Insert question

Filters ::: filter_simplequestion
Maintained by Richard JonesRichard Jones
This is a very simple implementation of a question filter. It allows questions to be inserted anywhere in Moodle editable text either embedded or in a popup. Note that this plugin has probably been superseded by:, developed by the OU team.
Latest release:
55 sites
19 fans
Current versions available: 3

A simple implementation of a text filter for Moodle. 

In this version the user places special codes within text anywhere in Moodle which can then be replaced by a link to a question number in the database.  

The filter text is of the form {{QUESTION:linktext|xxx|display}} where xxx is the question id number and display is the display mode (embed or popup).  

You can find the question number by looking at the questions in your question bank. Click the preview question link and look in the URL, the first id is the question's id number. 

Question number xxx is replaced by a simple encryption technique such that the original id number is not displayed by preview.php.

An ATTO button is also available (moodle_atto_question) for teachers (only) to insert the question via a form dialog.


The start and end tags are configurable as is the link text length. The question can be displayed as a popup or within an iframe embedded in a sliding panel - the size of the iframe is configurable.

You can change the encryption key.  Be sure to use only alphabetical characters and spaces.

IMPORTANT: You should only change the start and end tags on first-time set up.  The only reason to do that would be if the tags conflict with some other filter or special text tags you are using.


Documentation and screenshots at

  • Select "Open courses" icon on front page
  • Click "Simple Question Demonstration"
  • Login as guest

Known bugs, Todos

Will not work with some advanced question types yet such as drag and drop. 

Version 1.5.3 Changes

Altered the embedded question to use jQuery sliding panels rather than Bootstrap collapsible div.

Version 1.5.4 Changes

Added steps to delete question_attempt_step and question_attempt_step_data from Moodle tables associated with question usages generated by this plugin.  Default is to run every 10 minutes.  The admin can adjust this under server settings - scheduled tasks.  In heavily used situations, it may need running more frequently.

Version 1.5.5 Changes

Added GDPR (null provider) and cleaned up code to Moodle guidelines.  While the Moodle core question_attempts table does contain a userid, these entries are removed every 10 minutes - or at times determined by the administrator.  The plugin itself stores no user data.

Questions and suggestions

Richard Jones

Karapiro Village
New Zealand
November 2017


Tested in Moodle 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.


Potential privacy issues

None known.


Screenshot #0


Richard Jones
Richard Jones (Lead maintainer)
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Εμφάνιση σχολίων
  • Plugins bot
    Τετ, 11 Οκτ 2017, 11:50 AM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7081
  • Stephen Catton
    Τρί, 5 Δεκ 2017, 6:08 PM
    This is brilliant.... Going to use this a lot... thank you
  • InsightKorea JobS
    Τετ, 27 Δεκ 2017, 10:26 PM
    Very useful. Thank you.
  • Joseph Liaw
    Σάβ, 13 Ιαν 2018, 12:05 PM
    Agree...very cool! Question: is the data for student responses to questions used by the filter available in the gradebook? Or is the purpose of this more to be able to put in questions throughout a course for only formative assessment? Thank you!
  • Richard Jones
    Κυρ, 14 Ιαν 2018, 7:09 AM
    Hi Joseph, the answers won't be recorded in the gradebook. Yes, the idea is more about using the question bank feedback mechanism to supply formative assessment. That's why the feedback is hard-wired to be immediate. My feeling is that the quiz is the perfect mechanism for summative assessments already.
  • Jannet Knesaurek
    Παρ, 23 Φεβ 2018, 4:26 PM
    Richard, thanks for this plugin. The filter works really great and had no issues with installing it on my moodle platform.

    Thank you and have a great day,
  • kedar deshmukh
    Τρί, 12 Ιουν 2018, 10:44 PM
    Very nice and useful plugin.
    Can we add multiple questions user single link?
    In this plugin, we allowed for single question per link how we can add many?
  • Richard Jones
    Τετ, 13 Ιουν 2018, 6:49 AM
    Hi Kedar, may I ask why you don't just insert a quiz into your course instead (or even a link to a quiz)? The way the filter works, I could add an array of question numbers instead of just 1 but then it's no longer "simple" and it makes it more difficult to use. So I don't think I will, sorry.
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