Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(12 errors, 7 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#23) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#69) Expected "} else {\n"; found "}\n else {\n"
(#23) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#37) TRUE, FALSE and NULL must be lowercase; expected "null" but found "NULL"
(#23) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#23) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#26) Opening brace should be on the same line as the declaration
(#40) "require_once" must be immediately followed by an open parenthesis
(#23) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#33) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#33) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#35) Inline comments must start with a capital letter, digit or 3-dots sequence
(#36) Line exceeds maximum limit of 180 characters; contains 193 characters
(#38) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 177 characters
(#38) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#28) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion
(#23) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#62) Commas (,) must be followed by white space.
(#23) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.

Javascript coding style problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

CSS problems

(1 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by stylelint [More info]

(#10) Expected newline after "," (selector-list-comma-newline-after)

PHPDocs style problems

(32 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#25) Class block_sitenews is not documented
(#43) Function block_sitenews::instance_allow_multiple is not documented
(#47) Function block_sitenews::applicable_formats is not documented
(#27) Variable block_sitenews::$items is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#25) Function xmldb_block_sitenews_install is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#25) Function xmldb_block_sitenews_uninstall is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#25) Function xmldb_block_sitenews_upgrade is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#23) Class block_sitenews_edit_form is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#25) Class block_sitenews_renderer is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#30) Phpdocs for function block_sitenews_renderer::sitenews has incomplete parameters list
(#55) Phpdocs for function block_sitenews_renderer::editing_bar_head has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @copyright tag

Update savepoints problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(1 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

Problems running grunt
Task "stylelint:css" failed. Use --force to continue.

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]