Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(12 errors, 11 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#25) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#63) This comment is 45% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#63) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 6; use block comment if you need indentation
(#52) This comment is 45% valid code; is this commented out code?
(#52) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 6; use block comment if you need indentation
(#67) Expected 1 space before comment text but found 6; use block comment if you need indentation
(#370) Expected 1 space after "="; newline found
(#419) Empty CATCH statement detected
(#496) Empty CATCH statement detected
(#71) Empty CATCH statement detected
(#24) Expected login check (require_login, require_course_login, admin_externalpage_setup) following config inclusion. None found.
(#25) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#25) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#25) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#37) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 146 characters
(#42) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 141 characters
(#98) Empty CATCH statement detected
(#25) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#36) Possible useless method overriding detected
(#40) Possible useless method overriding detected
(#44) Possible useless method overriding detected
(#48) Possible useless method overriding detected
(#51) Possible useless method overriding detected

Javascript coding style problems

(9 errors, 55 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

(#46) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#60) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#77) 'tinyMCE' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#80) 'tinymce' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#81) 'tinymce' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#89) Missing space before value for key 'method'. (key-spacing)
(#90) Missing space before value for key 'data'. (key-spacing)
(#90) 'build_querystring' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#93) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#104) 'ed' used outside of binding context. (block-scoped-var)
(#117) Missing space before value for key 'context'. (key-spacing)
(#121) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#122) Expected space or tab after '//' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#136) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#139) 'tinyMCE' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#155) Missing space before value for key 'method'. (key-spacing)
(#156) Missing space before value for key 'data'. (key-spacing)
(#156) 'build_querystring' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#159) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#177) Missing space before value for key 'context'. (key-spacing)
(#181) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#184) 'tinyMCE' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#200) Missing space before value for key 'method'. (key-spacing)
(#201) 'build_querystring' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#201) Missing space before value for key 'data'. (key-spacing)
(#204) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#223) Missing space before value for key 'stateid'. (key-spacing)
(#227) Identifier 'select_id' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#229) Identifier 'select_id' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#235) Missing space before value for key 'context'. (key-spacing)
(#273) Identifier 'blocks_workflow' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#274) Identifier 'init_comments' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#5) Extra space after key 'BLOCKWORKFLOW'. (key-spacing)
(#6) Extra space after key 'BLOCKTODOLIST'. (key-spacing)
(#7) Extra space after key 'BLOCKTODOTASK'. (key-spacing)
(#8) Extra space after key 'BLOCKTODOID'. (key-spacing)
(#17) Extra space after key 'initializer'. (key-spacing)
(#26) Extra space after key 'toggle'. (key-spacing)
(#33) Extra space after key 'sesskey'. (key-spacing)
(#34) Extra space after key 'action'. (key-spacing)
(#35) Extra space after key 'stateid'. (key-spacing)
(#36) Extra space after key 'todoid'. (key-spacing)
(#41) Extra space after key 'method'. (key-spacing)
(#42) Extra space after key 'data'. (key-spacing)
(#42) 'build_querystring' is not defined. (no-undef)
(#43) Extra space after key 'on'. (key-spacing)
(#44) Extra space after key 'complete'. (key-spacing)
(#44) Expected to return a value at the end of this function. (consistent-return)
(#65) Extra space after key 'NAME'. (key-spacing)
(#66) Extra space after key 'ATTRS'. (key-spacing)
(#73) Identifier 'blocks_workflow' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#74) Identifier 'init_todolist' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#43) Extra space after key 'initializer'. (key-spacing)
(#52) Identifier 'display_dialog' is not in camel case. (camelcase)
(#52) Extra space after key 'display_dialog'. (key-spacing)
(#52) Unexpected space before function parentheses. (space-before-function-paren)
(#57) Extra space after key 'headerContent'. (key-spacing)
(#58) Extra space after key 'bodyContent'. (key-spacing)
(#59) Extra space after key 'draggable'. (key-spacing)
(#60) Extra space after key 'modal'. (key-spacing)
(#61) Extra space after key 'zIndex'. (key-spacing)
(#69) There should be no space after '{' (object-curly-spacing)
(#69) There should be no space before '}' (object-curly-spacing)
(#75) Identifier 'block_workflow' is not in camel case. (camelcase)

CSS problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by csslint [More info]

PHPDocs style problems

(210 errors, 9 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#28) Class block_workflow is not documented
(#29) Function block_workflow::init is not documented
(#163) Function block_workflow_command::check_next_word_is is not documented
(#117) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_command::require_role_exists has incomplete parameters list
(#41) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_command_assignrole::parse has incomplete parameters list
(#107) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_command_assignrole::execute has incomplete parameters list
(#31) Package block is not valid
(#185) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_command_email::email has incomplete parameters list
(#212) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_command_email::email_params has incomplete parameters list
(#308) Not recommended phpdocs tag @access used
(#299) Invalid inline phpdocs tag @todo found
(#31) Package block is not valid
(#39) Function block_workflow_command_override::parse is not documented
(#124) Function block_workflow_command_override::execute is not documented
(#28) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class block_workflow_command_override
(#32) Package block is not valid
(#53) Function block_workflow_command_setactivitylinkedsetting::parse is not documented
(#132) Function block_workflow_command_setactivitylinkedsetting::execute is not documented
(#28) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class block_workflow_command_setactivitylinkedsetting
(#39) Function block_workflow_command_setactivitysetting::parse is not documented
(#90) Function block_workflow_command_setactivitysetting::execute is not documented
(#28) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class block_workflow_command_setactivitysetting
(#32) Package block is not valid
(#38) Function block_workflow_command_setactivityvisibility::parse is not documented
(#67) Function block_workflow_command_setactivityvisibility::execute is not documented
(#31) Package block is not valid
(#38) Function block_workflow_command_setcoursevisibility::parse is not documented
(#63) Function block_workflow_command_setcoursevisibility::execute is not documented
(#31) Package block is not valid
(#40) Variable block_workflow_email::$id is not documented
(#41) Variable block_workflow_email::$message is not documented
(#42) Variable block_workflow_email::$shortname is not documented
(#43) Variable block_workflow_email::$subject is not documented
(#66) Not recommended phpdocs tag @access used
(#31) Package block is not valid
(#46) Package block is not valid
(#60) Package block is not valid
(#74) Package block is not valid
(#88) Package block is not valid
(#102) Package block is not valid
(#116) Package block is not valid
(#130) Package block is not valid
(#144) Package block is not valid
(#903) Function block_workflow_step::format_instructions is not documented
(#913) Function block_workflow_step::get_autofinish_options is not documented
(#53) Variable block_workflow_step::$step is not documented
(#54) Variable block_workflow_step::$workflow is not documented
(#55) Variable block_workflow_step::$todos is not documented
(#57) Variable block_workflow_step::$id is not documented
(#58) Variable block_workflow_step::$workflowid is not documented
(#59) Variable block_workflow_step::$stepno is not documented
(#60) Variable block_workflow_step::$name is not documented
(#61) Variable block_workflow_step::$instructions is not documented
(#62) Variable block_workflow_step::$instructionsformat is not documented
(#63) Variable block_workflow_step::$onactivescript is not documented
(#64) Variable block_workflow_step::$oncompletescript is not documented
(#65) Variable block_workflow_step::$autofinish is not documented
(#66) Variable block_workflow_step::$autofinishoffset is not documented
(#48) Constant block_workflow_step::DAYS_BEFORE_QUIZ is not documented
(#49) Constant block_workflow_step::DAYS_AFTER_QUIZ is not documented
(#50) Constant block_workflow_step::DAYS_BEFORE_COURSE is not documented
(#51) Constant block_workflow_step::DAYS_AFTER_COURSE is not documented
(#496) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_step::is_step_in_use has incomplete parameters list
(#858) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_step::roles has incomplete parameters list
(#962) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_step::get_list_of_days has incomplete parameters list
(#89) Not recommended phpdocs tag @access used
(#310) Not recommended phpdocs tag @static used
(#298) Inline phpdocs tag not enclosed with curly brackets @link found
(#47) Variable block_workflow_step_state::$step is not documented
(#48) Variable block_workflow_step_state::$todos is not documented
(#50) Variable block_workflow_step_state::$id is not documented
(#51) Variable block_workflow_step_state::$stepid is not documented
(#52) Variable block_workflow_step_state::$contextid is not documented
(#53) Variable block_workflow_step_state::$state is not documented
(#54) Variable block_workflow_step_state::$timemodified is not documented
(#55) Variable block_workflow_step_state::$comment is not documented
(#56) Variable block_workflow_step_state::$commentformat is not documented
(#143) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_step_state::load_context_step has incomplete parameters list
(#434) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_step_state::state_changes has incomplete parameters list
(#452) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_step_state::get_all_users_and_their_roles has incomplete parameters list
(#79) Not recommended phpdocs tag @access used
(#33) Package block is not valid
(#40) Variable block_workflow_todo::$id is not documented
(#41) Variable block_workflow_todo::$stepid is not documented
(#42) Variable block_workflow_todo::$task is not documented
(#43) Variable block_workflow_todo::$obsolete is not documented
(#45) Variable block_workflow_todo::$step is not documented
(#68) Not recommended phpdocs tag @access used
(#232) Not recommended phpdocs tag @static used
(#47) Variable block_workflow_workflow::$id is not documented
(#48) Variable block_workflow_workflow::$shortname is not documented
(#49) Variable block_workflow_workflow::$name is not documented
(#50) Variable block_workflow_workflow::$description is not documented
(#51) Variable block_workflow_workflow::$descriptionformat is not documented
(#52) Variable block_workflow_workflow::$appliesto is not documented
(#53) Variable block_workflow_workflow::$atendgobacktostep is not documented
(#54) Variable block_workflow_workflow::$obsolete is not documented
(#391) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_workflow::available_workflows has incomplete parameters list
(#647) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_workflow::renumber_steps has incomplete parameters list
(#77) Not recommended phpdocs tag @access used
(#300) Not recommended phpdocs tag @static used
(#30) Class clone_workflow is not documented
(#31) Function clone_workflow::definition is not documented
(#63) Function clone_workflow::validation is not documented
(#29) Class block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher is not documented
(#31) Function block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher::cron is not documented
(#136) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher::get_ready_autofinish_steps has incomplete parameters list
(#162) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher::is_ready_for_autofinish has incomplete parameters list
(#227) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher::get_relevant_date_field has incomplete parameters list
(#25) Function xmldb_block_workflow_upgrade is not documented
(#30) Class edit_workflow is not documented
(#31) Function edit_workflow::definition is not documented
(#88) Function edit_workflow::validation is not documented
(#30) Class state_editcomment is not documented
(#31) Function state_editcomment::definition is not documented
(#30) Class email_edit is not documented
(#31) Function email_edit::definition is not documented
(#59) Function email_edit::validation is not documented
(#30) Class step_edit is not documented
(#32) Function step_edit::definition is not documented
(#91) Function step_edit::validation is not documented
(#29) Class task_edit is not documented
(#30) Function task_edit::definition is not documented
(#30) Class state_finishtask is not documented
(#31) Function state_finishtask::definition is not documented
(#212) Phpdocs for function clean_and_check_field_validity has incomplete parameters list
(#30) Class import_workflow is not documented
(#31) Function import_workflow::definition is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#172) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_editor_format has incomplete parameters list
(#194) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_convert_editor_format has incomplete parameters list
(#66) Package block is not valid
(#84) Package block is not valid
(#106) Package block is not valid
(#124) Package block is not valid
(#147) Package block is not valid
(#167) Package block is not valid
(#189) Package block is not valid
(#624) Function block_workflow_renderer::workflow_step is not documented
(#764) Function block_workflow_renderer::workflow_information is not documented
(#916) Function block_workflow_renderer::step_todolist is not documented
(#950) Function block_workflow_renderer::step_todolist_item is not documented
(#995) Function block_workflow_renderer::step_doers is not documented
(#1022) Function block_workflow_renderer::step_doer is not documented
(#1134) Function block_workflow_renderer::workflow_overview is not documented
(#1176) Function block_workflow_renderer::workflow_overview_step is not documented
(#1278) Function block_workflow_renderer::workflow_overview_step_history is not documented
(#41) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::block_display has incomplete parameters list
(#225) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::block_display_no_more_steps has incomplete parameters list
(#364) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::workflow_row has incomplete parameters list
(#502) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::email_row has incomplete parameters list
(#710) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::workflow_step_auto_finish has incomplete parameters list
(#1052) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::email_template_instructions has incomplete parameters list
(#1082) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::edit_workflow_instructions has incomplete parameters list
(#1354) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::jump_to_step has incomplete parameters list
(#1376) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::get_userinfo_button has incomplete parameters list
(#1394) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::get_popup_table has incomplete parameters list
(#1456) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_renderer::get_popup_button has incomplete parameters list
(#32) Package block is not valid
(#34) Class auto_finish_steps_test is not documented
(#57) Class block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher_test is not documented
(#36) Function auto_finish_steps_test::get_all_active_steps is not documented
(#40) Function auto_finish_steps_test::get_ready_autofinish_steps is not documented
(#44) Function auto_finish_steps_test::is_ready_for_autofinish is not documented
(#48) Function auto_finish_steps_test::finish_steps_automatically is not documented
(#51) Function auto_finish_steps_test::get_relevant_date_field is not documented
(#68) Function block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher_test::create_version_pres_tables is not documented
(#119) Function block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher_test::get_days is not documented
(#58) Variable block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher_test::$stepfinisher is not documented
(#160) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_automatic_step_finisher_test::get_expected_active_step has incomplete parameters list
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#33) Class block_workflow_command_test is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#32) Class block_workflow_command_assignrole_test is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#47) Function block_workflow_command_setactivitylinkedsetting_test::make_command is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#32) Class block_workflow_command_setactivityvisibility_test is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#32) Class block_workflow_command_setcoursevisibility_test is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#32) Class block_workflow_emails_test is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#27) Class block_workflow_generator is not documented
(#53) Function block_workflow_generator::create_workflow is not documented
(#68) Function block_workflow_generator::create_step is not documented
(#79) Function block_workflow_generator::create_email is not documented
(#90) Function block_workflow_generator::create_todo is not documented
(#32) Class block_workflow_testing_context_hack is not documented
(#52) Class block_workflow_testlib is not documented
(#33) Function block_workflow_testing_context_hack::clear_context_caches is not documented
(#148) Function block_workflow_testlib::set_up_modules is not documented
(#267) Function block_workflow_testlib::compare_object is not documented
(#309) Function block_workflow_testlib::create_workflow is not documented
(#324) Function block_workflow_testlib::create_step is not documented
(#335) Function block_workflow_testlib::create_email is not documented
(#346) Function block_workflow_testlib::create_todo is not documented
(#356) Function block_workflow_testlib::assign_workflow is not documented
(#378) Function block_workflow_testlib::create_activity_workflow is not documented
(#55) Variable block_workflow_testlib::$includecoverage is not documented
(#57) Variable block_workflow_testlib::$courseid is not documented
(#58) Variable block_workflow_testlib::$contextid is not documented
(#59) Variable block_workflow_testlib::$roles is not documented
(#60) Variable block_workflow_testlib::$users is not documented
(#192) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_testlib::compare_step has incomplete parameters list
(#212) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_testlib::compare_workflow has incomplete parameters list
(#232) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_testlib::compare_email has incomplete parameters list
(#252) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_testlib::compare_todo has incomplete parameters list
(#281) Phpdocs for function block_workflow_testlib::expect_exception_without_halting has incomplete parameters list
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#32) Class block_workflow_lib_test is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#32) Class block_workflow_steps_test is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#32) Class block_workflow_todos_test is not documented
(#23) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#34) No one-line description found in phpdocs for class block_workflow_walkthrough_test
(#24) Invalid phpdocs tag @group used

Update savepoints problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(1 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

Problems running grunt shifter

shifter problems

(2 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

contains 1 lint errors
contains 8 lint errors

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]