) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#900) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#901) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#901) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#901) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#901) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#901) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#902) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#902) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#903) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#904) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#905) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#905) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#905) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#906) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#907) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#908) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#909) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#910) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#911) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#912) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#912) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#913) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#914) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#915) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#916) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#917) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#918) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#918) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#919) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#920) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#920) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#921) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#922) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#922) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#924) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#925) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#926) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#926) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#927) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#939) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#941) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#953) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#959) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#959) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#960) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#961) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#961) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#962) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#962) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#965) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#965) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#966) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#967) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#968) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#969) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#970) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#970) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#971) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#972) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#972) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#972) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#973) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#974) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#975) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#977) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#978) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#981) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#981) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#982) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#983) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#983) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#984) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#985) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#985) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#986) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#988) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#988) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#988) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#990) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#990) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#991) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#991) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#991) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#991) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#992) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#992) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#992) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#992) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#993) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#994) Line 994 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#994) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#994) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#994) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#994) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#994) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#994) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#994) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#994) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#994) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#994) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#994) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#995) Line 995 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#995) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#995) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#995) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#996) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#996) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#998) Line 998 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#998) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#999) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#999) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1000) Line 1000 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1000) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1000) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1000) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1000) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1000) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1001) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1002) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1003) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1005) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1006) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1008) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1008) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1008) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1022) Line 1022 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1025) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1026) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1026) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1055) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1056) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1056) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1057) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1058) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1059) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1059) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1059) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1060) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1061) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1061) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1062) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1063) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1063) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1064) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1065) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1066) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1067) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1068) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1068) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1069) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1069) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1070) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1072) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1080) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1080) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1081) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1083) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1083) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1083) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1084) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1085) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1085) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1085) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1086) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1086) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1087) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1088) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1090) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1091) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1098) Line 1098 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1103) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1104) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1105) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1105) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1105) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1106) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1107) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1108) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1109) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1112) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1115) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1116) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1116) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1117) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1118) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1120) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1120) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1120) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1121) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1122) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1123) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1124) Line 1124 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1124) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1124) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1124) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1124) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1125) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1127) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1128) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1130) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1130) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1151) Line 1151 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1153) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1154) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1160) Line 1160 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1160) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1160) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1161) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1162) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1162) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1162) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1163) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1164) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1164) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1165) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1165) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1165) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1166) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1166) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1167) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1176) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1176) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1176) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1176) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1178) Line 1178 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1178) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1178) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1178) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1178) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1178) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1178) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1182) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1182) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1183) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1183) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1188) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1189) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1189) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1190) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1192) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1193) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1194) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1194) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1195) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1197) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1198) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1201) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1201) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1201) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1202) Line 1202 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1202) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1202) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1203) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1204) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1206) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1207) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1234) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1234) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1236) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1237) Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses. (wrap-iife)
(#1237) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1239) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1240) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1240) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1241) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1242) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1243) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1243) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1244) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1249) Line 1249 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1250) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1252) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1253) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1253) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1253) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1254) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1254) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1254) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1255) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1255) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1260) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1261) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1262) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1263) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1265) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1266) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1266) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1266) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1267) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1268) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1270) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1271) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1271) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1272) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1273) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1273) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1275) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1276) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1282) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1282) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1284) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1285) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1286) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1286) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1286) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1287) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1287) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1288) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1288) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1288) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1288) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1289) Line 1289 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1289) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1289) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#1289) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1289) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1290) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1290) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1291) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1291) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1292) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#1292) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1293) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1294) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1296) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#10) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#12) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#19) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#23) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#27) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#28) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#29) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#30) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#30) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#31) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#33) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#33) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#36) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#36) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#39) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#39) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#46) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#46) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#51) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#51) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#66) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#66) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#69) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#70) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#71) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#76) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#80) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#81) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#81) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#82) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#88) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#91) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#95) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#98) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#99) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#100) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#101) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#116) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#119) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#120) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#121) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#122) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#123) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#140) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#145) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#161) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#168) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#169) ',' should be placed last. (comma-style)
(#189) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#199) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#202) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#203) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#222) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#27) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'name'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#27) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'value'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#34) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#39) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'name'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#45) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#63) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#63) Unexpected empty function. (no-empty-function)
(#66) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'callback'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#66) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'params'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#66) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'url'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#68) Line 68 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#79) Identifier 'create_request' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#79) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#83) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#84) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#85) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#89) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#89) 'httpRequest' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#89) 'ActiveXObject' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#91) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#93) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#93) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#93) 'ActiveXObject' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#95) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#96) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#101) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#101) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#101) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#123) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#123) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#129) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#129) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#141) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#141) 'httpRequest' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#144) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#149) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'stop'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#155) Identifier 'quiz_page_loaded' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#155) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#169) 'rtqinitinfo' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#170) 'rtqinitinfo' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#204) Identifier 'resume_quiz' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#204) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#223) Line 223 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#224) Line 224 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#239) Line 239 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#274) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'questionid'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#274) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'questiontime'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#274) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'delay'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#281) Identifier 'waitfor_question' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#281) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#297) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#322) Identifier 'goto_question' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#322) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#338) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#338) Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’. (no-eq-null)
(#339) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#339) There should be no spaces inside this paren. (space-in-parens)
(#346) Expected space(s) before "else". (keyword-spacing)
(#348) Expected space(s) before "else". (keyword-spacing)
(#354) Expected space(s) before "else". (keyword-spacing)
(#355) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#372) Line 372 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#386) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#388) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#389) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#412) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#422) Identifier 'save_question' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#422) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#474) Identifier 'hide_all_questionboxes' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#474) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#484) Blocks are nested too deeply (5). (max-depth)
(#499) Identifier 'clear_and_hide_qinfobox' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#499) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#518) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'string'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#518) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'action'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#525) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#546) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'quizinfo'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#546) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'clear'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#552) Identifier 'quiz_info' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#552) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#562) Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’. (no-eq-null)
(#582) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'count'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#582) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'qnum'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#588) Identifier 'update_tries' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#588) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#602) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'decimals'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#602) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'number'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#602) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'dec_point'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#602) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'thousands_sep'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#612) Identifier 'number_format' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#612) Identifier 'dec_point' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#612) Identifier 'thousands_sep' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#618) Identifier 'thousands_sep' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#618) Identifier 'thousands_sep' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#619) Identifier 'dec_point' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#619) Identifier 'dec_point' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#621) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#25) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#27) 'activequiz' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#28) 'activequiz' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#29) 'activequiz' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#29) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#33) 'sorted' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#33) 'Sortable' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#35) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#35) 'evt' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#46) 'activequiz' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#47) 'activequiz' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#52) 'activequiz' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#52) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#65) Unexpected console statement. (no-console)
(#78) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#39) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#46) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#49) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#55) Line 55 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#79) Unexpected constant condition. (no-constant-condition)
(#79) Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment. (no-cond-assign)
(#102) Identifier 'start_quiz' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#102) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#114) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#136) Identifier 'handle_question' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#136) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#141) 'tinyMCE' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#157) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#160) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#163) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#186) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#186) 'response' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#216) Identifier 'gather_current_results' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#216) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#231) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#240) eval can be harmful. (no-eval)
(#252) Identifier 'gather_results' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#252) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#262) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#276) Line 276 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#278) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#280) Line 280 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#283) Line 283 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#294) eval can be harmful. (no-eval)
(#301) Identifier 'reload_results' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#301) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#311) Identifier 'repoll_question' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#311) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#326) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#334) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#350) Identifier 'next_question' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#350) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#372) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#380) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#395) Identifier 'end_question' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#395) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#407) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#407) 'response' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#415) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#438) Identifier 'close_session' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#438) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#450) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#450) 'response' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#458) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#476) Identifier 'jumpto_question' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#476) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#479) Line 479 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#498) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#506) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#532) Identifier 'show_correct_answer' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#532) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#561) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#569) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#594) Identifier 'toggle_responses' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#594) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#616) Identifier 'toggle_notresponded' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#616) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#635) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#645) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#658) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'buttons'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#663) Identifier 'control_buttons' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#663) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#681) Identifier 'not_responded_info' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#681) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#690) Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’. (no-eq-null)
(#710) Identifier 'clear_and_hide_notresponded' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#710) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#16) Identifier 'lightbox_images' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#16) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#21) 'imgCount' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#30) 'parent' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#32) 'imgsrc' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#39) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#61) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#64) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#70) 'Lightbox' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#1) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#11) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#11) 'Lightbox' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#21) 'captionTemplate' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#29) 'loadingImgSrc' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#38) 'maxWidth' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#39) 'maxHeight' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#40) 'wrapperWidth' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#41) 'wrapperHeight' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#43) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#48) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#49) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#50) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#61) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#69) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#72) Expected JSDoc for 'capture' but found 'val'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#81) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#83) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#95) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#97) Expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#97) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#108) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#110) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#111) Expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#111) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#122) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#125) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#127) Expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#127) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#137) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#139) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#142) JSDoc syntax error. (valid-jsdoc)
(#151) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#153) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#155) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#157) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#158) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#161) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#163) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#174) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#176) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#178) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#180) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#181) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#184) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#186) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#194) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#194) 'e' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#195) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#196) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#197) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#198) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#207) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#209) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#210) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#220) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#223) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#226) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#235) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#236) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#241) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#251) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#253) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#254) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#255) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#257) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#258) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#260) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#261) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#263) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#264) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#272) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#272) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#274) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#275) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#276) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#278) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#279) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#280) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#281) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#282) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#283) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#284) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#285) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#287) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#289) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#296) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#296) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#298) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#301) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#304) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#315) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#316) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#319) ["nextImg"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#320) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#321) ["nextImg"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#321) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#322) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#324) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#326) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#327) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#328) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#329) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#330) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#332) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#335) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#336) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#339) ["prevImg"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#340) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#341) ["prevImg"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#341) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#342) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#344) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#346) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#347) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#348) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#349) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#350) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#352) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#360) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#361) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#362) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#370) Function 'setOpt' has a complexity of 24. (complexity)
(#372) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#372) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#374) JSDoc syntax error. (valid-jsdoc)
(#380) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#385) ["boxId"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#386) ["controls"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#387) ["dimensions"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#388) ["captions"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#389) ["prevImg"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#389) ["prevImg"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#390) ["nextImg"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#390) ["nextImg"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#391) ["hideCloseBtn"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#392) ["closeOnClick"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#392) ["closeOnClick"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#393) ["loadingAnimation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#393) ["loadingAnimation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#394) ["animElCount"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#395) ["preload"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#396) ["carousel"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#397) ["animation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#398) ["nextOnClick"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#399) ["responsive"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#401) ["onopen"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#402) ["onclose"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#403) ["onload"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#404) ["onresize"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#405) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#408) ["boxId"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#409) ["boxId"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#409) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#412) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#413) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#414) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#415) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#416) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#417) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#419) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#421) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#423) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#426) ["hideCloseBtn"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#427) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#428) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#429) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#430) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#431) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#432) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#433) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#434) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#435) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#439) ["closeOnClick"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#440) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#440) 'e' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#441) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#442) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#446) ["loadingAnimation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#448) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#449) ["loadingAnimation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#449) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#450) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#451) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#452) ["loadingAnimation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#454) ["loadingAnimation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#454) ["loadingAnimation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#454) ["loadingAnimation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#454) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#456) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#457) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#458) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#459) ["animElCount"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#460) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#461) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#463) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#467) ["responsive"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#468) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#468) 'e' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#469) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#470) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#471) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#473) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#474) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#478) JSDoc syntax error. (valid-jsdoc)
(#485) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#487) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#491) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#493) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#496) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#501) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#504) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#507) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#510) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#512) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#514) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#516) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#518) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#521) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#526) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#528) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#531) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#531) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#536) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#539) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#540) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#541) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#543) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#543) ["animation"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#543) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#545) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#547) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#548) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#549) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#550) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#553) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#558) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#561) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#562) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#568) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#570) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#571) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#574) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#575) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#576) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#577) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#580) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#582) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#585) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#587) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#587) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#589) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#591) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#594) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#599) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#600) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#601) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#602) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#603) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#606) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#606) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#608) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#610) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#612) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#613) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#616) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#619) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#623) Unexpected tab character. (no-tabs)
(#630) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#633) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#638) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#642) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#645) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#648) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#649) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#653) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#655) JSDoc syntax error. (valid-jsdoc)
(#660) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#663) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#663) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#664) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#665) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#670) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#672) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#674) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#675) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#676) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#677) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#679) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#684) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#685) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#688) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#689) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#690) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#692) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#693) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#698) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#699) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#701) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#702) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#703) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#706) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#709) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#709) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#710) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#715) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#717) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#720) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#722) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#724) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#725) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#727) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#728) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#731) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#732) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#733) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#734) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#735) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#736) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#737) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#738) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#739) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#741) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#742) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#744) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#749) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#751) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#754) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#756) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#758) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#759) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#761) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#762) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#766) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#767) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#768) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#769) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#770) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#771) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#772) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#773) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#774) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#776) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#777) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#779) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#784) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#786) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#787) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#788) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#789) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#790) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#791) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#792) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#793) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#794) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#795) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#798) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#802) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#807) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#811) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#811) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#812) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#815) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#815) 'This' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#815) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#816) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#816) 'looks' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#816) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#817) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#817) 'like' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#817) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#818) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#818) 'a' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#818) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#819) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#819) 'JavaScript' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#819) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#820) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#820) 'file' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#820) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#821) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#821) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#821) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#822) 'bar' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#822) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#822) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#823) 'to' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#823) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#823) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#824) 'format' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#824) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#824) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#825) 'it' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#825) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#825) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#826) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#826) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#5) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#5) 'Lightbox' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#6) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#7) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#10) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#11) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#14) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#15) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#15) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#18) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#19) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#22) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#23) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#23) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#26) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#27) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#27) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#30) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#31) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#34) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#35) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#35) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#35) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#37) Line 37 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#37) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#37) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#37) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#37) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#40) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#41) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#41) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#41) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#43) Line 43 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#43) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#43) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#43) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#46) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#47) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#47) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#48) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#48) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#48) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#48) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#48) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#49) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#52) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#53) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#53) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#56) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#57) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#57) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#57) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#58) 'b' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#58) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#61) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#62) Line 62 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#62) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#62) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#62) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#62) Expected space(s) before "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#62) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#62) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#62) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#62) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#62) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#62) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#65) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#67) Missing '()' invoking a constructor. (new-parens)
(#67) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#67) Missing '()' invoking a constructor. (new-parens)
(#67) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#67) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#68) Line 68 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#68) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#68) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#68) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#72) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#74) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#75) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#76) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#76) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#78) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#79) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#79) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#79) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#79) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#80) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#80) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#81) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#82) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#85) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#89) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#90) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#92) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#92) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#92) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#96) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#98) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#98) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#100) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#100) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#100) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#101) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#101) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#102) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#102) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#102) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#103) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#103) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#103) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#103) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#104) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#104) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#106) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#106) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#107) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#107) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#109) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#109) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#109) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#110) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#110) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#111) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#111) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#111) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#112) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#112) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#112) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#112) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#113) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#113) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#115) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#115) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#118) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#120) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#121) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#121) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#121) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#125) Function 'S' has a complexity of 22. (complexity)
(#125) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#126) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#127) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#130) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#130) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#152) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#152) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#152) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#154) Line 154 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#154) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#154) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#156) Line 156 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#156) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#156) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#156) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#156) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#157) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#157) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#157) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#157) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#158) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#160) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#160) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#160) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#161) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#162) Line 162 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#162) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#162) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#162) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#162) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#163) Line 163 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#163) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#163) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#163) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#164) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#164) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#164) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#165) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#167) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#167) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#167) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#168) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#169) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#169) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#169) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#172) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#173) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#173) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#174) Line 174 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#174) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#174) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#174) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#174) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#174) Missing '()' invoking a constructor. (new-parens)
(#176) Line 176 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#176) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#176) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#176) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#176) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#176) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#176) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#176) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#176) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#176) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#177) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#180) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#180) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#180) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#182) Line 182 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#182) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#182) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#182) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#182) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#182) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#182) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#182) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#183) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#184) Missing '()' invoking a constructor. (new-parens)
(#185) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#185) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#185) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#187) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#188) Line 188 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#188) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#188) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#188) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#188) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#188) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#188) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#188) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#188) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#188) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#189) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#189) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#189) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#189) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#190) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#191) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#192) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#192) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#195) Line 195 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#195) 'u' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#195) 'v' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#195) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#196) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#196) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#196) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#197) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#197) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#197) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#198) Line 198 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#198) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#198) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#198) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#198) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#198) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#199) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#200) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#200) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#200) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#200) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#201) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#203) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#203) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#203) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#203) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#204) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#205) Line 205 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#205) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#205) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#205) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#205) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#205) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#205) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#205) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#205) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#207) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#209) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#210) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#211) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#211) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#212) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#214) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#214) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#214) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#215) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#216) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#217) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#217) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#218) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#220) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#220) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#221) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#221) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#223) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#225) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#226) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#227) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#227) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#228) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#230) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#230) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#230) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#231) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#232) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#233) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#233) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#234) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#236) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#236) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#237) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#237) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#239) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#240) Line 240 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#240) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#240) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#240) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#240) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#240) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#240) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#240) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#240) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#240) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#241) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#1) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#3) Unexpected tab character. (no-tabs)
(#8) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#13) ["Sortable"] is better written in dot notation. (dot-notation)
(#15) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#46) Missing '()' invoking a constructor. (new-parens)
(#53) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#62) 'slice' is defined but never used. (no-unused-vars)
(#66) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#66) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#66) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#66) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#93) Blocks are nested too deeply (5). (max-depth)
(#99) Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment. (no-cond-assign)
(#116) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#128) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#132) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#133) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#141) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#148) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#159) More than 2 blank lines not allowed. (no-multiple-empty-lines)
(#167) Expected an object to be thrown. (no-throw-literal)
(#194) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#209) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#236) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#243) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#275) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#276) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (array-callback-return)
(#276) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#276) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#301) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#317) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#333) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#358) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#369) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#380) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#383) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#394) Empty block statement. (no-empty)
(#398) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#410) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#431) Blocks are nested too deeply (5). (max-depth)
(#446) Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment. (no-cond-assign)
(#456) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#456) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#483) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#504) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#513) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#513) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#513) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#540) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#543) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#551) Function '_onDragOver' has a complexity of 34. (complexity)
(#551) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#551) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#564) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#574) Unexpected use of '~'. (no-bitwise)
(#595) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#612) 'targetRect' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#617) 'targetRect' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#624) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#624) 'targetRect' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#627) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#642) Line 642 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#657) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#687) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#699) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#705) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#713) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#722) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#722) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#743) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#746) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#774) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#776) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#782) Blocks are nested too deeply (5). (max-depth)
(#828) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#828) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#837) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#847) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#870) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#871) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#873) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#881) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#893) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#895) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#900) Line 900 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#905) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#916) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#916) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#934) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#948) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#961) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#964) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#970) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#970) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#970) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#970) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#989) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#989) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#997) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1002) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1007) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1012) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#1020) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1020) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#1028) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#1034) Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block. (brace-style)
(#1045) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1047) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1047) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#1062) More than 2 blank lines not allowed. (no-multiple-empty-lines)
(#1063) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1086) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1112) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1117) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1122) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'el'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#1122) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'evt'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#1127) Line 1127 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#1173) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1173) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1173) Expected space or tab after '/**' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#1189) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1192) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1195) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#1197) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1210) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#1229) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1240) Missing JSDoc @returns for function. (valid-jsdoc)
(#1245) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#1) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2) Line 2 exceeds the maximum line length of 132. (max-len)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses. (wrap-iife)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) This line has 167 statements. Maximum allowed is 2. (max-statements-per-line)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "throw". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected an object to be thrown. (no-throw-literal)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "throw". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'group'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'sort'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'disabled'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'store'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'handle'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'scroll'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'scrollSensitivity'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'scrollSpeed'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'draggable'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'ghostClass'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'chosenClass'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'ignore'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'filter'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'animation'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'setData'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'dropBubble'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'dragoverBubble'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'dataIdAttr'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'delay'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'forceFallback'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'fallbackClass'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'fallbackOnBody'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'for-in'. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'for-in'. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'do'. (curly)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "while". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "else". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) 'd' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected 'this'. (no-invalid-this)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "function". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Expected { after 'for-in'. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "var". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing '()' invoking a constructor. (new-parens)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses. (wrap-iife)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected { after 'do'. (curly)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "break". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "while". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment. (no-cond-assign)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'name'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'constructor'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_onTapStart'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "else". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_prepareDragStart'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_disableDelayedDrag'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_triggerDragStart'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Do not nest ternary expressions. (no-nested-ternary)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'target'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'clientX'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'clientY'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "try". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "catch". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "catch". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Empty block statement. (no-empty)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_dragStarted'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_emulateDragOver'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "do". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "do". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Blocks are nested too deeply (5). (max-depth)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'clientX'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'clientY'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'target'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'rootEl'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "while". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "while". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment. (no-cond-assign)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_onTouchMove'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_appendGhost'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_onDragStart'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Function '_onDragOver' has a complexity of 31. (complexity)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_onDragOver'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected use of '~'. (no-bitwise)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected no return value. (consistent-return)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unary word operator 'void' must be followed by whitespace. (space-unary-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) 'r' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) 'r' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) 'r' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "else". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot. (no-floating-decimal)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'if' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Expected space(s) before "else". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Expected { after 'else'. (curly)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_animate'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_offUpEvents'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key '_onDrop'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'handleEvent'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'toArray'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected { after 'for' condition. (curly)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "for". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) 'b' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'sort'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Expected variable declaration to be on a new line. (one-var-declaration-per-line)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'save'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'closest'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'option'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Return statement should not contain assignment. (no-return-assign)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unary word operator 'void' must be followed by whitespace. (space-unary-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A function with a name starting with an uppercase letter should only be used as a constructor. (new-cap)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'destroy'. (key-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing whitespace after semicolon. (semi-spacing)
(#2) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (no-unused-expressions)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Unexpected use of comma operator. (no-sequences)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'on'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'off'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'css'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'find'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'is'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Expected space(s) after "return". (keyword-spacing)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'extend'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'throttle'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'closest'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'toggleClass'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before value for key 'index'. (key-spacing)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing space before opening brace. (space-before-blocks)
(#2) Requires a space after '{'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block. (brace-style)
(#2) Statement inside of curly braces should be on next line. (brace-style)
(#2) A constructor name should not start with a lowercase letter. (new-cap)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#2) A space is required after ','. (comma-spacing)
(#2) Missing semicolon. (semi)
(#2) Requires a space before '}'. (block-spacing)
(#28) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#35) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#38) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#86) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'hide'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#86) Missing JSDoc parameter type for 'questionid'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#93) Identifier 'handle_question' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#93) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#115) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)
(#122) 'tinyMCE' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#138) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#147) Unexpected alert. (no-alert)
(#150) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#165) 'feedbackbox' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#166) 'feedbackbox' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#167) 'feedbackbox' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#171) 'feedbackbox' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#171) 'feedbackbox' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#172) 'feedbackbox' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#173) 'feedbackbox' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#176) 'loadingbox' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#176) 'loadingbox' is already defined. (no-redeclare)
(#177) 'loadingbox' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)

CSS problems

(17 errors, 8 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by stylelint [More info]

(#203) Expected "#FFF" to be "#fff" (color-hex-case)
(#213) Expected "#FFF" to be "#fff" (color-hex-case)
(#228) Expected "#FFF" to be "#fff" (color-hex-case)
(#236) Expected "#FFF" to be "#fff" (color-hex-case)
(#63) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#7) Expected "DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha" to be "" (function-name-case)
(#12) Expected "DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha" to be "" (function-name-case)
(#184) Expected "DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha" to be "" (function-name-case)
(#178) Expected line length to be no more than 132 characters (max-line-length)
(#182) Expected line length to be no more than 132 characters (max-line-length)
(#129) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#142) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#178) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#178) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#178) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#182) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#182) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#99) Expected single space before "{" (block-opening-brace-space-before)
(#258) Expected single space before "{" (block-opening-brace-space-before)
(#222) Expected "#FFFFFF" to be "#ffffff" (color-hex-case)
(#222) Expected "#FFFFFF" to be "#FFF" (color-hex-length)
(#215) Unexpected duplicate "background" (declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties)
(#216) Unexpected duplicate "background" (declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties)
(#217) Unexpected duplicate "background" (declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties)
(#119) Expected a trailing semicolon (declaration-block-trailing-semicolon)

PHPDocs style problems

(169 errors, 4 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#32) Class backup_activequiz_activity_task does not have @copyright tag
(#32) Class backup_activequiz_activity_task does not have @license tag
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#18) Package moodlecore is not valid
(#39) Function backup_activequiz_activity_structure_step::define_structure is not documented
(#34) Class backup_activequiz_activity_structure_step does not have @copyright tag
(#34) Class backup_activequiz_activity_structure_step does not have @license tag
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#30) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class restore_activequiz_activity_task
(#30) Class restore_activequiz_activity_task does not have @copyright tag
(#30) Class restore_activequiz_activity_task does not have @license tag
(#18) Package moodlecore is not valid
(#43) Function restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step::define_structure is not documented
(#69) Function restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step::process_activequiz is not documented
(#86) Function restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step::process_activequiz_question is not documented
(#103) Function restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step::process_activequiz_grade is not documented
(#117) Function restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step::process_activequiz_session is not documented
(#130) Function restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step::process_activequiz_attempt is not documented
(#148) Function restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step::inform_new_usage_id is not documented
(#161) Function restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step::process_activequiz_groupattendance is not documented
(#178) Function restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step::after_execute is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#31) Class restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step does not have @copyright tag
(#31) Class restore_activequiz_activity_structure_step does not have @license tag
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#21) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class activequiz
(#355) Phpdocs for function activequiz::call_question_modifiers has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#482) Function activequiz_attempt::process_anonymous_response is not documented
(#34) Constant activequiz_attempt::INPROGRESS is not documented
(#35) Constant activequiz_attempt::ABANDONED is not documented
(#36) Constant activequiz_attempt::FINISHED is not documented
(#21) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class activequiz_attempt
(#202) There is no description in phpdocs for function check_tries_left
(#378) There is no description in phpdocs for function get_sequence_check
(#83) Phpdocs for function activequiz_attempt::__construct has incomplete parameters list
(#220) Phpdocs for function activequiz_attempt::get_display_options has incomplete parameters list
(#50) Function activequiz_disabled_condition::where is not documented
(#54) Function activequiz_disabled_condition::params is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#134) Function activequiz_question_bank_view::create_new_question_form is not documented
(#71) Phpdocs for function activequiz_question_bank_view::display has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#118) There is no description in phpdocs for function set_status
(#412) There is no description in phpdocs for function get_question_right_response
(#742) There is no description in phpdocs for function getall_attempts
(#165) Phpdocs for function activequiz_session::delete has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#23) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class add_question_form
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#24) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class groupselectmembers
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#24) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class student_start_form
(#2) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#31) Class edit_renderer is not documented
(#211) Function edit_renderer::opensession is not documented
(#31) Package is not specified for class edit_renderer. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#2) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#31) Class report_overview_renderer is not documented
(#31) Package is not specified for class report_overview_renderer. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#2) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#31) Class report_renderer is not documented
(#36) Function report_renderer::report_header is not documented
(#31) Package is not specified for class report_renderer. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#33) Function question_bank_add_to_rtq_action_column::init is not documented
(#38) Function question_bank_add_to_rtq_action_column::get_name is not documented
(#42) Function question_bank_add_to_rtq_action_column::display_content is not documented
(#49) Function question_bank_add_to_rtq_action_column::get_required_fields is not documented
(#31) Variable question_bank_add_to_rtq_action_column::$stradd is not documented
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#700) There is no description in phpdocs for function update_points
(#437) Phpdocs for function questionmanager::set_question_order has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#32) Package is not specified for function requires_jquery. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#39) Package is not specified for function add_css. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#44) Package is not specified for function add_js. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#49) Package is not specified for function modify_questionresults_duringquiz. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#34) Function multichoice::requires_jquery is not documented
(#37) Function multichoice::add_css is not documented
(#113) There is no description in phpdocs for function update_answers_single
(#150) There is no description in phpdocs for function update_answers_multi
(#189) There is no description in phpdocs for function add_chart
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#34) Function poodllrecording::requires_jquery is not documented
(#37) Function poodllrecording::add_css is not documented
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#3) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#22) Function activequiz_report_base::__construct is not documented
(#5) Class activequiz_report_base does not have @license tag
(#9) Package mod_activequiz\reports is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#3) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#14) Function __construct is not documented
(#16) There is no description in phpdocs for function handle_request
(#14) Package is not specified for function __construct. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#16) Package is not specified for function handle_request. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#7) Package mod_activequiz\reports is not valid
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#3) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#8) Class report_overview is not documented
(#8) Package is not specified for class report_overview. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#23) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class ownattempts
(#26) Package mod_realtimquiz is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#3) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#18) Package is not specified for function setMessage. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#31) Package is not specified for function base_header. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#43) Package is not specified for function base_footer. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#52) Package is not specified for function showMessage. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#83) Package is not specified for function render_popup_error. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#97) Package is not specified for function init. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#37) Phpdocs for function grade::get_user_grade has incomplete parameters list
(#158) Phpdocs for function grade::process_attempt_regrade has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#47) There is no description in phpdocs for function get_user_groups
(#39) Phpdocs for function groupmanager::__construct has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#33) Function qubaids_for_rtq::__construct is not documented
(#21) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class qubaids_for_rtq
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#34) Constant scaletypes::REALTIMQUIZ_LASTSESSION is not documented
(#35) Constant scaletypes::activequiz_SESSIONAVERAGE is not documented
(#36) Constant scaletypes::activequiz_HIGHESTSESSIONGRADE is not documented
(#21) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class scaletypes
(#) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#35) Function xmldb_activequiz_upgrade is not documented
(#35) Package is not specified for function xmldb_activequiz_upgrade. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#54) Found comment starting with three or more slashes
(#64) Found comment starting with three or more slashes
(#71) Found comment starting with three or more slashes
(#110) Found comment starting with three or more slashes
(#33) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#33) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#36) Invalid phpdocs tag @author: used
(#37) Package activequiz is not valid
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#259) Function activequiz_pluginfile is not documented
(#349) Function activequiz_supports is not documented
(#254) Found comment starting with three or more slashes
(#255) Found comment starting with three or more slashes
(#256) Found comment starting with three or more slashes
(#33) Phpdocs for function activequiz_add_instance has incomplete parameters list
(#61) Phpdocs for function activequiz_update_instance has incomplete parameters list
(#198) Phpdocs for function activequiz_update_grades has incomplete parameters list
(#231) Phpdocs for function activequiz_reset_gradebook has incomplete parameters list
(#299) Package mod_quiz is not valid
(#30) Phpdocs for function activequiz_view_tabs has incomplete parameters list
(#31) Class mod_activequiz_mod_form is not documented
(#34) Function mod_activequiz_mod_form::__construct is not documented
(#40) Function mod_activequiz_mod_form::definition is not documented
(#46) Found comment starting with three or more slashes
(#49) Found comment starting with three or more slashes
(#183) Phpdocs for function mod_activequiz_mod_form::add_review_options_group has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#687) Phpdocs for function mod_activequiz_renderer::render_response has incomplete parameters list
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file

Update savepoints problems

(0 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Detected less 'if' blocks (4) than 'savepoint' calls (5). Repeated savepoints?

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(1 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

Task "stylelint:css" failed. Use --force to continue.
Problems running grunt

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]