Web monetization

General plugins (Local) ::: local_webmonetization
Maintained by Andrew Hancox
This plugin allows you to use the Web Monetization standard to receive streaming payments from users of your Moodle site.
Latest release:
1 sites
2 fans
Current versions available: 1

What is Web Monetization

A JavaScript browser API which allows the creation of a payment stream from the user agent to the website.

Find out more

Set up guide

Set up as a content publisher

In order to use this plugin

  1. Create a digital wallet and make a note of your payment pointer, there is a guide to doing this here: Digital Wallet and Payment Pointers

  2. Install Moodle

  3. Install this plugin into your Moodle site. This plugin should be placed in the local/webmonetization directory in the root of your Moodle site.

  4. Navigate to Site administration > Plugins > Local plugins > Web monetization, check the enable box and click save.

  5. Set up payment pointers throughout the site, you can do this in to ways:

    At a system level (thought the site administration link you visisted above)

    By navigating to a Moodle category, course or course module, in the navigation menu there will be a link "Manage payment pointer", follow this link and enter your payment pointer.

    You will need the 'local/webmonetization:managepaymentpointers' capability in the context that you wish to set the pointer.

Once you have done this Moodle will include the payment pointer for the context of the current page or it's nearest parent, e.g. a screen within an activity will look for payment pointers in the activity (course module), course, course category and then the system context and use the nearest one it finds.

You can see a Moodle site with the plugin installed and configured by going to Open Source Learning's example site OSL Example site

Set up as a content consumer

In order to send payments to a site using that has this plugin installed you will need to:

  1. Have an account or subscription with a Web Monetization provider (also known as a WM sender).
  2. Have a Web Monetization agent installed in their browser with the necessary authorization to initiate payments from the WM provider on the user's behalf.

Signing up with Coil and installing one of their desktop browser extensions or their mobile puma browser is currently the easiest way to do this.


Screenshot #0


Andrew Hancox (Lead maintainer)
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