Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(28 errors, 3 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#160) Inline control structures are not allowed
(#165) Inline control structures are not allowed
(#176) Inline control structures are not allowed
(#177) Inline control structures are not allowed
(#178) Using 'break' outside of a loop or switch structure is invalid and will throw a fatal error since PHP 7.0
(#183) Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 2
(#184) Expected 3 space(s) before asterisk; 5 found
(#185) Expected 3 space(s) before asterisk; 5 found
(#186) Expected 3 space(s) before asterisk; 5 found
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.
(#45) Usage of ELSEIF not allowed; use ELSE IF instead
(#47) Usage of ELSEIF not allowed; use ELSE IF instead
(#70) Expected 1 space before ".="; 0 found
(#71) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#71) Expected 1 space after "=>"; 0 found
(#71) Expected 1 space before "=>"; 0 found
(#71) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 133 characters
(#74) Expected 1 space before ".="; 0 found
(#76) Expected 1 space before ".="; 0 found
(#77) Expected 1 space before ".="; 0 found
(#86) Expected 1 space before ".="; 0 found
(#88) Expected 1 space before ".="; 0 found
(#89) Expected 1 space before ".="; 0 found
(#90) Expected 1 space before ".="; 0 found
(#123) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 135 characters
(#150) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 147 characters
(#2) The opening <?php tag must be followed by exactly one newline.

Javascript coding style problems

(5 errors, 45 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

(#29) Comments should not begin with a lowercase character (capitalized-comments)
(#29) Missing JSDoc @returns for function. (valid-jsdoc)
(#33) Identifier 'get_config' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#35) Extra space after key 'container_node'. (key-spacing)
(#35) Identifier 'container_node' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#36) Extra space after key 'container_class'. (key-spacing)
(#36) Identifier 'container_class' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#37) Extra space after key 'section_node'. (key-spacing)
(#37) Identifier 'section_node' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#38) Extra space after key 'section_class'. (key-spacing)
(#38) Identifier 'section_class' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#42) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'node2'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#42) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'node1'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#42) Comments should not begin with a lowercase character (capitalized-comments)
(#42) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'Y'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#46) Identifier 'swap_sections' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#48) Extra space after key 'COURSECONTENT'. (key-spacing)
(#49) Extra space after key 'SECTIONADDMENUS'. (key-spacing)
(#51) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#51) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#51) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#52) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#52) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#55) Comments should not begin with a lowercase character (capitalized-comments)
(#55) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'sectionfrom'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#55) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'response'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#55) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'sectionlist'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#55) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'sectionto'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#55) Missing JSDoc for parameter 'Y'. (valid-jsdoc)
(#59) Identifier 'process_sections' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#61) Extra space after key 'SECTIONNAME'. (key-spacing)
(#64) Extra space after key 'SECTIONLEFTSIDE'. (key-spacing)
(#75) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#79) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#25) Identifier 'format_board' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#33) Comments should not begin with a lowercase character (capitalized-comments)
(#33) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#36) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#37) 'i' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#37) 'i' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#37) 'i' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#38) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#38) 'i' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#40) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#40) 'i' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#44) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#46) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#48) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#49) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)
(#49) Infix operators must be spaced. (space-infix-ops)

CSS problems

(10 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by stylelint [More info]

(#28) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#29) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#32) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#53) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#62) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#65) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#97) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#106) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#55) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)
(#58) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)

PHPDocs style problems

(10 errors, 6 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#37) Phpdocs for function format_board::course_format_options has incomplete parameters list
(#148) Phpdocs for function format_board::update_course_format_options has incomplete parameters list
(#183) Phpdocs for function format_board::get_view_url has incomplete parameters list
(#31) Class format_board does not have @copyright tag
(#31) Class format_board does not have @license tag
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag
(#37) Phpdocs for function format_board_renderer::start_section_list has incomplete parameters list
(#54) Phpdocs for function format_board_renderer::section_header has incomplete parameters list
(#96) Phpdocs for function format_board_renderer::print_multiple_section_page has incomplete parameters list
(#31) Class format_board_renderer does not have @copyright tag
(#31) Class format_board_renderer does not have @license tag
(#2) Empty line found after PHP open tag

Update savepoints problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(1 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

Task "stylelint:css" failed. Use --force to continue.
Problems running grunt

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]