Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(7 errors, 2 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#40) global $PAGE cannot be used in block classes. Use $this->page.
(#47) global $PAGE cannot be used in block classes. Use $this->page.
(#48) global $PAGE cannot be used in block classes. Use $this->page.
(#242) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks
(#294) Expected 1 space after "="; 0 found
(#344) Inline doc block comments are not allowed; use "// Comment." instead
(#17) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.
(#51) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 133 characters
(#26) Expected MOODLE_INTERNAL check or config.php inclusion. Change in global state detected.

Javascript coding style problems

(0 errors, 4 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

(#1) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#2) Expected space or tab after '/*' in comment. (spaced-comment)
(#8) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)
(#9) Expected space(s) after "if". (keyword-spacing)

CSS problems

(4 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by stylelint [More info]

(#2) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#46) Unexpected !important (declaration-no-important)
(#88) Expected single space after "," in a single-line function (function-comma-space-after)
(#88) Expected single space after "," in a single-line function (function-comma-space-after)

PHPDocs style problems

(50 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#25) Class block_grade_me is not documented
(#27) Function block_grade_me::init is not documented
(#28) Class quiz_observers is not documented
(#28) Class quiz_util is not documented
(#27) Class cache_grade_data is not documented
(#29) Function cache_grade_data::get_name is not documented
(#33) Function cache_grade_data::execute is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#27) Class reset_block is not documented
(#29) Function reset_block::get_name is not documented
(#33) Function reset_block::execute is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#35) Package blocks is not valid
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#216) Function block_grade_me_cache_reset is not documented
(#224) Function block_grade_me_cache_grade_data is not documented
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#82) Phpdocs for function block_grade_me_array has incomplete parameters list
(#17) File-level phpdocs block does not have @license tag
(#25) There is no description in phpdocs for function block_grade_me_required_capability_assign
(#25) There is no description in phpdocs for function block_grade_me_required_capability_assignment
(#17) Package is not specified for function block_grade_me_required_capability_data. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#26) Package is not specified for function block_grade_me_query_data. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) Function block_grade_me_required_capability_data is not documented
(#17) Package is not specified for function block_grade_me_required_capability_forum. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#26) Package is not specified for function block_grade_me_query_forum. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) Function block_grade_me_required_capability_forum is not documented
(#17) Package is not specified for function block_grade_me_required_capability_glossary. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#26) Package is not specified for function block_grade_me_query_glossary. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) Function block_grade_me_required_capability_glossary is not documented
(#22) Package is not specified for function block_grade_me_required_capability_quiz. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#31) Package is not specified for function block_grade_me_query_quiz. It is also not specified in file-level phpdocs
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#22) Function block_grade_me_required_capability_quiz is not documented
(#17) File-level phpdocs block is not found
(#17) No one-line description found in phpdocs for file
(#30) There is no description in phpdocs for function the_grade_me_block_is_present_on_all_pages
(#53) Phpdocs for function behat_block_grade_me::i_set_the_hidden_field_with_xpath_to has incomplete parameters list
(#21) Category phpunit is not valid
(#39) Class block_grade_me_testcase is not documented
(#44) Phpdocs for function block_grade_me_testcase::create_grade_me_data has incomplete parameters list
(#587) Phpdocs for function block_grade_me_testcase::standard_query_tests has incomplete parameters list
(#186) Invalid phpdocs tag @TODO used
(#277) Invalid phpdocs tag @TODO used
(#730) Invalid phpdocs tag @TODO used

Update savepoints problems

(2 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Detected more 'if' blocks (4) than 'savepoint' calls (3)
version 2015102402 is missing corresponding savepoint call

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(1 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

Problems running grunt
Task "stylelint:css" failed. Use --force to continue.

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]

Gherkin .feature problems

(394 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in behat .feature files [More info]

(#4) Wrong indentation for "Background", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#5) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#6) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#12) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#15) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#22) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#27) Wrong indentation for "Scenario", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#28) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#29) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#30) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#31) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#38) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#40) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#41) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#42) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#43) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#44) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#46) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#47) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#48) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#50) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#51) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#52) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#53) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#54) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#56) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#57) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#58) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#60) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#61) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#62) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#63) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#64) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#66) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#67) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#68) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#70) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#71) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#72) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#73) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#74) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#75) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#76) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#77) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#78) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#79) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#80) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#81) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#82) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#84) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#85) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#86) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#88) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#89) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#90) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#91) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#92) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#93) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#94) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#95) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#96) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#97) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#99) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#100) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#101) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#102) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#103) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#104) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#105) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#106) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#107) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#108) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#109) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#111) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#112) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#113) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#114) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#115) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#117) Wrong indentation for "Scenario", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#118) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#119) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#120) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#121) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#129) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#131) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#132) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#133) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#134) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#135) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#137) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#138) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#139) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#141) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#142) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#143) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#144) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#145) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#147) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#148) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#149) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#151) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#152) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#153) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#154) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#155) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#157) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#158) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#159) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#161) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#162) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#163) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#164) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#165) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#166) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#167) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#168) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#169) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#170) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#171) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#172) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#173) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#175) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#176) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#177) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#179) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#180) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#181) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#182) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#183) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#184) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#185) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#186) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#187) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#188) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#190) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#191) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#192) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#193) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#194) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#195) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#196) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#197) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#198) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#199) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#200) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#202) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#203) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#204) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#205) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#206) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 6
(#4) Wrong indentation for "Background", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#5) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#6) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#10) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#13) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#18) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#23) Wrong indentation for "Scenario", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#24) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#28) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#29) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#30) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#31) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#32) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#33) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#34) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#35) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#37) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#38) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#39) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#40) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#41) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#42) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#43) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#44) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#46) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#47) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#48) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#49) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#50) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#51) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#52) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#53) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#54) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#55) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#56) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#58) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#59) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#60) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#61) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#63) Wrong indentation for "Scenario", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#64) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#68) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#69) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#70) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#71) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#72) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#73) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#74) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#75) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#77) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#78) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#79) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#80) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#81) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#82) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#83) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#84) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#86) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#87) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#88) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#89) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#90) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#91) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#92) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#93) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#94) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#95) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#96) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#98) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#99) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#100) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#101) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#103) Wrong indentation for "Scenario", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#104) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#108) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#109) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#110) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#111) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#112) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#113) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#114) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#115) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#117) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#118) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#119) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#120) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#121) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#122) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#123) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#124) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#126) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#127) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#128) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#129) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#130) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#131) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#132) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#133) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#134) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#135) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#136) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#138) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#139) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#140) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#141) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#4) Wrong indentation for "Background", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#5) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#6) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#11) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#14) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#20) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#25) Wrong indentation for "Scenario", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#26) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#29) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#30) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#31) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#35) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#39) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#43) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#45) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#46) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#47) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#48) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#49) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#50) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#51) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#52) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#53) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#54) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#55) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#57) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#58) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#59) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#60) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#61) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#62) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#63) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#64) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#65) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#66) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#67) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#69) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#70) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#71) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#72) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#73) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#74) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#75) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#76) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#77) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#78) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#79) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#80) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#81) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#82) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#83) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#84) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#86) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#87) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#88) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#89) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#90) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#91) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#93) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#94) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#95) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#96) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#97) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#98) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#99) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#100) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#101) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#102) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#104) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#105) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#106) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#107) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#108) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#110) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#111) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#112) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#113) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#114) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#116) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#117) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#119) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#120) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#121) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#122) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#123) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#124) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#4) Wrong indentation for "Background", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#5) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#6) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#11) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#15) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#24) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#31) Multiple empty lines are not allowed
(#32) Wrong indentation for "Scenario", expected indentation level of 2, but got 4
(#33) Wrong indentation for "given", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#36) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#37) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#38) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#42) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#46) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#50) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#51) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#52) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#59) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#61) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#62) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#63) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#64) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#65) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#66) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#67) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#68) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#69) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#70) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#71) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#73) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#74) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#75) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#76) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#77) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#79) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#80) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#81) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#83) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#84) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#85) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#86) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#87) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#89) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#90) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#91) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#93) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#94) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#95) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#96) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#97) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#99) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#100) Wrong indentation for "Step", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8
(#101) Wrong indentation for "and", expected indentation level of 4, but got 8