Prechecker results: error

PHP lint problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows php lint problems in the code detected by php -l [More info]

PHP coding style problems

(0 errors, 5 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by phpcs [More info]

(#30) Expected login check (require_login, require_course_login, admin_externalpage_setup) following config inclusion. None found.
(#30) Expected login check (require_login, require_course_login, admin_externalpage_setup) following config inclusion. None found.
(#265) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 172 characters
(#268) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 153 characters
(#272) Line exceeds 132 characters; contains 145 characters

Javascript coding style problems

(0 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows the coding style problems detected in the code by eslint [More info]

(#3) Missing JSDoc comment. (require-jsdoc)

CSS problems

(17 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows CSS problems detected by stylelint [More info]

(#34) Expected a trailing semicolon (declaration-block-trailing-semicolon)
(#34) Expected single space after ":" with a single-line declaration (declaration-colon-space-after)
(#2) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#3) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#4) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#8) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#12) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#17) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#21) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#23) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#22) Expected indentation of 8 spaces (indentation)
(#27) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#30) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#28) Expected indentation of 8 spaces (indentation)
(#29) Expected indentation of 8 spaces (indentation)
(#34) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)
(#38) Expected indentation of 4 spaces (indentation)

PHPDocs style problems

(2 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows the phpdocs problems detected in the code by local_moodlecheck [More info]

(#638) Phpdocs for function printgroupsubmission::add_pdf_group_page_members has incomplete parameters list
(#30) Class provider is not documented

Update savepoints problems

(1 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the handling of upgrade savepoints [More info]

Wrong order in versions: 2018051000 and 2018012300

Third party library modification problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected with the modification of third party libraries [More info]

grunt changes

(1 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows files built by grunt and not commited [More info]

Problems running grunt
Task "stylelint:css" failed. Use --force to continue.

shifter problems

(0 errors, 0 warnings)

This section shows problems detected by shifter [More info]

Mustache template problems

(0 errors, 1 warnings)

This section shows problems detected in mustache templates [More info]

(#1) Example context missing (@template section not found.)