SAML Authentication (simpleSAMLphp required)

Authentication ::: auth_saml
Maintained by Sixto Martin Garcia
SAML Authentication plugin based on the simplesamlphp software. (Also install the SAML Enrolment plugin if you want auto-enrol based on SAML)
Latest release:
365 sites
21 fans
Current versions available: 4


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Moodle's SAML PluginMoodle's SAML Plugin


  • Mark Stewart - Moodle Administrator in New Zealand

Info of the plugin

This plugin add SAML authentication support to Moodle.
If you need auto-enrol based on SAML you need to install the SAML Enrolment Plugin too.


Install in the same machine a simpleSAMLphp instance and configure it as a Service Provider

Install Instruction
1. Unpack this saml directory into the /auth/ directory as you would for any Moodle auth module (

2. Login to Moodle as an administrator, and activate the module by navigating
Site administration->Plugins->Manage authentication->SAML Authentication

3. Let priivileges to the server user to write over the auth/saml/saml_config.php file.

After the installation we must configure the saml plugin, so go to "Settings" if you are in
"Manage Authentication" page, or you can also go to Users > Authentication > SAML Authentication. These are the fields of this form:

  • simpleSAMLphp Path: it will not work unless you specify the saml library path. This refers to the library path for the simpleSAMLphp environment you want to use. For example: /var/simplesamlphp/lib
  • SimpleSAMLphp SP source. Select the SP source you want to connect to moodle. (Sources are at the SP of simpleSAMLphp in /config/authsources.php).
  • SAML username mapping: it is a SAML attribute that will be mapped to the Moodle username. By default, this attribute will be set to 'mail'.
  • Single Log out: Enable/disable the single logout. This will log out you from moodle, identity provider and all conected service providers 
  • SAML Image: when you enable the SAML authentication plugin, a new button will be shown in the login Moodle page that allows to authenticate via SAML. By default, the simpleSAMLphp image (something like a fish) will be shown, but you can specify another one you want to use. Note: this image needs to exist in the server as it is not possible to upload an image through the form right now. 
  • SAML login description: you can also specify a description text for the previous button. This description will be shown below the SAML image in the login Moodle page.
  • Log file path: this is the absolute path of a file where the plugin will log information about its actions. It is optional.
  • Hook file path: this is the absolute path of a file with php functions that will be called to alter the default behaviour of this plugin. See the file custom_hook.php for more information.
  • SAML support Courses: this select has three options:
    • No suport (default value): the plugin will not have support for enrolling the user into courses automatically
    • Internal: the plugin will use an internal database table to map the courses in the next field with Moodle courses 
    • External: the plugin will use a tabla in an external database to map the courses in the next field with Moodle courses.
  • SAML courses mapping: it is a SAML attribute that is mapped to Moodle courses data. By default, it is set to 'schacUserStatus'.
  • Field used to identify a course: this can be the Short Name or the Number ID and referes to the Moodle field used to identify a course during the matching phase of the plugin.
  • Ignore inactive courses: if this field is checked the user will stay in previous enrolled courses even if the status of the course is inactive in the SAML attribute. 
  • Data Mapping section:  The Identity Provider (IdP) provides some user's data such as the first name, surname, email address, etc. In this section, you can specify the correspondence with the same data in Moodle. By default, the configuration is set as is shown below: First name = cn Surname = sn Email Address = mail
  • Course Mapping section: The course mapping section allows the administrator to link saml courses and moodle courses. To make it working we need to create an intermediate database on where we can store this data. This database will have the following internal structure:
    Field Type  Null   Key  Default    Extra
    course_mapping_id int(11)   NO   PRI   NULL  auto_increment
    saml_course_id    varchar(20)  NO    NULL  
     saml_course_period  int(4)  NO    NULL  
     lms_course_id  text  NO    NULL  

    Once we already have created the database, we need to specify the DSN (Data Source Name) that has the following syntax: 
    • MySQL
    • SQLite
    • PostgresSQL
  • Below the database DSN field we can start introducing course mappings between Moodle and SAML courses. No field can be null, if you try to introduce a null course mapping, this data will be ignored and it will not be saved in the database. If you try to introduce a duplicate course mapping this data will not be saved in the database and you will be redirected to the form showing an error. If you want to delete a course mapping you must only check the corresponding checkbox to the left and clicking to 'delete' button. Also, you can update the previous introduced course mappings in every moment if the new data doesn't conflicts with none of the previous course mappings. Is possible to introduce several course mappings at the same time, you can add a new row by clicking in '+' button to the right. It no errors happen while introducing the course mappings, you will be redirected to the 'Manage Authentication' page as with any other field of the form.
In order to support course enrolling you must install the SAML Enrolment plugin, otherwise set SAML support Courses to 'no support'. 

Internal Changes
The 'config.html' file was renamed to 'config.php' because it now has PHP code. - Two new files was created in SAML plugin directory: - 'courses.php': this file contains the needed PHP code for showing the new 'Course mapping' table. - 'DBNewDatabase.php': this file contains a tiny function for creating a database connection, because it seems there is a bug when you try to open a SQLite database connection using a DSN.

In 'auth.php' we have used 'validate_form' for validating the form and store the errors, and 'process_config' for saving the data into the database if there are no errors. Also, 'sync_roles' function have been modified for mapping roles and courses.

These changes are tested and valid for simpleSAMLphp >= 1.7

Important for enrollment!!

This plugin suppose that the IdP send the courses data of the user in a attribute that can be configured but the pattern of the expected data is always

You can change this pattern editing the file auth/saml/course_mapping.php

Default pattern is:  <country> : <domain> : <courseId> : <period> : <role> : <status>
status could be 'active' or 'inactive',
courseId, period and role depends on the configuration of the mapping.

And you may prefix it with the urn of your attribute. The default vaulue for carry course data is shacUserStatus so you may prefix the prevous string with the related urn

If you use other attribute than shacUserStatus or you want to change the fortmat of the course data you may edit the course_mapping.php file



Problems with the login view

SAML auth plugin rewirte the login view I had to copy some code of the login/index.php view and made some changes. If you find problems on the login view, you can disable the "login view replacement". Edit the auth/saml/auth.php, at the the loginpage_hoook funcion, disable the following code:
        if (empty($CFG->alternateloginurl)) {
            $CFG->alternateloginurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/auth/saml/login.php';

Then edit the login/index_form.html and insert before:


<h2><?php print_string("returningtosite") ?></h2> 


the following code

Who is using SAML plugin?


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Sixto Martin Garcia (Lead maintainer)
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הצגת הערות
  • To Julie Prescott!
    I just want to let you know that I've been totally dependent on SAML to work. We have probably 50-80 installations that runs a SAML integration with ADFS, Feide (NOR common login for all schools in norway, etc..) and when this plugin no longer was maintained we had to think on something else. Since the GDPR-rules are coming soon, we already have all installations on 3.3/3.4 with the auth_saml2 module installed. Actually, it's much simpler to use saml2 than saml. All SimpleSamlPhp files are accessible and you can do changes to authsources, config, sp/idp-remote etc..
    So if you can clone your site and try an upgrade on a dev-environment you should be able to get things work with saml2.

    To answer one question of yours, all settings are stored from the old saml-module as long as you don't delete the tables in the DB. If you install auth_saml on the new version, all settings are kept.
  • Naresh devarasetty
    13/06/2018, 19:18
    I followed the above instructions and after this step

    "After the installation we must configure the saml plugin, so go to "Settings" if you are in
    "Manage Authentication" page, or you can also go to Users > Authentication > SAML Authentication."

    I could not see the settings option beside "Site administration --> Plugins --> Authentication --> Manage authentication --> SAML Authentication".

    I have installed and configured SimpleSAMLphp. I configured "/var/www/simplesamlphp/lib" path in /auth/saml/samp_config.php file. Still I could not see the Setting link for SAML Authentication plugin.

    Could you please help me.

  • Sixto Martin Garcia
    16/01/2019, 02:57
    I released a version compatible with moodle 3.4+ but it removes support for internal/external role/course mapping. Now those data is managed as moodle settings.
  • Derek Henderson
    7/03/2019, 02:47
    Hi - just wondering what the relaystate setting should be in simplesamlphp in order for this work properly.

    For example - we are trying to pass in a link to a course:

    The relay state is set to:
  • Heidi W
    10/05/2019, 21:26
    We have big problems with this plugin with moodle versions 3.6.2 amd 3.6.3. Upgrading broke the database because it named plugin wrong. We fixed it manually but after saving some settings the next page can not be shown. Only blank page is shown with http error 500. This problem is only in moodles with this plugin. What makes this problem? Version of this plugin is the newest one.
  • Sixto Martin Garcia
    13/07/2019, 00:04
    @Simon Harbinson,

    those parameters will be listed on the User Attribute Mapping section.
    Are you sure you are adding in the settings the same values that came from the simpleSAMLphp SP?
    You can always add a breakpoint at
    and see the data that returns the getAttributes method and compare the names there with the ones you set on the mapping section.
  • Irith Herman
    14/07/2019, 23:21
    I moved my moodle to a new server and now I have problem with the plugin.
    Every time when I am trying to login its sends me toa form update my details when I save I got this error
    I got this error:Forbidden
    You don't have permission to access /user/edit.php on this server.
    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
  • Chelsy Ann Koshy
    19/08/2019, 21:51

    We are not able to login using SAML authentication and getting the below error after entering the username and password.

    Notice: Undefined variable: user in ..../lib/outputrenderers.php on line 3291
    Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: User id is required when printing user avatar image.
    Debug info:
    Error code: codingerror
    Stack trace:

    line 219 of /lib/outputcomponents.php: coding_exception thrown
    line 2480 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to user_picture->__construct()
    line 839 of /user/lib.php: call to core_renderer->user_picture()
    line 3294 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to user_get_user_navigation_info()
    line 219 of /lib/mustache/src/Mustache/Context.php: call to core_renderer->get_user_name()
    line 138 of /lib/mustache/src/Mustache/Context.php: call to Mustache_Context->findVariableInStack()
    line 67 of /lib/mustache/src/Mustache/Template.php: call to __Mustache_dc53af75f8d1a9b2ba67816a08168563->renderInternal()
    line 191 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to Mustache_Template->render()
    line 27 of /theme/remui/layout/columns2.php: call to renderer_base->render_from_template()
    line 1287 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to include()
    line 1217 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_renderer->render_page_layout()
    line 1881 of /lib/setuplib.php: call to core_renderer->header()
    line 23 of /auth/saml/error.php: call to bootstrap_renderer->__call()
    line 204 of /auth/saml/index.php: call to auth_saml_error()

    Not sure,why this error is showing.Can you please help to reslove this?
  • Sixto Martin Garcia
    19/08/2019, 22:36

    "User id is required when printing user avatar image" is not an error related to the SAML plugin, it seems something related to to your template.
  • Irith Herman
    3/09/2019, 19:04
    After log in with Saml students can"t log out.
    They pressing the log out button but staying looged in. moodle 3.5
  • Bobby Siegfried
    2/11/2019, 03:37
    I'm just wondering if other large Moodle instances have had trouble with the course mapping feature. I had to comment out the lines in the settings.php file that print out those settings. This is because our instance of Moodle contains about 30,000 courses. Do you have other suggestions besides what I did?
  • Sixto Martin Garcia
    2/11/2019, 17:22
    Hi Bobby,

    I never tested the module on a instance with 30.000 courses.
    I guess in that case you have an error due lack of memory for the PHP process.
    I dont see an easy solution here, rather than try to identify the number of courses and if they are more than 2000 try to paginate them, but this is a complex feature to be added.
  • Irith Herman
    9/12/2019, 19:13
    Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/var/www/../auth/saml/custom_hook.php' for inclusion (include_path='/home/../public_html/../lib/pear:.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/share/pear') in /home/../public_html/../auth/saml/index.php on line 151
  • Wolf Ventir
    12/12/2019, 22:09
    Is there any way with this module to add a IDP public assertion certificate like the type that Azure AD puts out?

    From the SimpleSamlPHP documetnation under IDP where you add SingleSignOnService and SingleLogoutService, you can also add a cert. I do not see any way to add that with this module
  • Bobby Siegfried
    17/12/2020, 04:42
    Is there support planned for 3.9.x? Also - I'm wondering if anyone has encountered issues with Moodle 3.7 and callback URLs being http despite site settings being set to https (this is related to a new security feature Chrome rolled out and then rolled back until January 2021) Here is a great post about it including the link to a "bug" report filed with Chrome - though it is not a bug with Chrome. The issue reared it's head yesterday. Since they rolled back the change, you can't reproduce it today, but using SAML Tracer plugin for Chrome, you may see an http:// URL in there redirecting to https://. Thanks!
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