Quick Course List

Blocks ::: block_quickcourselist
Maintained by Gemma Lesterhuis
This block allows quick searching of Moodle courses, and displays a link to the course page.
Latest release:
355 sites
19 fans
Current versions available: 5
On 17-11-2023 LT&C / Gemma took over de maintaince of this plugin.  Please be aware:
  1. that we don't support OLDER versions of this plugin. 
  2. We don't reply on the comment section. In case you have questions please use the Moodle fora
  3. Found a bug? Please report it on the Github.
  4. You want to support the maintaince and version control of this add-on? Send an email to sales@ltnc.nl

What can you do with Quick find list? 

Like the Quick Find List, this block displays a search box on the page, but instead of searching through users, searches through Courses.  Courses that match the search string can be displayed as:

  • shortname 
  • fullname 
  • Shortname + fullname
  • Fullname + Startdate course
  • Fullname + Course Category name
  • Shortname + Fullname + Course Category name

Searching course can be done on shortname, Fullname, Course IDnumber. 

If Javascript is available, the block will "Find as you type", otherwise a button will be displayed to submit the search.

Will there be a version of this block for Moodle version x.x?

If you'd like to use this block on a later version than the latest release says is supported, try it and see if it works.  There's usually no changes that would affect this block, so it's better to try it and let me know if there's a problem than to ask me if/when there will be an update. 

If you want to ensure yourself of a new release, please contact (sales@ltnc.nl) for more information on how you can contribute to the maintaince of this plugin. 

Please dont report bugs here

If you experience an error with the block, or would like to request a feature, please use the "Bug Tracker" link below. Please bare in mind that we only fix bugs or add new features when you are enrolled to our subscription model. A pull request will be validated by use, decission will be made per case. 


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Gemma Lesterhuis (Lead maintainer)
Mark Johnson: Original maintainer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Mark Johnson
    Tue, 13 Mar 2012, 7:15 PM
    Thanks for the feedback,
    I've created an bug on the Github page for this problem:

    Please can you comment on the bug with a bit more information about your environment - server platform, which database and web server you're using etc?
  • Sally Brownlow
    Thu, 22 Mar 2012, 6:47 AM
    I am loving the plugin , thanks so much. I would just love to see two enhancement: 1) to ahve the abilty to re-name it to "Search for Course" or "Course Finder" 2) the ability to display either just the short course name or the long course name, or both. Thanks smile
  • Birgit May
    Mon, 30 Apr 2012, 8:42 PM

    I like this block too but wonder if it is also possible to search for the teacher? Do you think that's possible?


  • Julia Küfner
    Wed, 2 May 2012, 10:35 PM
    am I right that it is "only" possible to use the plugin for admins? Would be great if I had the possibility to add it for all kinds of roles, even students.

  • Mark Johnson
    Fri, 4 May 2012, 9:07 PM
    You can override the title using Moodle's Language Customisation tool. Just override the "quickcourselist" string for the "block_quickcourselist" component.
    I've added your second request to the issue tracker.

    Searching for teachers is possible using the Quick Find List block. It is similar to this but searches users, and allows you to configure a role to search for.

    Anyone can use the block, you just need to give them the block/quickfindlist:use capability.
  • sue sugizaki
    Tue, 3 July 2012, 4:54 PM
    I can't install this on 2.2.2+.
  • Mark Johnson
    Fri, 6 July 2012, 8:20 PM
    Hi Sue,
    Can you please give some more details?
  • Thomas Schoeftner
    Tue, 28 Aug 2012, 6:24 PM
    Hello all!
    Somehow I still can't get this block to work. If I login as a teacher or admin I can see the block in a course, but if I login as a student in a course the block is not displayed for some reason. I also checked the permissions (which are set that students may see this block) but still no success - any help would be much appreciated!
  • Mark Johnson
    Tue, 28 Aug 2012, 6:29 PM
    Hi Thomas,
    Just to check the permissions - there's a system level capability called quickcourselist:use which users will need to have to use the block, even if they have the block-level permission to view the instance of the block. If you want everyone to be able to use the block, I'd suggest giving the quickcourselist:use capability to the Authenticated User system role.
  • Thomas Schoeftner
    Tue, 28 Aug 2012, 6:32 PM
    Hello Mark!
    where exactly do I find this "quickcourselist:use" - can I do this as the admin on the moodle platform or do I have to change some php-code?
    I'm on 2.3.1+ by the way
  • Mark Johnson
    Tue, 28 Aug 2012, 6:38 PM
    Hi Thomas
    You just need to use the Moodle admin interface to assign the capability to the role, under Site Administration->Users->Permissions->Define Roles. If you need help using this interface, your best bet is to read the Documentation[1] and ask in the forums[2]

    [1] http://docs.moodle.org/23/en/Capabilities/
    [2] http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=6826
  • Thomas Schoeftner
    Tue, 28 Aug 2012, 6:55 PM
    Dear Mark!
    Thank you very much indeed - got it to work now - I love this block by the way!!
  • Phuong Hoang
    Sun, 11 Aug 2013, 5:56 PM
    Thanks for your useful block! It works well. I just wonder why It doesn't search button as demo. Do I miss something?
  • Mark Johnson
    Sun, 11 Aug 2013, 8:04 PM
    The search button is only visible if Javascript isn't available (or fails for some reason). Otherwise, it does find-as-you-type!
  • Phuong Hoang
    Sun, 11 Aug 2013, 11:17 PM
    Thanks Mark, I got it.
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